昨日バスに乗っていた時のことです。ドライバーと乗客の一人が話しているのが聞こえ、その会話の中でドライバーが声を大にして“You are the diehard !” と言ったのが耳に入ってきました。ダイ・ハードといえば有名な映画のタイトルですが、よく考えてみたら…
Ignore the scaremongering: the risks of being overweight are overplayed. Anxiety, on the other hand, does cause problems (Skip the rest)https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/30/fat-pregnant-woman-i-refuse-panic-baby-health?CMP…
漫画・アニメが地域活性化に繋がっています。前略HOKUEI, Tottori Prefecture--Hokuei may be just another hick town, so why all the visitors, many of them from overseas?以下省略http://www.asahi.com/sp/ajw/articles/AJ201807300006.htmlhick /hɪk/ …
Until this month, nobody would have imagined that the bucolic Lapland town of Jokkmokk could be home to one of the world’s busiest fire brigades.Nestled beside a bank of pink willowherb and the start line of the Arctic 220km ski marathon, …
'Panicked' kangaroo smashes way into Australian homeAn Australian family has been startled awake after a kangaroo crashed its way through a window in their home.The residents managed to trap the marsupial in a bathroom after it "ran amok" …
エア・カナダ5便、ボーイング787型機が成田空港に到着した後、誤って建設中の誘導路に入って身動きがとれなくなりました。Narita Airport closes runway after Air Canada plane mistakenly enters taxiway under constructionNarita Airport closed one of …
パイクプレースマーケットを散策していた時に、その歴史についてのパネルのようなものを見つけました。 “On December 15, 1941, eight days after the Japanese attack on the U.S. fleet in Pearl Harbor, the Sanitary Market was destroyed by fire. Alth…
台風西日本を横断しました。21人の怪我人が出ているようです。21 injured as Typhoon Jongdari traverses west JapanOSAKA – A weakening Typhoon Jongdari rumbled across western Japan on Sunday, causing heavy rain and thunderstorms that were expect…
北極海クルーズのツアーガイドを襲ったホッキョクグマが射殺されました。前略This story is abhorrent," wrote tweeter @nicell70. "Slaying an endangered wild animal in its natural environment which was being invaded by gluttonous exploitative hum…
最近、ESL cyber listeningというlistening, reading, pronunciation, accentの基礎力強化を図るための教材に手をつけ始めました。その中で出会った単語を紹介します。 put s.o. onです。casualな日常会話のリスニング時に、この “Are you putting me on?” …
インドネシアのロンボク島でマグニチュード6.4の地震が発生しました。At least 10 dead, 40 hurt as 6.4 quake hits Indonesia islandA shallow, magnitude 6.4 earthquake early Sunday killed at least 10 people and injured 40 on Indonesia’s Lombok Is…
Joy Behar, a co-host on The View, mentioned that Ocasio-Cortez’s platform, which includes outlandish proposals such as paid sick leave and healthcare for everyone, sounded like a pretty good idea. (Skip the rest)https://www.google.co.jp/am…
23 people injured due to Jongdari At least 23 people in 8 prefectures across Japan have been injured by the storm that's heading across western Japan. Jongdari made landfall as a typhoon before being downgraded to a tropical storm.中略A st…
台風12号は西へと進み、異例の逆走台風となりました。Typhoon No. 12 barrels through western Japan from east to west A strong typhoon that made landfall on Mie Prefecture before dawn on July 29 is moving slowly through western Japan and bringi…
An eerie orange glow fell Saturday on the charred remains of Redding, Calif. — the aftermath of a raging wildfire that has torched more than 80,000 acres, and killed two firefighters and three civilians.The Carr Fire inferno, stoked by dry…
侍に扮し、54頭の馬にまたがった人々が町を行進したりする相馬野馬追が福島県で行われました。Fifty-four horses with riders dressed as samurai paraded on Saturday in Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, as part of the Soma Nomaoi festival. This is the f…
Scores of flights were suspended and rail passengers experienced long delays as a strong typhoon approached Japan's main island of Honshu from the Pacific Ocean.中略It urged residents in those areas to be extra vigilant against strong wind…
強い台風12号は、明日にかけて東海地方から西日本に上陸すると見られています。前略After making landfall, the typhoon is projected to head toward western Japan, putting Okayama, Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures in its path. All three prefectures…
It’s rare I watch a video on Facebook to the end. My online attention span has been whittled to a husk by a crowd-pleasing parade of clips of babies doing funny things with peanut butter and dogs being very good boys, and there are only so…
1月31日に続き、今年で二度目の皆既月食が観測されました。World gazes at total lunar eclipse, longest of this centuryCuriosity and awe have greeted a complete lunar eclipse, the longest one of this century and visible in much of the world.The…
今回取り上げるのは、 “TGIF” です。海外から来たインターン生との会話の中で出てきた表現で、意味がわからなかったため調べてみました。 『ウィズダム英和辞典』で調べてみると、「(主に米) Thank Got it’s Friday. (金曜日ばんざい)」と載っており、日本で…
最長寿の117歳の日本人女性がお亡くなりになりました。In rapidly graying Japan, living till you're 100 is no longer a milestone for many: Miyako Chiyo, the oldest person in the country and world, died Sunday aged 117, according to the country…
千葉県銚子市に大正時代をイメージした電車があるようです。A retro-themed train inspired by the distinctive style of the Taisho Era (1912-1926) is taking passengers on a trip down memory lane, thanks to the city-based Choshi Electric Railway …
巨人の山口俊投手が中日を相手に投げ、ノーヒットノーランを達成しました。Giants hurler Shun Yamaguchi notches no-hitter against DragonsShun Yamaguchi grabbed the brim of his cap and looked downward as if caught up in the moment and trying to …
映画観賞 (13 Reasons Why)をしている際に出会った単語を紹介します。 carpe diem /ˈkär-pe-ˈdē-ˌem/ です。初め聞いたときはswear wordsの類に当てはまるのではないかと予想し、同時に、偉人の諺の引用からくる単語であるような印象を受けました。以下で…
東京・多摩市の建築工事現場で火災が発生しました。作業員5人が亡くなり、40人もの負傷者が出ています。前略The fire brigade, which received an emergency call at around 1:50 p.m., said about 5,000 square meters of the 17,500 square meters of tota…
再びCTVニュースからです。Alberta firefighter dies while battling Ontario wildfiresAlberta Premier Rachel Notley says an Alberta firefighter has died unexpectedly while he was helping fight wildfires in Ontario. In a statement Friday, Notle…
American, which in searches previously displayed the main airport in Taiwan's capital city as "TPE, Taiwan", switched to "TPE-Taoyuan International" and it dropped "Taiwan" from search results. Similarly, Delta similarly changed from menti…