常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


wrangle 復習

侍に扮し、54頭の馬にまたがった人々が町を行進したりする相馬野馬追が福島県で行われました。Fifty-four horses with riders dressed as samurai paraded on Saturday in Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, as part of the Soma Nomaoi festival. This is the f…

vigilant 復習

Scores of flights were suspended and rail passengers experienced long delays as a strong typhoon approached Japan's main island of Honshu from the Pacific Ocean.中略It urged residents in those areas to be extra vigilant against strong wind…

rut 復習


downpour 復習

強い台風12号は、明日にかけて東海地方から西日本に上陸すると見られています。前略After making landfall, the typhoon is projected to head toward western Japan, putting Okayama, Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures in its path. All three prefectures…

husk 復習

It’s rare I watch a video on Facebook to the end. My online attention span has been whittled to a husk by a crowd-pleasing parade of clips of babies doing funny things with peanut butter and dogs being very good boys, and there are only so…

war-torn 復習

1月31日に続き、今年で二度目の皆既月食が観測されました。World gazes at total lunar eclipse, longest of this centuryCuriosity and awe have greeted a complete lunar eclipse, the longest one of this century and visible in much of the world.The…