An eerie orange glow fell Saturday on the charred remains of Redding, Calif. — the aftermath of a raging wildfire that has torched more than 80,000 acres, and killed two firefighters and three civilians.
The Carr Fire inferno, stoked by dry air and whipping winds, turned the town into a baked moonscape where whole blocks of homes and rows of cars became ash.
今回気になったのはmoonscape /múːnskèɪp/ です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』で意味を確認すると「月面風景,月面風景画;(月面に似た地球上の)荒涼とした風景」とありました。LDOCEを参照すると“an area of land with no plants that looks like the sun face of the Moon”と上記のカルフォルニアの様子を想像しやすい定義が記載されています。(Kiwi girl)