常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


treat myself to~ 復習

たまには自分へのご褒美--treated myself to UNAGI! 元気になるぞ!



Top of the World

A couple of days ago, I ran up Mt. Oyama in the Tanzawa area, Kanagawa pref. From the summit, I was able to have an exellent view of Mt.Fuji near which we went to last weekend. Up to the top of Mt. Oyama, there were lots of hard slopes, bu…


田邉先生 おはようございます。田邉ゼミ卒業生のAkimです。 昨日の夕方の便で日本を発ち、現在オレゴン州のポートランド (PDX)でトランジット待ちをしています。出発前にご連絡するつもりだったのですが、バタバタしてしまい遅れての報告となってしまいまし…

Beaming smiles

Dear Prof. Tanabe,I will be late in arriving at your office today. Because I am going to a bank for my moving expenses. I attended the ceremony today. It was a sight! I'l give it my best shot!Yours,Cayu




今日は中野で会議でした。長男が途中までカバン持ちを務めてくれたので,お昼は"豪華に"天馬のカレー(カレーパンが有名なお店)。 わたしはビーフカレー。息子はカツカレー。 会議室からの遠景。中野駅方面。

The sky's the limit!

Dear Dr. Tanabe,Thank you for allowing me to take part in the seminar today. Since I couldn't make myself motivated enough, seeing the members studying and hearing the news of some junior members progressing after graduation enabled me to …



Thank-you note

Dear Prof.Tanabe,My seminar did not have an intensive English camp during the spring break. So I simply envied your students. In fact, I thought that the members of this seminar were really blessed with an excellent teacher, highly-motivat…

Reflection on the camp

The seminar’s intensive camp is over. I learned a lot of things in the camp. In particular, Dr. Tanabe corrected our English writings (at the same time Japanese ones) and it helped me a lot. In our daily life, we barely have a chance of ha…

Some thoughts on the Camp

I took part in a spring camp from March 25th to March 27th.Looking back, I learned so many things throughout the camp. I’d like to write two things that stick out in mind.The first one is “to change my mindsets”. I learned this from a talk…

After finishing the English training camp

I went to a Senshu seminar house in Yamanashi prefecture from March 25 through 27. I got a couple of lectures from Dr. Tanabe. Thank you so much. It was the first time for me to experience an English seminar camp. I learned a lot of import…


田邉先生春寒ゆるむ候、お元気でお過ごしでしょうか。 ご無沙汰しております。田邉ゼミ卒業生の北千住の帝王です。さて、表題の件ですが、先日3年間担任をしていた生徒を無事に送り出し、5年間勤めていた都立⚪︎⚪︎高校から異動することになりました。4月から…


Dr. Tanabe, The Camp gave me a lot of inspirations to learn English. Especially, the time of recitation hit me where it hurt, forcing me really feel that I had to make more efforts. I found a specific objective; that is, to have a mastery …

Looking back & forward

Dear Prof. Tanabe,I appreciate you for giving us all the methods and essence of learning English, and at the same time, I am really happy to have spent two nights with my fellow seminar’s members. From this Camp, I was greatly encouraged t…

Some thoughts after the Camp

Dear Dr. Tanabe, Thank you very much for your instruction in the Spring Camp. I was deeply motivated to learn more about the language. I got a clear picture of the importance of “pushed output”. As we performed a “skit”, I realized that th…

My impression of the Spring Seminar

I am going to talk about an English Intensive Training Camp at a Fuji-Yamanakako seminar house from March 25 through March 27. One of the important things I learned is that I need to put myself in a situation in which I must use English. M…

ゼミ合宿 感想

3月25日から27日にかけて行われたゼミ合宿に参加しました。これまで何度かゼミ合宿を経験してきましたが、今回は初めて行う活動がいくつかあり、新3年生が加わったことで、いつもとは違う新鮮な気持ちがしました。 初日は、ゼミの先輩であるK先輩が来てくだ…

We are back!

山中湖から戻りました。課題もたくさんありましたが、それでもいつもとは違う場所、ときの流れに身を置くことは各人の今後に大いに役立つものと確信しています。Koyamamotoくん、初日のお話、ありがとう。そのうち感想があがるはず。Blue skyくん、aquaさん…

Thank-you note

Mr. Koyamamoto, thank you so much for your lecture. It was an inspiration to me. After listening to your talk, I have this burning desire to keep on learning English. I'm such an impatient person and have tended to get results immediately,…


四年生の皆様、ご卒業おめでとうございます。 ゼミに入ってからまだ少ししか経っていませんが、本当にお世話になりました。私がどんなに英文が読めなかったりしても、優しく教えてくださって、本当にありがとうございました。自分の英語力と周りとのギャップ…


この春, お陰さまで卒業式を無事に迎えました。UG先生をはじめ, これまでお世話になった先輩方, 同期の仲間, そして後輩のみなさんには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。ここで少し, ゼミで過ごした2年間を振り返りたいと思います。1年次に受けたUG先生の講義…


He who knows not foreign language knows nothing of his own.今回は普段とは趣向を変えてWRENの座右の銘を紹介します。He who knows no foreign language knows nothing of his own. ( Wer keine Fremdsprache kennt, kennt seine Muttersprache nicht.)…






学会に向かうのぞみから。平塚を過ぎたあたりだったと思いますが、偶然にも電信柱が真ん中に。 偶然にも同日、広島行きのJALの午後便から撮った富士山。荘厳の一言。CAになるCayuはこれを何度も拝むことになるのですね。

Back in Japan

I’m back. I had great experiences in Cuba. I would like to share some of them with you.The most impressive thing was local people’s lives. I stayed in a residential district. At first, their life style seemed inconvenient (at least to me).…

Cancún Days 2 and 3

Yesterday,I went to Chichen Itza to see Kukulcán. The pyramid is the "oldest computer" in the world in those days. I was able to know how smart Maya were.Today, I enjoyed the beach on Isra Mujeres that is close to Cancún downtown. I cannot…

Kuala Lumpur Day 1 & 2

I have spent two days here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with my family. The weather was not so good, it sometimes rain, but I have enjoyed my trip so far. I will talk about what I did. On the first day, I went to Bukit Utama Club, which was …