常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


Jacet convention in Chiba

Four of the seminar members went to Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) last Sunday. It is a bit far away from where we live but it was worthwhile going there. One thing learned from the workshop by Dr. Tanabe was the importan…


Dear Dr. Tanabe,On Saturday, I participated in a Bibliobattle held at the dorm I live in. Let me write about it.Six participants including myself introduced our favorite books for five minutes each. I did my level best, however, I was kick…


UG先生ご無沙汰しております。元ゼミ生でK高校で教員をしているCactusです。 梅雨も明けて真夏日が続きますがいかがお過ごしでしょうか。専修大学主催による高校教員対象研修プログラムの案内をインターネット上で見つけました。先生のお名前があり、母校に…

Stay-log from Nebraska Week 7

Good evening. It is July 2nd now in Lincoln. Almost two months have passed since I came here. Last week, I had a lot of time this week and I was able to think about my trip to the west coast. Let me share it with you briefly. I like the ci…

The harbinger of summer

Sunflowers were smiling at us!! When rain and I were walking down the hill, we found sunflowers near the campus. I saw them for the first time this year. They were so lovely and beckoning that we took pictures with them.(amphibian)

My travel memoir

Dear Dr. Tanabe, As I have got a week off since last week, I jaunted off to Vancouver with Kochi-kun and stayed there for three nights and four days. Let me tell you about the short trip. Luck was not on my side at the morning of the day o…

travel-log of Vancouver

Dear Dr. Tanabe, A half of the spring term ended, and I took one-week-holiday. Taking advantage of this week off, I went to Vancouver with Kotaro. That was my first trip out of Calgary. Actually, I wanted to go to Toronto, but I gave up be…

one-man army

Looks like Seventh-dan is the only "private" who can help me out! I'm more than ready to give him a royal treatment. Thanx, SD!


今日は研究室入り。溜まっている仕事のcatch upです。 どれくらいかかるのかわかりませんが、集中して昼までには何とかと甘く考えています。 プロのアスリートは「試合への入り方」といいますが、これは仕事にもいえます。最初に流れ(リズム)をつかんで、…

Stay-log from Nebraska Week 3

Almost one month has passed since I came to Lincoln, Nebraska. Tempus fugit! so I have no time to hesitate to take actions until the day I will go back to Japan.Speaking of which, I experienced a discrimination for the first time. It was l…


UG先生 こんばんは。大学院修士課程2年次のninetailsです。 大変ご無沙汰してしまい、申し訳ございません。今年度から始めた中学校での非常勤や研究のことなどでなかなか時間がなく、直接ご挨拶に伺うことが難しくなっております。大学と勤務校の夏休み期間…

英検 反省

I took an EIKEN exam. This time, I wanted to feel that I had made a progress but unfortunately not so much.In part1, I often hesitated to choose the correct answers. The same things happened in the reading section. I nailed down to the two…

英検 振り返り

Today, I took an EIKEN grade 1. I think I did well in Part 4, writing section, thanks to my habit of writing a short diary in English. In addition, the theme is about the 2020 Summer Olympics. I’m sort of familiar with the theme.On the oth…

Reflections on Eiken

Dear Dr. Tanabe,I took a STEP exam today. As a whole, the exam was not just tough but challenging for me. The reading section, especially Part1, made me realize the importance of learning words and phrases more. Some of the questions were …

Soul-searching after taking a STEP

I took a STEP exam today. It was so difficult I didn't have enough time to answer some of the questions. I was not able to understand many words as a whole, so Part1 was a disaster. The Reading section had long passages, and some of the ar…

Eiken reflections

Dear Dr. Tanabe,I'm finished with a STEP exam. Here are my reflections.I did not do well, even though I recognized almost all words and expression. This is because my reading speed is too slow. I had to read the same sentences repeatedly. …

The road to my office is closed!

正門前の道路に埋め込まれている水道管の耐震補強のため車両は全面通行止め。明日はどこにG30を駐めるべきか!?う〜ん... photographed by sixth-dan or seventh-dan

stay-log from Nebraska

Two weeks have already passed since I came to the U.S. I feel that my English ability has improved day by day, but at the same time, I realize that I still need to concentrate more on learning English. My classmates consist of two Japanese…

Report on my practice teaching

Let me tell you a little bit of my practice teaching so far.Yesterday, I introduced myself to the students I am in charge of from next week on. They are the first year students. It was the first time to meet them and then I felt they still…

Email, if not a letter, from Canada

Dear Dr. Tanabe, I have not sent you a weekly report of my life in Calgary for a month but hope this second report will find you in good shape. I have spent almost a month here. Before coming here, I thought the differences in culture and …


今日は1K。隣はN大のK先生(向こうに見えるのは 将来のCayuの姿かいな)。 羽田沖。強風のため滑走路がtaxiingの途中で変更。 そしてtake off!(コワかった) この下に富士山火口があるはず(ユレた)。 朝ごはん(美味しかった)。 岩国近くの島(美しかっ…


今日と明日は広島で学会。第34回 日本英語教育史学会 全国大会 2018年5月19日 (土) 〜 5月20日 (日) 第1日(5月19日) 講演 私の英語教育史 —研究と教育と— 鼎談 広島の英語教育を語る 第2日(5月20日) 研究発表 A new approach to the English SKT 教科書…

The third week of my stay in Canada

Dear Dr. Tanabe, It has been three weeks since I arrived at Calgary, and my new life here has been going well so far. One thing that I am concerned about is that I cannot be able to get acclimatized to a certain climate in Calgary. Still, …

Nebraska 通信

Dear Dr.Tanabe,I arrived at Lincoln in one piece yesterday! I felt the flight time was not that long because my fellow passengers sitting around me constantly talked to me and I enjoyed every minute of my flight with them. They kind of mad…


WREN, another student of my seminar is on his way to his home country--America. While the other two are in Calgary, WREN decided to study at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, another sister college of Senshu's. Upon returning to Senshu n…

The most sacrosanct mountain in Japan

A pic of Mt. Fuji from Cayu. Awesome! Looks like she is out in the area on Children's Day (with her boyfriend!). Thanks, Cayu!

bad luck again

またまたクルマ関係の災難。久しぶりに晴れ間が見えたので、洗車をしようと、駐車場の愛車を見るとボンネット(hood)になにやら不穏なものが付着していました。 手で触れてみると、天からの贈り物ではなく、やけにstickyなガムのようなものでした。その瞬間…


UG先生大変ご無沙汰しております。先生、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。本日、人形浄瑠璃文楽の太夫、人間国宝の竹本住太夫氏が亡くなったニュースを見かけ、 在学中に竹本住太夫氏の記事やドキュメンタリーを見せていただいた事を思い出しました。ついでの近況…

One Day or Day One You Decide.

Two students of my seminar are leaving Narita for Calgary, Canada today. They are staying at Calgary University's dorm for a year. Hope they will enjoy every minute of their stay! Bonne chance!One of them sent me their flight schedule. Use…


田邉教授ご無沙汰しております。卒業生のBig Lakeです。Y大学大学院に入学してから1週間ほどが経過いたしましたので、近況をご報告いたします。はじめに、同期メンバーについてです。今年は私を含め、5名が教育実践コースの英語領域に入学しました。留学生枠…