ゼミの研究室から。富士山と南アルプスが見えます。今日の年内最終の裏ゼミではDA PUMPに関する記事を読みました。(UG)
東京株式市場は日経平均株価が大幅続伸し、3営業日ぶりに2万円の大台回復となりました。Nikkei finishes above 20,000TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The benchmark Nikkei average powered higher to close above 20,000 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Thursday, t…
Part of the reason the best World Cup in years was so much fun was that it did not conform to expectation. The pattern in recent international tournaments has been for stodgy football as coaches, with limited time to work with their squads…
日経平均は2万円までに回復し、今年最大の上げ幅となりました。TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The benchmark Nikkei average powered higher to close above 20,000 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Thursday, thanks to a strong overnight rally in U.S. equities.…
トランプ大統領がイラクの米軍基地を訪問しました。事前予告なしの訪問でした。In an unannounced trip to Iraq on Wednesday, President Donald Trump staunchly defended his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from neighboring Syria despite a drumbeat…
Japan argues that the moratorium was supposed to be a temporary measure and has accused a “dysfunctional” IWC of abandoning its original purpose – managing the sustainable use of global whale stocks.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/…
法務省は、2人の男性死刑囚に対し、死刑を執行しました。山下法相の就任後、初めての刑執行です。However, a lawyer for Okamoto, noting that a request for a retrial had been submitted, was scathing that the hanging had been carried out before a d…
Severe wintry weather forecast in Japan Japanese weather officials are warning of blizzards and heavy snow in many parts of the country during the year-end holiday season.以下省略https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20181227_07/ 今回取…
ミスユニバース米国代表がアジア女性を馬鹿にする発言をしてしまい、ネットでは批判の声が上がりました。Miss USA has apologized after comments she made about two fellow Miss Universe contestants' English-language abilities sparked backlash onlin…
歯科麻酔により、2歳の女の子の命が奪われてしまいました。FUKUOKA--Prefectural police are investigating the death of a 2-year-old girl under anesthetic for treatment of tooth cavities at a dental clinic in Fukuoka Prefecture.以下省略http://ww…
フィギュアスケート男子全日本選手権で2位となった高橋大輔選手が、「メダリスト・オン・アイス」に出演しました。FIGURE SKATING/ Takahashi returns in style, wows crowd at gala exhibitionKADOMA, Osaka Prefecture--Once-retired Daisuke Takahashi dr…
トランプ大統領の電話での発言が物議を醸しています。Trump chided for quip on child’s faith in SantaU.S. President Donald Trump set off a Christmas social media storm when he asked whether a 7-year-old was too old to believe in Santa Claus, c…
昨日はPasadenaに住んでいるアメリカ人の友達の両親のご厚意で、親戚一同が集まるクリスマスディナーに参加させてもらいました。turkey, pork, cream corn, mashed potatoなどなど美味しい料理がずらりと並び、それらと一緒に飲む赤ワインは至極美味でござい…
大学不正入試に関して策が発表されました。Medical schools that will grant admission to applicants affected by their score-rigging can accept more students than the limits for the 2019 school year starting next April, on condition that a prop…
今回紹介するのは yank outです。こちらの句動詞は洋画鑑賞をしていた時に出会いました。初めの予想では、以前Canadian Historyにてアメリカ史が取り上げられた授業から、Jan Keesの語源がオランダ人移民の英国人移民に対する罵りに由来することを知っていた…
虫歯治療のために麻酔をした後に容体が急変し、当時2歳の女の子が亡くなった事故で、警察は業務上過失致死の疑いがあるとみて捜査を進めています。2-year-old girl dies under anesthetic for tooth treatmentPrefectural police are investigating the deat…
Xmas tourist train chugs through HokkaidoA train loaded with tourists made its way through the snowscapes of Japan's Hokkaido Prefecture on Christmas Eve.中略https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20181224_14/ 今回取り上げるのは、chug /tʃ…
移設反対を掲げる玉城デニー知事は計画への賛否を問う県民投票などを通じるなど、政府に抗戦を続ける構えをみせるなど、未だ反対する人は少なくありません。EDITORIAL: Referendum on base in Okinawa should be open to all votersDark clouds are gatherin…
今季のトレンドはダウンジャケットだそうです。Down coats and jackets are useful for going out in winter and are light and warm. Down outerwear that is short or made with matte fabrics goes well with a long skirt or dress, creating a trendy, …
今回もメモの中から拾い上げます。be set in stoneです。ほかの表現を調べていた時にふと目にし、メモを取ったのを覚えています。以下辞書の定義です。Oxford Dictionary of English (2th) be written (or engrave or set) in stone: “used to emphasize tha…
A NASA spacecraft is hurtling toward a historic New Year’s Day flyby of the most distant planetary object ever studied, a frozen relic of the early solar system called Ultima Thule. 以下省略 http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/000544126…
卒業生のFlight Attendant Cayuからクリスマスのgreetingがありました。みんなにもshareしておきます。クリスマスをワイハで過ごせるとは,実にawesome! もっとも仕事なので,その大変さは想像に難くありません。Happy flight back to Japan! ゼミにまた遊び…
御宿海岸駐在所では、猫の「桃太」がお出迎えしてくれます。Stray cat cop charms the locals at Chiba police substationONJUKU, Chiba Prefecture--There's a new officer on duty at the Onjuku Kaigan substation of Chiba prefectural police’s Isumi P…
日本を取り巻く二重国籍の問題。どう考えていくべきなのでしょうか。Dual nationals feel cast adrift in JapanWhen Yuki Shiraishi passes through immigration at Tokyo airport, she is hit with a wave of shame and embarrassment.以下省略https://japa…
先日のダラスでの旅行中に訪れたJohn F. Kennedy元大統領の 記念碑に刻まれていた文章に気になる単語を見つけました。以下がその文章です。We in this country, in this generation, are – by destiny rather than choice – the watchmen on the walls of wo…
カリ鉱山で火災が発生し、取り残された作業員が亡くなる事故が起きました。9 workers dead in Russian mine fireRescue teams on Sunday found the bodies of nine construction workers who were trapped inside a burning potash mine in Russia’s Ural Mo…
Future of Shrinking Japan: The demise of Tokyo's aging 'new towns'CHIBA -- With his back braced against the December winds cutting through an apartment complex in the "Kaihin New Town" bedroom community in this city's Mihama Ward, 78-year-…
男性用のメイク道具が流行ってきています。EOUL/PARIS/TOKYO (Reuters) — From an eye shadow that opens with the flick of a thumb, Zippo-style, to a barely-there foundation in subtle blue-gray packaging: men’s makeup is getting a makeover as ma…