常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


Look up in the sky!

Look up in the sky! They are birds! They are planes. They're choppers flying in formation! 正門にて (photographed by Mori)。

New Year's Greetings

Happy New Year, Tanabe-sensei.I hope this email message finds you well, and I'm sure that you're having a wonderful time with your family members on New Year's Day. Looking back upon the last year, I had a ball with your students at your s…


ゼミの研究室から。富士山と南アルプスが見えます。今日の年内最終の裏ゼミではDA PUMPに関する記事を読みました。(UG)



Yuletide party





今年もやっと構内のもみじが赤く染まりはじめました。木々の前で哲学するSeventh-dan。 (ロケ地:2号館前)




本日、専修大学は創立記念日で、休校。かつ、ハロウィーン前日のこの日はブログ主催者の誕生日らしいのです。まず、うちの3匹チワワの末っ子の「まろみ」は7歳を迎えました。もう完熟女です。 そしてわたしも60+1歳となったようです。昨日は研究室で学…


土曜日,ゼミ生が新宿に集ったようです。卒業との会食だったそうな。社会で鍛えられている話を聞いて,大いに刺激になったとのこと。わたしは体調不良で欠席。残念。(UG) I had dinner with my seminar mates and a graduate yesterday. We shared her exp…

DVDs, DVDs, everywhere


I scream, You scream "It's darn hot!"

Dear Dr. Tanabe, It has been extremely hot these day, and the heat is killing us all. I have ice cream almost every day. It makes me forget the heat wave, temporally, though. Rain, seventh-dan and I had ice cream after going down the hill …



Eiken today!

Good morning Professor Tanabe,I'm going to take an Eiken today. Last time I was short of 15 points to pass the first round. I remember that I did not score well in its English composition section. Ever since, I began to write any correspon…

STEP exam day

I will take an Eiken today. Naturally, I feel very nervous. I don't think I have spared enough time to prepare for it, however, I believe in what I have done in the seminar and just give it my best. I will send some comments and impression…


本日の「通訳入門」では辞書の活用法を伝えました。講義後には研究室から持ち込んだ辞書を物珍しそうにながめる学生が集合。 来週から紙の辞書が増えることを願うのみです。(UG) 紙の辞書が珍しい時代になっている! OEDを引く"ふり"をする学生。

relentless 復習

テニスの大坂なおみ選手が、元世界女王のビクトリア・アザレンカ選手を圧倒しました。ROME (Reuters) — Rising Japanese sensation Naomi Osaka eased into the second round of the Italian Open on Monday with a 6-0, 6-3 victory over former world No. …


カナダに留学するゼミ生たちの壮行会+パラグアイから帰国した学生のおかえりなさい会+4月生まれの学生の誕生日会を開催しました。よくしゃべり、よく食べ、飲みました。幹事の Dear Dr. Tanabe,Thank you very much indeed for taking up your time to ho…

To Mr. Emperor of Shibuya & Kita-Sen Jyu

Dear Mr. Emperor, Thank you very much for coming and giving us good advice. You have sailed your way through rough seas of life, so much so that each word produced from your mouth indeed motivates me. I realized that all I have to do is to…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you so much for joining our seminar yesterday. You convinced everyone who came to hear you. I too was fully charged and motivated. At the same time, I was really shocked when I listened to your honest comment about o…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor, Thank you so much for coming yesterday.I was greatly influenced by your talk. Especially, the part that you have a strong heart to keep learning English, and always have goals at all time made me rethink my own process of…

To Mr. Emperor of Shibuya & Kita-Sen

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you very much for coming and talking to us yesterday.I too was really moved by your talk. In particular, your attitude towards learning English is fabulous. I should learn English and other things just like you have …

To Mr. Emperor of Shibuya & Kita-Senjyu

Dear Mr. Emperor of Kita-Senju, Thank you very much for your ispirational talk. Among a plenty of things I learned, the one that was ingrained in my brain was this simple truth; "if you want to make something done well, you should keep on …

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you so much for coming to the campus when you are busy. We learned a lot of things from your talk. You told us that it was important to continue to learn English every day, no matter short each learning time was. Cer…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you for coming and encouraging us yesterday.One of the things that touched my heartstrings was this simple yet deep word; "to continue". I will continue to learn English and prepare for my job to the best of my abili…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. EmperorThank you very much for talking about your experiences. Your words encouraged me to study English further and to make my dream come true as an English teacher. In particular, I was impressed by the phrase “Don't be a loser”…

To Mr. Emperor

I greatly appreciate you for coming back and talking to us today. I was inspired by every single word you uttered. I hope that you'll have a long and happy marriage. (Creative)

To Mr. Emperor

Dear The (Former) Emperor of Kita-Senju,Thank you so much for coming today. It was very nice to see you again.We learned a lot from you today. Especially, your attitude toward learning English. I guess it is really hard to work and keep on…

To Mr. Teioh

Dear Mr. TeiohThank you so much for your talk today.It inspired me to learn English harder and also taught me what I should do.What I learned from your talk was the importance of making efforts. I realized that one of the things I had to d…


山中湖から下ってみるとキャンパスは春色につつまれていました。そんな中、卒業生 「帝王」、aka、"Xenophile"が母校にもどってきてくれました。彼は自らの人生体験を集ったゼミ生に開陳し、学生にとってはまたとない貴重な機会を提供してくれました。ありが…