常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


tamper with 復習

日産自動車は新車の出荷前に行う排ガス性能の検査についての結果を改ざんしていたことを発表しました。Nissan admits tampering with dataNissan Motor Co. said Monday that it had tampered with data on fuel economy and exhaust emissions at its five …

remains 復習

Executed former Aum leader crematedJapan's Justice Ministry is preparing to hand over the remains of former cult leader Shoko Asahara to his fourth daughter. He was executed on Friday.以下省略https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/2018070…

exodus 復習

全日本空輸(ANA)は、ボーイング787型機のエンジン問題により、国内線176便の欠航を発表しました。前略The cancellations, due to the need to check the Trent 1000 engine made by the British aircraft engine manufacturer, are expected to continue int…

multifaceted 復習

本日の授業の中で読んだ記事の中から気になった単語を取り上げます。multifaceted / mʌ̀ltifǽsətɪd / です。“fairness is a multifaceted concept that can take on different meanings”といった文脈で用いられていました。最初に読んだときにすっと意味が頭…

cutie pants 復習

日々の生活の中で分からない英単語やその言い回しに出会う度にメモを取っては調べの繰り返し作業なのですが、やはり「こんな言い方があるのか」という新しい発見ができるのは嬉しいものです。その嬉しさを感じたものが1つ、今回紹介するのはcutie pants で…

hectic 復習

Advanced writing and readingの授業中に、気になる単語と出会いました。本日は、授業の冒頭に、物事の優先順位の付け方のABCを知る機会がありました。その中で出てきたhectic /ˈhɛktɪk/を紹介します。 まず始めにMerriam Websterで確認してみると” characte…

Oh brothers!

go by the name of

先日、死刑が執行された松本智津夫死刑囚の火葬が行われました。 A family dispute is brewing and concerns about renewed cult activities are growing over the cremated remains of Chizuo Matsumoto, the Aum Shinrikyo founder and convicted mass mur…


England delirium has Gareth Southgate and his tyros dreaming bigManager stands on verge of history and talk at his training base has turned to the heroes of 1966 as Croatia semi-final looms (Skip the rest)https://www.google.co.jp/amp/s/amp…



spike with 復習

点滴に毒物を混入し、患者を死亡させた元大口病院の看護師が逮捕されました。YOKOHAMA--A former nurse suspected of slaying an elderly patient by poisoning at a hospital here said she may have killed around 20 other patients, according to invest…

Stay-log from Nebraska Week 8

It is 7:44, July 9th in Nebraska now. Two months have passed since I came to the States. For IEP, I’ve got only one more week to go. Let me look back on the last two months. I guess I got used to my campus life here on weekdays. I have fou…

Jacet convention in Chiba

Four of the seminar members went to Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) last Sunday. It is a bit far away from where we live but it was worthwhile going there. One thing learned from the workshop by Dr. Tanabe was the importan…