常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


lax 復習

愛知県の小学生が熱射病で亡くなりました。Aichi Prefecture--Education officials here apologized for a 6-year-old elementary schoolboy’s death from severe heatstroke July 17 after he took part in a school outing that morning.中略“But we are k…

I scream, You scream "It's darn hot!"

Dear Dr. Tanabe, It has been extremely hot these day, and the heat is killing us all. I have ice cream almost every day. It makes me forget the heat wave, temporally, though. Rain, seventh-dan and I had ice cream after going down the hill …

plunge into an abyss 復習

インドで初、バンジージャンプが出来るようになりました。We're standing at the edge of Jumpin Heights in northern India's Uttarakhand. It's said to be the highest permanent bungee platform in India. From the 273-foot-high (83 meter) perch, da…

optimize 復習

今回は、受講している授業で観たTEDのビデオの中から単語を拾っていきます。テーマはAIについてです。前略We need to think of intelligence as an optimization process, a process that steers the future into a particular set of configurations. A sup…

great 復習

サッカーのオーストラリアAリーグ、セントラルコーストは、公式サイトでウサイン・ボルト氏と入団交渉を行っていることを発表しました。Bolt aims at new goal Down UnderUsain Bolt is making a run at professional soccer in Australia.The Olympic sprin…

joyous 復習

Thai cave rescue boys relive 'moment of miracle'The 12 boys rescued from a flooded cave in northern Thailand last week have spoken publicly of their ordeal for the first time, describing the "moment of miracle" when divers found them.中略T…

corrosive 復習

For those of us in Kiev or, for that matter, London, it’s best to hang on and weather the storm. For those of us in Washington, it’s best to resist the bizarre and corrosive status quo as much as we can. Another valuable lesson Ukrainians …