常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


standoff 復習

北朝鮮と韓国は10年ぶり以上となる南北首脳会談を、今月27日に行うことで合意しました。PAJU, South Korea (AP) — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will meet South Korean President Moon Jae In at a border village on April 27, the South announced Th…

To Mr. Emperor of Shibuya & Kita-Sen Jyu

Dear Mr. Emperor, Thank you very much for coming and giving us good advice. You have sailed your way through rough seas of life, so much so that each word produced from your mouth indeed motivates me. I realized that all I have to do is to…

set ablaze 復習

TwitterやFacebookなどのSNSツールを多く人が一つの個人アカウントを使って他のアプリでも兼用していることついて現在議論がなされているようです。So why keep eternal timelines?I posed my question to Zizi Papacharissi, a professor of communication …

traffic 復習

8人がオーストラリアに不正パスポートを使って入国しました。An Indian journalist has been charged with people smuggling after he allegedly helped eight people enter Australia using fake media credentials. The group told officials at Brisbane …

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you so much for joining our seminar yesterday. You convinced everyone who came to hear you. I too was fully charged and motivated. At the same time, I was really shocked when I listened to your honest comment about o…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor, Thank you so much for coming yesterday.I was greatly influenced by your talk. Especially, the part that you have a strong heart to keep learning English, and always have goals at all time made me rethink my own process of…


The Japan Newsにイチロー選手の活躍を期待する記事がありました。 SEATTLE (AP) — The lingering question of whether Ichiro Suzuki would be ready for Opening Day was solved on Wednesday. Yes, he’ll be on the Seattle Mariners 25-man roster, desp…

To Mr. Emperor of Shibuya & Kita-Sen

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you very much for coming and talking to us yesterday.I too was really moved by your talk. In particular, your attitude towards learning English is fabulous. I should learn English and other things just like you have …

To Mr. Emperor of Shibuya & Kita-Senjyu

Dear Mr. Emperor of Kita-Senju, Thank you very much for your ispirational talk. Among a plenty of things I learned, the one that was ingrained in my brain was this simple truth; "if you want to make something done well, you should keep on …

old flame 復習

すでにふれられていますが、裏ゼミで学習した単語を紹介します。昨日、ゼミ卒業生のEmperor of Kita-Senjuさんが研究室へ足を運んできて下さいました。後輩である私達に向けて様々なお話をしてくれた中で、UG先生は、ある日本語の表現をold flameと言い換え…

demotion 復習

Takanohana handed fifth demotion as sumo world faces string of scandalsSumo elder Takanohana, who has been faulted for his absence from the most recent Spring Grand Sumo Tournament and the failure to supervise a wrestler from his stable, w…

rhinitis 復習

まだまだ花粉症が収まりません。あの特有の症状に苦しんでいる人も多いのではないでしょうか?本日の単語は、花粉症に関する記事の中より紹介します。Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is a common condition with symptoms similar to those of a cold. Th…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you so much for coming to the campus when you are busy. We learned a lot of things from your talk. You told us that it was important to continue to learn English every day, no matter short each learning time was. Cer…

pint 復習

私のアルバイト先のカフェではbottle beerとdraft beerが売られています。後者の場合、最近、サイズをhalfとpintで選べるようになったことからpint を取り上げたいと思います。LDOCEで定義を調べると“a unit for measuring an amount of liquid, especially …

a mug's game

昨日、quixotic についてのブログを書いている際、Cambridge Dictionary の Thesaurus で気になる表現を見つけました。それが a mug's game です。「マグカップ」の mug と game からなる語ですが、語源が特に気になったので以下で確認していきます。 まず意…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. Emperor,Thank you for coming and encouraging us yesterday.One of the things that touched my heartstrings was this simple yet deep word; "to continue". I will continue to learn English and prepare for my job to the best of my abili…


ノーベル平和賞を受賞したマララ・ユスフザイさんが銃撃を受けて以来初となる帰国を果たしました。Malala visits Pakistan 6 years after shootingNobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai broke down in tears during an emotional return to her native…

To Mr. Emperor

Dear Mr. EmperorThank you very much for talking about your experiences. Your words encouraged me to study English further and to make my dream come true as an English teacher. In particular, I was impressed by the phrase “Don't be a loser”…

To Mr. Emperor

I greatly appreciate you for coming back and talking to us today. I was inspired by every single word you uttered. I hope that you'll have a long and happy marriage. (Creative)

go up in flames 復習

日経新聞 (3月27日)のDIGITAL TRENDの記事を読んでいる際「炎上する」という言葉を英語でどう表現するか気になりました。flameに関連する表現かと予測し『ジーニアス英和辞典』を引くと、go up in flameで「燃えて無くなる」とありました。The Free Dictiona…

limb from limb

今年に入ってシャークアタックが10件起きました。WOODS HOLE, MA—A report released Tuesday by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution revealed that only 10 individuals will fall victim to fatal shark attacks in 2018; however, you will be one …