常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

lie a kid in a candy store

本日はヴァーチャルリアリティーについての記事から表現を取り上げます。記事によると、もうしばらくすると迎える2016年は、FacebookSamsung, Sonyなどがバーチャルリアリティー用のヘッドセットを発売し始めることからバーチャルリアリティーの年になると言われています。今後5年間で、バーチャルリアリティーがどのように私たちの生活を変化させるかということについて、医療、建築、ジャーナリズム、国防の4つの視点から述べています。

How virtual reality is going to change our lives

2016 will be the year of VR. Here's how it will change everything from medicine to the military. 23-year-old Palmer Luckey is like a kid in a candy store. “Pick up that stick of dynamite, and hand it to me. Now let’s light it together!” he instructs me, as it explodes in a cloud of sparks. “Now let’s try to hit these moving targets with our catapults,” he suggests, while I practice shooting pellets. “Nice!” (中略)


本日は、"be like a kid in a candy store"を取り上げます。手持ちの辞書には定義がみつからなかったため、オンラインで調べてみた所、The Free Dictionary に"(American & Australian) to be very happy and excited about the things around you, and often to react to them in a way which is silly and not controlled"という定義が見つかりました。アルク英辞郎 on the web では「〈比喩〉〔目の前に欲しい物がいろいろとあって〕大喜びして、大はしゃぎで、あれこれ目移りして」との定義が出ていました。

なお、"candy"は「キャンディ、あめ、チョコレート[砂糖]菓子」(『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』)となりますが、イギリスでは"candy"ではなく、"sweet(s)"の形をとると説明があります。Oxford Dictionaries On-lineで、"candy"を調べると"North American Sweets"とあることからもこのことがわかります。また、「(英) 日本語の「キャンディ」とは違い、主にあめ・チョコレートを使用した菓子全般をいう」との説明がなされているため(『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』)、"candy"よりも、より広い範囲の意味で用いられるようです。

"a kid in a candy store"(「お菓子やさんにいるこども」)を想像すると、イディオムの意味がいきいきと伝わってきて、とても面白い表現だと思いました。(Dew)

cf. like a bull in a china shop


人間誰しも将来自分がどうなっていくのか、少なからず不安を抱えていることと思います。今回取り上げるNew York Timesの記事では、NYに住む85歳以上の男女6人のインタビューがまとめてあります。多くの試練を越えてきた方々の人生観を知ることで、幸せに生きるヒントが見つかるかもしれません。

After nearly a year of answering questions, John Sorensen posed one of his own: “Do you know what you want to do when you get old?”

It was a day of frustration for Mr. Sorensen, whose 92nd birthday was the day after Christmas. He was in the kitchen of his Upper West Side apartment, holding pieces of a mop that he could not put back together. Gout had made his fingers almost useless, and his right arm hung limp from a torn rotator cuff. Just combing his hair that morning was a struggle.

“It makes me mad,” he said, speaking about what his life had come to. “I want to go.”




LDOCEには“informal a large amount of thick, often untidy hair”との定義がありました。ここでは“pieces of a mop”ですので、抜けてしまった髪の毛のかたまりがいくつもあることが分かります。


Life won out — and not just life, but a life that reflected the complicated individuals navigating it. Mr. Sorensen wanted to die, but he also wanted to mop the kitchen floor, and he did his exercises every morning. “So I’m still trying,” he said. “I don’t know why.”


nestle in 復習


Gunma Prefecture's Kusatsu keeps top spot in national hot spring ranking

Kusatsu, nestled in the mountains of Gunma Prefecture, has been declared Japan's top hot spring resort once again in the Kanko Keizai Shimbun newspaper's annual "Nippon no onsen 100-sen" (Japan's top 100 hot springs) survey.


nestle inを取り上げます。『オーレックス英和辞典』第2版(旺文社)によると,「(家などが)〈木々の間などに〉(一部)隠れて存在する,抱かれている〈in, among, etc.〉」(--“literary to be surrounded by something, especially hills or countryside”LDOCE5)という意味です。周辺に草津白根山本白根山,逢の峰などが聳えていることをこの語一つで表しております。(Kawada)




Celebrating Victory Over ISIS, Iraqi Leader Looks to Next Battles

BAGHDAD — Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq flew to the western city of Ramadi on Tuesday to celebrate its “liberation” from the Islamic State, as jubilant, flag-waving Iraqis thronged the city’s battle-scarred streets with cars and pickup trucks.

Militants continued to hold out in several suburbs, and troops were trying to clear out car bombs that had been planted on the city’s perimeter.

While the government was not in full control of Ramadi, Mr. Abadi’s trip by helicopter under heavy guard to the city, where he visited military and police forces, was intended as a show of resolve.


“We don’t think the remaining enemy has the oomph to push the Iraqi security forces off of their positions,” he said at a news conference.


今回取り上げるのは、“oomph”という表現です。この単語をLDOCEで調べてみると、“informal a quality that makes something attractive and exciting and that shows energy”と定義されていました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店』で確認してみると、「【擬声語】⦅略式⦆精力、活力」といった意味が記載されていました。語源を調べてみると、「重いものを持ち上げるなど、発奮するときに出る声」(「goo辞書」つまりランダムハウス)から由来したと分かりました。先生が講じられた言語学の言語起源説を思い出しました。また、この単語は発音/ˈʊmf/にも注意したいです。(ninetails)

cf. chutzpah

throw its weight around 復習


Germany's year: Has it been worrying or wunderbar?

Europe's largest economy has a talent for provoking strong reactions abroad, from outrage to something approaching hero-worship. And that was particularly the case during 2015.

One minute Germany is lionised as a model of economic efficiency and political probity. The next, demonised for being just too successful and bulldozing weaker eurozone partners.

Germany should lead more, demand some critics, who accuse Berlin of being too timid, with unhelpful historical hang-ups.

Or Berlin should stop throwing its weight around, cry others. Too powerful and dominant, they say - sometimes muttering the inevitable World War Two cliches.


今回取り上げる表現は “throw its weight around”です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)では “throw one’s weight about [around]”で「権力や[地位]を乱用する;いばりちらす」ありました。LDOCEでは “throw your weight about/around”で “to use your position of authority to tell people what to do in an unpleasant and unreasonable way”と定義されています。

“weight”といえば「重さ」という日本語を思い浮かべる方が多いと思いますが,ここでの意味は「重要さ,重み;有力(なこと),影響力」を意味しています。(『ジーニアス英和』)なお、見出しの “wunderbar”はドイツ語で「すばらしい,見事な」という意味で,英語の “wonderful”に相当するようです。(『アクセス独和辞典』三修社)(Inaho)

PS 本表現は以前にも取り上げられていました。

glued to the box

昨日に引き続きSUSHI AND BEYONDからの引用です。「箱」でお馴染みのboxはイギリス英語で「〖the 〜」テレビ(受像機)」を意味します(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。またglueにもglue oneself to A(Aに熱中する)という表現からもわかるように「くっついて離れない」という意味があります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』同上)。以上から,glue to the boxesで「テレビにかじりつく」という比喩表現だと解釈できます。(Koyamamoto)

But SMAP have done more than just polish their Backstreet Boys moves in their bedroom mirrors. Through Bistro SMAP they have done nothing less than overturn centuries-old conventions about who wears the aprons in Japanese households. Thanks to this show, and its seven spin-off cookbooks which, I should add, are the best-selling celebrity cookbooks in the world, these five performers have managed to convince the Japanese male that it is OK to cook at home, that there is no shame in a man frying noodles or taking time to slice sashimi and present it just so on a bed of grated daikon. Today more Japanese men than ever cook at home, and the boys from SMAP are one of the main reasons. Indeed, you could argue that they are the most influential people in contemporary Japanese food culture.
So what is the televisual magic that has almost a quarter of the Japanese population glued to the boxes every Monday night at ten? I was about to find out. (SUSHI AND BEYOND, p. 41)

cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20120828/1346120855



Dronestagram: See the world through the eyes of a bird

How many of us have gazed up at a bird and wondered what the world looks like through their beady eyes?
Dronestagram -- a photo and video-sharing site for drones -- now gives us a rare bird's-eye view of some of the most remote landscapes on the globe.

As the name suggests, this is the drone community's answer to Instagram, with over 30,000 users uploading aerial images of everything from ancient mausoleums in northern China to the dizzying moment a diver launches himself from a cliff in Mexico.
With the United Arab Emirates currently inviting submissions for its annual Drones for Good Award -- in which $1 million is given to a design that will benefit humankind -- expect to see some ambitious prototypes quite literally taking off in the next few years.


Dronestagramを取り上げます。これはdroneとInstagramの2語が合わさった語です。因みにInstagramは,instant (camera)を合わせた語(Wiktionary)だそうです。『英語語源辞典』(研究社)によると,telagramのtel(e)-は「『遠距離(操作);電信・電送』の意の連結形」,-gramは「書いたもの;文字;語録」とあります。Instagramに当てはめて考えますと,「自分が撮影したものを世界へ向けて発信するための手段」というわけですね。(Kawada)



『英語語源辞典』では,telegramは「米国の法律家E.P.Smith(1814-82)の造語. はじめはtelegraph, telegraphic dispatch [communication]と呼ばれていた. 当初,学識層からこの語がギリシア語の俗語法にかなっていないという理由で,強い反対を受けたが(ModGk tēlegráphēma),まもなく一般化した」と書かれていました。

Chapman is the outlier.


You already know that new Yankees reliever Aroldis Chapman throws baseballs very, very hard. But what’s amazing is how much harder he can throw than the rest of Major League pitchers, nearly every one of whom is, to some extent, a physical freak capable of firing a ball faster than at least 99.9% of humanity.

MLB.com’s Statcast leaderboard for fastest pitches needs a “Chapman Filter” because otherwise Chapman is literally the only guy on there. According to a pitchF/X search on BaseballSavant.com, Chapman threw 77 pitches harder than the fastest pitch by any other hurler — a 101.6 fastball from new teammate Nathan Eovaldi in mid-August.

You might guess some other fireballer had thrown a single outlying pitch that landed somewhere among the top 77 fastest pitches thrown in baseball in 2015, but you guessed wrong. Chapman is the outlier. If there is anyone else living on Planet Earth with the capacity to throw a baseball as hard as he does with any semblance of accuracy, Major League scouts haven’t found him yet.

The only guy with a case, incidentally, is Eovaldi. The Yanks’ 25-year-old righty not only threw the league’s fastest non-Chapman pitch in 2015, but also throws far, far more 100-plus mph fastballs than any other starting pitcher.

Since starters tend to throw a tick harder when working in short stints out of the bullpen, there’s some chance Eovaldi could reach the Chapman echelon in relief work. And though the Yanks appear pretty set on dominant late-inning relievers, this site says they should move Eovaldi to the bullpen for giggles so they can have two guys in the same relief corps capable of throwing 103 mph.

Chapman threw 336 pitches of 100 mph or faster in 2015. The rest of the league combined to throw 225.



英辞郎 on the WEBをみてみると、outlier 「 異常値、外れ値」とありました。統計の世界で使われる表現のようで、Oxford Learners Dictionaryでは“A data point on a graph or in a set of results that is very much bigger or smaller than the next nearest data point.” と定義されていました。

チャップマン投手で連想できる推定値から異常にかけ離れている数値といえば「球速」です("a physical freak capable of firing a ball faster than at least 99.9% of humanity")。最速171キロ、平均球速が160キロを超えるチャップマン投手だからこそ用いられた表現かもしれません。今回の記事では「規格外」と解釈できるでしょうか。


on the run#2

 記事の中で気になった表現は"on the run"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「(1)動き回って, 急いで (2) ⦅…から⦆逃走中で⦅from⦆ (3) (軍隊が)退却して」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"Trying to avoid being captured"と定義されております。"at large"との違いが気になったので,こちらもOxford Dictionaries.comで調べると"(Especially of a criminal or dangerous animal) at liberty; escaped or not yet captured"とあり,"at large"は動物が逃げ出した際にも使えるようです。(Ume)

European capitals tighten security ahead of New Year celebrations

"We have decided to mark the New Year in a reflective manner and without fanfare," Mayor Anne Hidalgo said.
November's gun and bomb attacks in the city killed 130 people and at least one of the suspected attackers remains on the run.
The US military has said some IS commanders in Iraq and Syria who had links to the Paris attacks and were planning further attacks on the West have died in bombing raids over the past month.
Red Square closed
Security is also being tightened in cities where the authorities say there is no specific intelligence about a possible attack.
Authorities in Moscow will completely close off Red Square, where crowds normally count down to midnight.
In Berlin, backpacks and fireworks will be prohibited and bags searched on the "fan mile" in front of the Brandenburg Gate, which has reportedly been closed off since Christmas.


on the run - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

disposable income


Elderly workforce participation key to boosting consumption: report

Participation in the labor force by elderly people will most likely boost consumption in Japan, the government said in a report released Monday.

Of households headed by people aged 60 or older, the consumption levels in those led by nonworking individuals are lower than those led by people who work, according to the report from the Cabinet Office.

The report noted that consumption spending by elderly households accounts for about 50 percent of related overall spending in Japan, reflecting the rapid aging of the country’s society.

Disposable income levels exceed consumption spending in households led by working people aged 60 or above, the report said. It noted that the average monthly consumption spending by such households stands at \316,000, some \70,000 more than households led by elderly people without jobs.

The government report underscored the importance of improving the working environment for the elderly.

Among obstacles to participation in the labor force by elderly people, the report cited a lack of flexible working hours and suitable job training systems, and low wages.


“disposable income”を拾い上げます。処分可能な所得、経済用語でいうところの「「可処分所得」(Genius3より)にあたるようです。





Artist creates epic customised steampunk mecha for Sylvanian Family bunny

An amazing scale model artist has created a rideable steampunk mecha for a Sylvanian Family doll, out of… a tub of chewing gum?!

When I was a kid, I loooooved Sylvanian Family toys. For a start, they’re super-cute, highly collectible, and come with a HUGE range of accessories for almost every situation imaginable. However, Sylvanian Family toys have something of a cute, innocent appeal to them, which is why they tend to be marketed more towards girls than boys.

Having said that, there’s no reason anyone needs to miss out on the fun of Sylvanian Families, even if they don’t feel too much inclined towards traditional play styles like dressing up Mr Bunny in his finest overalls and sending him off to the saw mill to bring home the bacon (carrots?) for Mrs Bunny and the flopsy twins. The great thing about Sylvanian Family toys is that you can play with them any way you want—and this Japanese scale modeller artist from Kanagawa Prefecture has decided to make a Sylvanian bunny the pilot of a junked robot mecha in a steampunk fantasy!


取り上げるのは“steampunk”です。見出しにもあるこの単語は、『ジーニアス英和辞典第五版』(大修館書店)や、LDOCEには記載されていませんでした。しかしCambridge Dictionaries Onlineには、“books or movies about an imagined time when machines use steam for power rather than modern engines and methods, or a style of fashion based on this”とあり、英辞郎on the WEBには「SFのサブジャンルのひとつで、steam(スチーム、蒸気機関)が主流だった英国ビクトリア朝を基調としたファッションや文化・建築スタイル・芸術に、近未来的な科学技術を融合させる時代錯誤的な作風が特徴」と書かれていました。


take a final spin 復習


For decades, children visiting New York City savored one stop above all: a trip to the kind of toy store that existed only in their imagination. Now they'll have to keep dreaming.


"When they were little guys, this was the big thing," said Mike Packer, of Wayne, Pennsylvania, whose 18-year-old son and 15-year-old daughter decided, for nostalgia's sake, to take a final spin.



取り上げる表現は、“take a final spin”です。そのまま意味をとらえると「最後のスピンをとる」となりますが、今回の場合、どのような意味になるのでしょうか。“spin”を確認してみると、「(自動車の)一乗り、(自転車などの)ひと走り」と記載されていました。ここでは、前者の意味で、自転車ではなく、店内の観覧車に用いられています。また、“spin”は、観覧車の「スピン、回転」という意味もかけてあります。つまり、“take a final spin”は、「最後になる観覧車に乗る」と表されています。



bouncy 復習


Inoue scores fast win to pick up WBO belt

Surrounded by the media, a bouncy Naoya Inoue looked like he had only warmed up for the fight, instead of finishing it. Having dispensed of his opponent inside of two rounds, he had plenty of energy left.


以前にも取り上げられておりますが、bouncyを取り上げます。『オーレックス英和辞典』第2版(旺文社)には,「活発な,活気に富む,威勢のいい,はつらつとした」(“Someone or something that is bouncy is very lively”--COBUIlD3)という意味です。

この語は,その後にあるHaving dispensed of his opponent inside of two rounds, he had plenty of energy.の言い換えになります。「怪我でのブランクがあってもこの威勢の良さであった」とJapan News(電子版,2015年12月30日付)は伝えています。(Kawada)







undercover narcotics officer 復習


Florida mother shoots daughter she thought was intruder

A woman in St. Cloud, Florida, woke up just before midnight Tuesday and fired a shot at a person she thought had broken into her home. But the person wasn't an intruder; it was her 27-year-old daughter.

The woman fired one round, but police didn't say where the bullet hit the daughter. She died at a hospital. The shooting appears to be accidental, police said. An investigation is ongoing.

"The homeowner's story is consistent with the physical evidence and the witness' statement," police said.

The woman's husband is a former undercover narcotics officer with the St. Cloud Police Department. In a recording of the 911 call provided by police, the husband tells a dispatcher that his daughter has a pacemaker and heart problems. She had passed out, he says. He does not mention a gunshot.

After getting instructions to start CPR, the husband leaves the phone and a woman frantically talks to the dispatcher. The daughter is still breathing but very slowly, she says. About five minutes into the call, the dispatcher tells the woman that paramedics should have arrived.

The officer, a 17-year-veteran, is on administrative leave but is not under investigation, the department said. The mother is a 911 dispatcher for the Osceola County Sheriff's Office. St. Cloud is south of Orlando, in central Florida. Police have asked the media not to identify the family members involved for safety reasons because of the husband's past as an undercover officer.


ここで取り上げる表現は “undercover narcotics officer”です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)で意味を調べてみますと, “undercover”で「秘密で行われた[行う];諜報活動に従事する」とあり, “narcotic”で「麻酔薬;催眠薬」や「《主に米》非合法の薬《麻薬・覚醒剤など》」と定義されていました。LDOCEでも確認してみたところ, “undercover”は “undercover work is done secretly by the police in order to catch criminals or find out information”, “narcotics”で “strong illegal drugs such as HEROIN or COCAINE”とありました。

以上から,文中の “undercover narcotics officer”は「麻薬取締おとり捜査官」のように訳すことができます。なお,LDOCE によると“narcotics agent”という表現もあり,これは “a police officer who deals with the problems of narcotics”と定義されていました。おとり捜査をすることから “agent”という表現が使われると考えられます。(Inaho)








Tohoku tomato farm sees itself as symbol of reconstruction

The corporation aims to ship 500-600 tons of tomatoes each harvest season, which lasts from October to July. It uses a soilless nutriculture system and utilizes advanced equipment to monitor photosynthesis.



"photosynthesis"を含む語としてほかに、"photosynthesis measurement"「光合成測定」"photosynthesis cycle"「光合成回路」という生物の授業で習った馴染みある語が紹介されていました(英辞郎 on the WEB」)。(Starlight)

PS Dear Prof.Tanabe,

Let me take this opportunity (and space) to thank you for everything you've done for me this year.



smack dab in the middle/heart of


For decades, children visiting New York City savored one stop above all: a trip to the kind of toy store that existed only in their imagination. Now they'll have to keep dreaming.


A steady stream of people coursed through the 110,000-square-foot space smack dab in the heart of the Crossroads of the World. Shoppers rushed to buy must-go gifts and games. Others took photos outside. The truly ambitious waited on a long, winding line to get one last ride on the Ferris wheel.


"smack dab"を取り上げます。"smack"は「ピシャリと打つ音」「舌打ち」、"dab"は「軽くたたくこと」とそれぞれの意味がありますが、smack dabで次に来るin the middle ofやin the heart ofを強調し,「もろ〜の中心に」「〜のど真ん中に」という意味になります。(『ジーニアス英和辞典』)。先生によりますと,Ray Charlesの歌があったとのことです。

なお,the Crossorads of the Worldは世界に点在する大都市の繁華街の愛称で,ここはニューヨークのことなのでタイムズスクエアを指しています。(lua)


Two seconds.

言語感覚を磨くためにUG先生からサジェストされた「折々のことば」(「朝日新聞」)を愛読しています。ただ29日付けの「Two seconds.」は,どこか腑に落ちない感じがいたしました。


鷲田先生のポイントはmomentでもminuteでもなく,secondですよね。Two seconds.と表現することに「こまやかな心遣いが短いことばにこもっている」とのことですが、second(フレーズの中ではseconds)は厳密に「秒」を指しているわけでなく,あくまでfigure of speechで, moment, minuteとほぼ同義というのはUG先生から学んだことです。

Oxford Dictionaries. comは、"Definition of just as minute or moment, or second, etc. in English"とminute,moment,secondとまとめ,同一に扱っているところからもこれは明らかで,定義を見ても,"Used to ask someone to wait or pause for a short time"と,単に特定しない短い時間を述べているにすぎないのです。


なお,音声の発話速度を見てもOne moment, please. Just a minute.(これにはなぜpleaseが付いていないの?)と比べても,Two seconds.の方が短いわけではありません。
