常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

traipse around


Animal spotted prowling inside Fukushima nuclear plant’s reactor building

A fox appears to have been traipsing around a highly radioactive area inside a reactor building at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Dec. 28.

The plant operator said a security camera mounted at a section next to the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor captured footage of the animal around 6 a.m. on Dec. 21. It said the creature appeared intermittently for seven to eight minutes.

Although the animal's den and current whereabouts remain unknown, a TEPCO official said the intrusion is unlikely to adversely affect work being done in preparation for decommissioning the reactor.

According to TEPCO, the security camera showed the 1.3-meter-long animal wandering back and forth near the carry-in entrance to the reactor’s containment vessel.


今回取り上げるのは、“traipse” /tréɪps/という表現です。この単語をLDOCEで調べてみると、“informal  to walk somewhere in a slow or unwilling way because you are tired or bored”という定義が見つかりました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店』で確認してみると、「⦅略式⦆(目的もなく)ぶらつく、だらだらと歩く」といった意味が記載されていました。


benevolent 復習


Search on for owner of 2,000 lottery tickets left at Tochigi City Hall

Police are looking for the benevolent owner of 2,000 lottery tickets that were presumably left intentionally at the Tochigi City Hall in Ibaraki Prefecture.

The tickets, placed in paper bags, were found inside the elevator of the administrative building's parking lot at around noon on Monday by a woman. A handwritten note reading "If any of these tickets win a prize in the lottery, please use the money to help victims of storm disasters," addressed to the Tochigi mayor, was also enclosed, Fuji TV reported. The tickets, worth 600,000 yen, are for the famous year-end jumbo lottery draw. The top prize is 500 million yen.



LDOCEで“kind, helpful and generous”と定義されており、『Wisdom英和辞典第3版』(三省堂)では「親切な、善意の、寛大な、慈悲深い」とありました。

調べてみると、bene-という接頭辞には「善、良」という意味がありました。benefitなどがその類です。ちなみに、反意語は「malevolent : (他人を傷つけようという)悪意のある、敵意のある(“having or showing a desire to harm other people - LDOCE”)」です。こちらのmal-、male-は「悪い、悪の」という意味をもつ接頭辞になります。(Chris)


refurbishment 復習

英国、オックスフォード大学の学長である Andrew Hamilton氏は、来年1月よりニューヨーク大学(NYU)の学長に就任しますが、その際に、大学側が用意した住居が贅沢な改修を行ったため非難を浴びています。

記事によると、階段の位置が変わり、新たな壁が付け足されたり、キッチンが新しくなり、家電などの機器も一新されたそうです。様々な改修の総計は少なくとも£740,000(日本円で現在、およそ1億3200万円) かかったとされています。改修のみでなく、Andrew Hamilton氏への高額な給料も、アメリカで3番目に高いことで知られるNYUの学費に苦しむ学生らの反感を招いています。

Oxford University head under fire for lavish penthouse refurbishment

The vice chancellor of Oxford University has come under fire over a lavish refurbishment at the penthouse that will be his residence when he takes up his new post in New York.
The head of Oxford University has been criticised over a lavish refurbishment of the penthouse that will be his residence when he takes up his new post in New York. (中略)

記事にあります"refurbishment"は「磨き直し;一新、改装」(『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』)を意味します。Oxford Dictionaries On-line では"The renovation and redecoration of something, especially a building" と定義されていました。動詞の形になると、"refurbish"となり、以前、この形でブログでも紹介されています。
(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20100912/1284252059 )

関連して、今回の記事と関連するNew York Times (以下URL記載)の記事の中で使用されていた"refurbish(ment)"の言い換え表現が見つかりましたので、紹介したいと思います。

redo: Redecorate (a room or building)
・face(-)lift: A procedure carried out to improve the appearance of something
「(建物などの)改修, 手直し」
・makeover : A complete transformation of the appearance of someone or something

(英:Oxford Dictionaries On-line 日:『Wisdom英和辞典』 第三版)

イギリス留学時に、留学先の学生が"I am a student, not a business opportunity!"という言葉を掲げ、高い学費に抗議をするための署名活動をしていたことを思い出しました。確かに学費は高額で、私が在学していた1年間の中でも、新しい施設が作られたり、キャンパス内にアート作品が展示されたりと、過ごしやすいと思う反面、高い学費の使い途が気になることがありました。






Egosurfing (also Googling yourself, vanity searching, egosearching, egogoogling, autogoogling, self-googling) is the practice of searching for one's own name, or pseudonym on a popular search engine in order to review the results.

[1] Similarly, an egosurfer is one who surfs the Internet for his or her own name to see what information appears. It has become increasingly popular with the rise of internet search engines, as well as free blogging and web-hosting services. Though Google is the search engine most commonly mentioned when referring to egosurfing, other widely known search engines include Yahoo and Bing.






sexagenarian 復習


In this selfie-obsessed generation, no candidate is safe, even a sexagenarian. But former Florida governor, Jeb Bush, while campaigning in his home state, proved that he’s learned a few new tricks.

While speaking at the Forum Club of the Palm Beaches to a group of several hundred, he was asked how selfies have changed the campaign landscape.



今回取り上げる表現は、“sexagenarian”です。まず、Merriam-Webster On-lineを確認してみると、“a person who is between 60 and 69 years old”と記載されていました。「60代のひと」という意味であることが分かりました。さらに、『ジーニアス英和辞典第4版』(大修館書店)を見てみると、「60歳代の(人)」と載っていました。この記事には、ブッシュ氏が60歳代にも関わらず、セルフィーを教えることが書かれています。また、語源を調べていくと、ラテン語の“sexaginta”「60」とありました。(Nao)

PS なお各年代をあらわすラテン系列の呼称は伝説の先輩 Camel先生(神奈川県内の公立高校教師、4年時に英検1級、TOEIC 満点)がまとめておられます。



 記事の中で気になった単語は"staple"です。最初に「ホチキス」を思い浮かべましたが,『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)で調べてみると「(日常の)必需食品,(ある国・地域などの)主要産物[商品], 特産品」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comでは"A main or important element of something"と定義されております。"staple"の語源が「市場」である(『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂))ことからもこのような意味になることが分かります。(Ume)

Worries grow over humanitarian impacts of 'strongest El Nino'

"Millions of people in places like Ethiopia, Haiti and Papua New Guinea are already feeling the effects of drought and crop failure," said Jane Cocking, from Oxfam.
"We urgently need to get help to these areas to make sure people have enough food and water.
"We cannot afford to allow other large-scale emergencies to develop elsewhere. If the world waits to respond to emerging crises in southern Africa and Latin America, we will not be able to cope," she said.
While many parts of the developing world will more directly feel the ongoing impacts of El Nino, the developed world will see impacts on food prices.
"It takes some time for the impacts of El Nino to feed through to social and economic systems," said Dr Klingaman.
"Historically food prices have gone up by 5%-10% for staples. Crops like coffee and rice and cocoa and sugar tend to be particularly affected."


staple - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
staple #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

encrypt 復習


Hello Kitty owner Sanrio says fan site security leak fixed

HONG KONG (AP) -- The Japanese company that owns the Hello Kitty brand said it has fixed a security leak in an online fan site for the famous character that compromised the personal information of 3.3 million users.
Sanrio Co.'s digital arm said Tuesday that it "corrected" a security vulnerability on the SanrioTown.com website and was carrying out an investigation. The leak was discovered Saturday by a security researcher.

Hong Kong-based Sanrio Digital said anyone who knew the Internet addresses of "specific vulnerable servers" could have accessed personal information such as names and birthdates. Passwords were also available but encrypted.

今回取り上げるのは“encrypted”です。原形の動詞は“encrypt”で、「<データ>を暗号化する」(『ジーニアス英和辞典第五版』大修館書店)、“to protect information by putting it into a special CODE that only some people can read, especially information that is on a computer”(LDOCE)という意味があります。

対義語は“decrypt”で、「<暗号文など>を解読する、復号する」(『G5』)、“to change a message or information on a computer back into a form that can be read, when someone has sent it to you in a type of computer CODE”(LDOCE)という意味を持っています。類似した意味を持つ単語としては、“decipher”や“decode”が挙げられます。また、接頭辞のenやdeを取った“crypt”を調べてみると「(教会堂の)地下室≪かつて納骨に用いられた≫」(『G5』)、“a room under a church, used in the past for burying people”(LDOCE)とありました。

関連して“cryptic”を辞書でひくと、「<表現・発言・発信などが>隠れた[秘めた]意味を持つ、わかりにくい;秘密の;謎の」(『G5』)、“having a meaning that is mysterious or not easily understood”(LDOCE)という意味があったので、“crypt”は何か秘密のものなどに使われるのではないかと考えました。(Green)



perfect storm


A grand jury on Monday declined to indict a white police officer in the killing of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy who was shot while playing with what turned out to be a pellet gun.

In explaining the decision, Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty said it was “indisputable” that the boy was drawing the pistol from his waistband when he was gunned down. McGinty said Tamir was trying to either hand the weapon over to police or show them it wasn’t real, but the officer and his partner had no way of knowing that.

“Simply put, given this perfect storm of human error, mistakes and miscommunications by all involved that day, the evidence did not indicate criminal conduct by police,” McGinty said.


"perfect storm" を取り上げます。直訳すると「完璧な嵐」となりますが、デジタル大辞林は「複数の厄災が同時に起こり、破滅的な事態に至ること。2008年、世界中に広がった経済危機の震源地となった米国の金融恐慌をたとえる言葉。究極の嵐。」と定義し、気象用語から経済、さらには一般的な事件で複雑な要因が絡まり破滅的な出来事を指す用語になったそうです。Macmillan Dictionary On-lineでは、"a very unpleasant situation in which several bad things happen at once"とありました。




ニューヨークの各スポーツチームの2015年は「year of almosts」となったそうです。

Good morning on this dripping Tuesday.

For many New York sports teams, it was a year of almosts.

They almost won the championship, almost made it to the finals, or almost didn’t completely break their fans’s hearts.

The Mets got us all to believe, making the World Series for the first time in 15 years, a joyous ending to a regular season full of fits and starts.

They lost to the Kansas City Royals in five games — a disheartening end on the road to redemption.

The Rangers promised us glory, even it came at the cost of nails bitten, coming back from a 3–1 deficit (for the second time).



almostは副詞でおなじみですが、ここはyear of almostsと名詞で用いられています。この用法で調べてみますと、『ランダムハウス大英和』に「名 (the almost) (米俗) ほぼ最高のもの(人)」という定義がありました。つまり野球も、バスケも、フットボールももう一歩の連続だったわけですね。このように「あと少し」を「ほぼ最高のもの」と置き換えるポジティブな発想はアメリカならのものなんでしょうか。(Nao)

wait and see 復習


China to 'wait and see' if Japan sincere on sex slave issue

China’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday it would “wait and see” how sincere Japan was after South Korea and Japan reached a landmark agreement to resolve the issue of wartime sex slaves, or “comfort women,” as they are euphemistically known.


『クラウン英語イディオム辞典』(三省堂)によると,「成り行きを待つ,静観する」(“If you tell someone to wait and see, you tell them that they must be patient or that they must not worry about what is going to happen in the future because they have no control over it”--COBUILD3)という意味です。日本語で言うところの「鳴かぬなら 鳴くまで待とう ホトトギス」に相当するでしょうか。(Kawada)

swoon 復習


SUMO/ Guinness World Records gives Hakuho perfect end-of-year present

Yokozuna Hakuho is a hard man to sweep off his feet, but the news that his record of 35 Emperor's Cups was immortalized in the Guinness World Records made him swoon.


swoonを取り上げます。『オーレックス英和辞典』第2版(旺文社)によると,第二語義に「気絶する,卒倒する」(“(old-fashioned) to become unconscious”--OALD8)とあります。




この冬に読書を再開したSUSHI AND BEYONDから英語表現を一つ採り上げます。引用箇所はChapter 6(World Famous in Japan)の導入部。この章では料理を扱った日本のテレビ番組,中でも筆者がSMAP×SMAPの撮影を見学した時のことが書かれています。
cook-offは「(チリ(chili)料理・バーベキューなどの)料理コンテスト」のこと(『スーパー・アンカー英和辞典』第4版,学研教育出版)。ここでは日本でかつて一世を風靡した「料理の鉄人」という料理勝負(番組)を指しています。( Koyamamoto)

According to some estimations, over forty per cent of all Japanese television output can be categorized as ‘food TV’ – whether it is serious programmes in search of obscure artisanal producers, or the crazy campery of the world famous cook-off, Iron Chef (sadly no longer in production but still repeated). Certainly, my own empirical research during our first few days in Japan had confirmed that, if you turn on the TV, you will come across something to do with food within two or three clicks of the remote. (SUSHI AND BEYOND, p. 39)