常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

constipation 復習


Japanese snack maker Calbee, Inc., known for favorites such as its Kappa Ebisen shrimp-flavored fried snack and its potato chips, has steadily increased its performance despite the maturing market it operates in. What is the secret? For this edition of “The Leaders,” a column featuring corporate management and senior executives, The Yomiuri Shimbun asked Calbee Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Akira Matsumoto for his insights.

A lot of people say, “If it’s a good product, it will sell,” but that’s not how it works. The important thing is how a product is sold.

Calbee began selling its Fruit Granola — cereal made from grains with dried fruits mixed in — in 1991, but sales were stagnant.

Wondering why something so good wasn’t selling well, I decided to see what could be done about it.
The first thing we looked at was the name of the product. In Japan, McDonald’s is commonly known as Makku, Starbucks as Sutaba and the celebrity Takuya Kimura as Kimutaku. To shorten the name [of Fruit Granola], we changed it to Frugra in 2011.
The next thing was to clarify who exactly we were selling it to. I said, “Let’s try targeting working women in their 20s to 50s.” This demographic responds quickly to new things.

What does this demographic worry about and need? The answer is saving time. They don’t even have time to use the restroom in the morning and they face more issues with constipation. We promoted the fact that this breakfast could be prepared in just one minute and that it contained as much fiber as four bananas, and annual sales climbed from \3 billion to \10 billion.



今回気になった単語はconstipation / ˌkɒnstɪˈpeɪʃən /です。con-が使用されているので共にの意味を含むものではないかと推測しました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では、「便秘」とありました。また、動詞形ではconstipate / ˈkɒnstɪˌpeɪt /となり「〈人〉を便秘にする」となります。


cf. My stool is hard./ I just can't pass stool./ I haven't done my number for a couple of days.

diet 基本復習

ASAHIWEEKLY Feb 18のOmotenashi (p.11)からです。
見出しに “国会議事堂 The Diet Building”とあったので気になって読んでいましたが”Diet”が使われている理由については記載されていませんでした。

ちなみにジーニアスに記載がありましたが”He is a member of the Diet”というと「彼は国会議員をしている」という意味を持ちますが、「私はダイエット会員です」という勘違いが起きることが多いそうなので”He is a member of Congress”ということもあるそうです。ダイエットといえばランニング、ランニングといえば東京マラソン。この日は東京マラソンで設楽選手が日本記録を出しました。日本記録樹立の賞金は一億円だそうです。(Creative)

flea 基本復習


People are now able to easily buy and sell used items on their smartphones, accelerating the trend. In addition, many consumers, mainly young ones, have become less concerned about possessing brand-new items.

Buying goods to sell
Most of the belongings Ai Sakai uses every day, such as clothing and shoes, are used items she bought via Mercari, a major flea market app. When the 27-year-old company employee in Taito Ward, Tokyo, gets tired of what she has, she offers it for sale on the same app.


今回取り上げる単語はflea /flíː/です。marketの前にあるので名詞、または形容詞であると推測しました。『ジーニアス英日辞典』第4版によると「[虫]ノミ;ノミのように跳ぶ小虫」とありました。しかしこれでは意味が通りません。詳しく調べると、flea market で「のみの市、フリーマーケット、街頭の古着市」とありました。

around one’s neck 復習

23日に行われたスピードスケート男子1000mでは, オランダのキエルド・ナウシュ選手が今大会で2度目となる金メダルに輝きました。

Finn clears way as Dutchman Nuis lands 2nd title

Kjeld Nuis won his second gold medal in speed skating, and he had Mika Poutala’s Olympic spirit to thank for it.


“I have two of these things around my neck, and that is why I came here,” said Nuis, who failed to make his country’s national team for the last two Olympics.



取り上げるフレーズはaround one’s neckです。まずは文脈, および「首のまわりに」という表現より, 煩わしさが感じられます。確認のため『新英和大辞典』(第五版, 研究社)を引いたところ, round one’s neckで「重荷 [足手まとい] になって」とありました。例文には “She had the sick child round her neck all the time.” と記されています。

形のよく似たイディオムとして, an [the] albatross round [about] somebody’s neck「一生ついてまわる劫罰」が挙げられ, こちらは英詩人Samuel Taylor Coleridgeによる作品『老水夫行 (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner) 』に由来しているとのことです(同英和辞典)。(Cayu)

ご指名質問#18 Water, water, everywhereに挑戦 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
around the neck - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
albatross around my neck - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

in a bind 復習


Success of Pyeongchang Olympic mascots leaves Japan in a bind

While the performances of athletes have hogged much of the spotlight at the Pyeongchang Olympics, it’s been hard to ignore the stuffed tigers the winners have received on the podium at the conclusion of their events.

In December, the Pyeongchang Organizing Committee announced that medalists would receive a doll of the games mascot wearing a gold, silver or bronze hat and a paper flower. They would subsequently receive their medals at a ceremony held at the end of each day.


見出しにあるin a bind を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)を引いたところ、「(非常に)困って,焦って」と載っておりました。Oxford Dictionary of English (2th) には、 in a difficult situation that you do not know how to get out ofと定義されております。ちなみにbindには、an annoying or difficult situation という意味があります。(LDOCE 5th)


in a bind #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

boozy 復習


PYEONGCHANG, South Korea--It began with politics. It ends with ... politics.


Pyeongchang closes its chapter of the 122-year-old modern Olympic storybook on Feb. 25 night with countless tales to tell — tales of North Korea and Russia, of detente and competitive grit and volunteerism and verve, of everything from an uncomfortable viral outbreak to an athlete's boozy joyride.



気になった単語は”boozy” /búːzi/ です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館)を参照すると、「酔っ払った、大酒飲みの」と載っていました。この動詞系は”booze”であり、”booze it up”で「大酒を飲む」という意味になります。また、そこから派生して、”booze-up”では「どんちゃん騒ぎ」です。
“booze”という単語は、「過剰に飲む」を意味するオランダ語の”busen”を語源としていることがわかりました。そこから中期英語の”bouse”を経て現在の形へと変化したようです。(Large Lake)


bloat 復習


It is hoped that the level and effectiveness of cancer treatment will be improved by determining the most appropriate cure for each patient.


If the new method is put on a sound footing, it will reduce the kind of treatments that can unnecessarily inflict pain on patients. It will also curtail treatment costs, which are prone to rise for such reasons as that various methods of treatment are tried and drugs are also used to deal with side effects.


In the United States and European countries, a succession of therapeutic methods targeting specified genetic mutations have appeared. The problem of bloated medical expenses that accompanies the trend has been increasingly serious. In some instances, one-time treatment could cost more than \50 million in the United States.
Who will bear hefty expenses incurred, and how? In-depth discussions should be promoted in Japan, too, by looking steadily at progress in genome-based treatment.

今回取り上げる単語はbloat / blóʊt /です。まず意味を確認します。『ジーニアス英和辞典』第5版(大修館)で調べてみると「〈物が〉〔…で〕ふくれる(+out)「with」」「…をふくらませる(+out)」「〈魚〉を燻製にする。」とありました。また併せてbloated「〈人の体(の部分)が〉ふくれた、むくんだ」という形容詞の意味も載っていました。
記事ではbloatedが用いられています。しかし文脈では「人の体の一部」がふくれているのではなく、「費用」がふくれているとなっています。不思議に思いOxford Dictionary Of English(2th)で調べてみると"excessive in size or amount"という定義もあり、人の体以外にも使えるということが分かりました。また同記事内ではこの語の言い換えとしてhefty「高額の、たくさんの」という語も用いられています。言い換えられた表現も一緒に覚えることで表現の幅が広がり、今後のライティングにも活かすことができそうです。


a bloated corpse - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から


soot 復習

かつては日常生活でも使われていた和ろうそくについての記事がThe Japan Newsにありました。

All aglow with warosoku: Traditional Japanese candles have timeless charm

KYOTO — Warosoku, or traditional Japanese candles, were once an everyday source of lighting, and they are still placed at Shinto or Buddhist altars set up in people’s homes. However, fewer and fewer people are using them today, partly because fewer families have such altars.

Nevertheless, the gentle light of warosoku — “wa” means Japanese and “rosoku” is candle — has a timeless charm and can bring comfort and warmth to the modern lifestyle.

Nakamura Rosoku is a warosoku manufacturer established in 1887 in Kyoto. During a recent visit by The Yomiuri Shimbun, the shop was filled with a scent evoking a somewhat nostalgic feeling. Hirokazu Tagawa, the fourth-generation head of the business, was coating candle wicks with melted wax in layers to make them thicker.


Unlike Western candles that use paraffin-based wax, warosoku produce little smoke and hardly drip, and their soot is less sticky, according to Tagawa.

“It’s easy to wipe away the soot,” the craftsman said. “Even if wax sticks to Buddhist altar articles or other hard surfaces, you can wash it away with hot water.”

気になったのはsoot/sˈʊt/という単語です。wipe awayとあったので、溶けたろうかなと思いましたが、『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館書店)を見てみると「すす」や「…をすすだらけにする,すすで汚す」)とありました。

通例は受け身の形で使われるようです。また同じ意味の単語はcarbon blackで、違いはcarbon blackが「〈天然ガスを不完全燃焼させたときに生じる黒いすす〉」であるということだそうです。ちなみにsootの形容詞形はsooty/sˈʊṭi,sˈʊti/だと記載されていました。ブログでsootを使った熟語を見つけたのでそちらもぜひご確認ください。

in soot - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

cf. soot sprites

thrall 復習

 In the past week, the spectacle of the American gun lobby facing down the bereaved families of Parkland, Florida, has been difficult to watch. So close to the latest tragedy, the insistence on the sanctity of the right to bear arms has looked not only wrong-headed but wildly perverse. The weight of evidence, which grows shooting by shooting, goes a long way to proving that the second amendment has the diametrically opposite effect from that – keeping families safe – in which its proponents place their faith. The disconnect invites a question that seems increasingly insistent in our lives: on big issues, why is it so very hard for people to change their minds? …
 Anecdotal evidence suggests that the reason for the stubborn polarising of opinion is the increasingly tribal nature of our debate. We seem to be forgetting what pragmatism and compromise and listening hard to the other point of view even feel like.
 Intransigence is confused with leadership. We seem increasingly in thrall to leaders who offer the seduction of unwavering solutions to complex and evolving problems. Activists on both sides of the political spectrum police allies and elected representatives for purity of thought and action, issuing anonymised threats to those who seek to express nuance or deviation. (Skip the rest)


 今回取り上げる語は、thrall / θrˈɔːl / です。“We seem increasingly in thrall to leaders who …” の箇所をみると、who 以下に好ましくない内容がきているので、「我々は (who 以下の) 指導者らにますます惑わされているようだ」と訳せないかと推測しました。実際にマイナスの意味で使われているかどうかも踏まえて、以下で確認していきます。
 まず OED をみると、“The state of being in someone's power, or of having great power over someone” と “A slave, servant, or captive” という定義がされていました。また、LDOCE や Cambridge Dictionary を確認したところ、今回のように in thrall to と使われることが多く、LDOCE の場合、“controlled or strongly influenced by someone or something” となっていました。念のため『ウィズダム英和辞典』(三省堂)を確認すると、「Aの束縛を受けて、Aにとらわれて」とあります。
 またこの語の語源を OED でみると、“Old English thrǣl ‘slave’, from Old Norse thræll.” とあり、古英語であることがわかりました。
 以上のことから、in thrall to は「〜の奴隷である」という直訳から「〜にとらわれている」という意味になり、マイナスのニュアンスも持つという結論に至ります。(OkaUchi)

let one’s hair down 復習


Skaters let their hair down at gala

Rappers, Spiderman and a sultry tiger took to the ice on Sunday as the world’s top skaters let their creativity take over in a gala exhibition, the final figure skating event at the Pyeongchang Games.

Galas are a traditional part of any major figure skating competition, allowing fans to glimpse a different side of the skaters, who do moves and routines not usually permitted under competition rules.

Each skater works up a separate routine that they use all year. Props and original costumes are also permitted.



見出しにあるlet one’s hair downを取り上げます。直訳で考えると「髪を下ろす」という意味であるところから、緊張を解くという意味になるかと思いました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「(略式)くつろぐ、羽をのばす;(女性が)髪をほどいてたらす」とありました。

LDOCEには “to enjoy yourself and start to relax, especially after working very hard” と定義されています。物事に真剣に取り組んだ後にリラックスするという意味を表すようです。


let their hair down - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

backlash 復習


Is the Snapchat party over?

A tweet from kylie Jenner wiped £1bn off Snap’s stock market value after she said she’s no longer using Snapchat.
Her decision comes amid a backlash against the app’s latest design which fans really don’t like.

And it appears she may not be alone in abandoning the app.

Magician Julius Dein, who has 20m followers across all social media platforms, says he has noticed a significant decline in his Snapchat daily viewers.



本日取り上げる単語は、backlash です。私自身も最近のsnapchatのアップデートを機に使用頻度が低くなったもので、それに加え多くの有名snapchatユーザーがアップデートに苦言を呈していることは知っていたので、この記事は内容として理解することは非常に容易いものでした。しかし、同単語の意味は皆目見当つかなかったので、Cambridge Dictionary を引いてみたところ、「a strong feeling among a group of people in reaction to a change or recent events in society or politics」と記されていました。つまり、ある一点を機に人々が強い感情を抱くということですね、この場合は人々のSnapchatのアップデートに対する「使いづらい」という感情であると言えるでしょう。






conjure 復習

ASAHIWEEKLY Feb 25 Travel (p.12) からです。

Set high on a hilltop overlooking Jodhpur, the imposing Mehrangarh Fort looks every inch the desert fortress. As a reminder of Rajasthan’s warring past, set against the golden sunlight of late afternoon it also conjures the romance of India. From its ramparts the view down over the old town is revealing. There, amid the labyrinthine chaos of narrow streets and lanes, many of the houses are painted in a blue wash.

今日の単語は“conjure” /kɑ́ndʒər/ です。文脈的に「表す、象徴する」などの意味だと予測しました。(『ジーニアス英和辞典第五版』大修館)によると「〜に魔法をかける、〜を呪文で呼び出す、〜を思い出させる」とありました。ここでは「思い出させる」が適切だと思います。この単語を見る限り語源が別のところからきていると思いました。調べてみるとラテン語の“conjurare”が語源のようです。語幹をみるとcom-はtogetherを表す接頭辞。jurareはswear(誓う)という意味を持ちます。お互いに誓い合うという意味になり、14世紀ごろに派生して魔術的な意味が入ってきたそうです。




Japan’s most famous cat island moving towards plan to spay, neuter all of its kitty inhabitants

The island of Aoshima, part of Japan’s Ehime Prefecture, is commonly considered a feline paradise. While it’s not Japan’s only cat island, it’s the most famous, attracting visitors both domestic and international who come to see the 130 kitties that roam free along the streets of the island community.

Walking around Aoshima, you’ll see sights like this…


記事内に何度も用いられているspay /spéɪ/ を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)を引いたところ、-edの形で「〈動物が〉卵巣を除去される」と載っておりました。Oxford Dictionary of English (2th) には、 sterilize (a female animal) by removing the ovaries と定義されております。語源は古フランス語のespeer で “cut with a sword”という意味だそうです。

以上から、メス猫に対する避妊手術を指していることが分かります。ちなみにspay はメスに対応しますが、neuter(ed) はオスが「去勢される」という意味です。(Gomez)

cf. Is your cat spayed/ neutered?

resplendent 復習


First up is the junior mullet category. Contestants: 22. A scrum of mullet-bearing kids trip down an impromptu catwalk formed by the crowd and line up onstage, their hair resplendent. They’re prompted to dance by Karuah cover band the Stunned Mullets – on retainer for the day – striking up Keep Your Hands to Yourself by the Georgia Satellites. They bop eagerly, revelling in the attention – all except a lanky teenager with a lustrous brunette spread who stands stock still, silently mortified as only teenage boys can be.


resplendent / rɪspléndənt / が気になりました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』によると「[大げさに]きらきら輝く、まばゆい、華麗な」と記載されています。使用例としてA resplendent atmosphereで「華やかな雰囲気」を意味します。語源はラテン語からきています。

Cambridge Dictionary ではhaving a very bright or beautiful appearanceと定義されていました。同義語にはsplendidや gloriousがあります。前者はexcellent, or beautiful and impressive、後者はdeserving great admiration, praise and honorと定義されていることからさほど意味の違いはないですが、gloriousは見た目だけでなく内観的魅力も兼ね備えているニュアンスがあるように思いました。(Kiwi girl)

集大成 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

workflow 復習


A new service from Fujitsu Ltd. utilizes Internet of Things (IoT) technology to detect unproductive or inefficient workflows in warehouses.

Fujitsu developed the new service for the distribution industry, which is struggling with labor shortages. It shows on computer screens the distances that workers move and how long their activities take, monitoring these elements via sensors installed in warehouses.
The main feature of the new service is to check whether warehouse staff are using inefficient processes during their work.

In the future, the company plans to offer proposals about the most suitable staff allocations and workflows by using artificial intelligence (AI), Fujitsu officials said.
Fujitsu also offers similar services for retailers. The company aims to earn a total of \20 billion in sales from the service by fiscal 2020.



今回取り上げるのはworkflow / wɜːkˌfləʊ /です。workとflowに分けることが出来るため直訳で「仕事の流れ」という意味になると思いました。確認のため、『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)を引いてみると「ワークフロー、仕事(作業)の流れ(具合)」とありました。



Cairns Final Day

I came back in one piece from Australia after a 7-hour flight. I’ll write about my last day.

On the final day in Cairns, we took a bus tour to watch wild animals, including kangaroos, Australian brush-turkeies (yabutukatukuri), wallabies, platypuses, possums, etc. We had a chance to feed wild wallabies. They were very fluffy. We had to be careful not to touch a baby in its mother’s pocket when we fed them. If you mark a baby with man-scent, chances are that a mother will throw her baby away.


Platypus /plˈæṭɪpəs/ is translated as “kamonohashi”. Some people take a platypus for a turtle. I found that a possum is different from an opossum. A possums lives in Australia and looks like a big squirrel, whereas an opossum live in north America and looks like a big mice. They are also marsupial and act mainly at night (nocturnal animal). We were not able to feed them because they have sharp claws.


We watched a Curtain fig tree in national park besides animals. A fig tree is “shimekoroshinoki”. Seeds in bird dropping leeched off the parent tree and killed it. The shape of the tree is just like a big curtain. I felt power from it.


However brie, I had a precious experience in Cairns blessed with nature. If I have an opportunity to go back to Australia, I want to visit a city area like Sydney. (flying bird)