常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

post-mortem #2


Google Death Manager? Search engine giant lets you plan digital afterlife with 'Inactive Account Manager' tool

Currently, Google grants a dead person’s family access to their digital presence only in special cases

A range of websites, such as Pass My Will, Legacy Locker and Deathswitch, have emerged in recent years, helping people to administer post-mortem access to their digital estates with “e-wills”. Currently, Google will grant access to a deceased’s family members only in exceptional circumstances. Facebook will not give access, instead offering families the option to transform the deceased’s page into a memorial. Twitter will not provide access but will deactivate an account.



早速手持ちの辞書でpost-mortemを確認してみると、第一語義には、「死後の」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)、そして第二語義には、「事後の{に起こる}」(ibid)と記載されていました。念のため、ODOでも調べてみると、 ‘happening after death’とありました。

また、今回は語源が気になったので調べてみたところ、post-mortemは18世紀中期のラテン語を起源とする単語であることがわかりました。 (Shou-VR*)

fashion #2

本日UG先生が英語でディベートしておられた際に仰られた、He or she fashion.という表現から拾います。


fashionと聞くと私は、「流行のもの<<特に服装>>」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)という意味しか思い浮かばなかったのですが、ここでは、「(外見上の)やり方、流儀(way,manner)」(ibid)という意味になります。議論の話を書き出すと長くなってしまうので、今回は割愛させていただきますが、授業中の話題と流れから、He or she fashion.で、「代名詞を表すときにheもしくはsheという(PCの)流儀」と解釈できるのではないでしょうか。最近では単数であってもtheyで代用する用法もあるそうです。(Shou-VR*)

A-list #2

Adult, topless pools make splash
LAS VEGAS — Swim with a stripper. Party heartily with an A-list DJ. Crane your neck to see celebrity hijinks in a cabana roped off from crowds, where string bikini-clad servers pour $450 bottles of Grey Goose vodka.


A-listとは「〈俳優・音楽家などの〉大物(の)、一流の(人)」という意味で、主に新聞用語となっている表現です。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館書店)また、A-listに続いてB-listという表現もあります。併せてチェックしておこうと思います。(Jakie)



Chavez's political heir declared winner; opponent demands recount
(CNN) -- Hugo Chavez's handpicked successor won a narrow victory in Venezuela's presidential vote, but his opponent slammed the results as illegitimate and demanded a recount.

Nicolas Maduro secured 50.7% of votes in Sunday's poll while opposition candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski won 49.1%, Venezuela's National Electoral Council said.

The council's top official, Tibisay Lucena, called the results "irreversible."

An hour later, Capriles vowed to contest them.

"I want to tell the candidate of the government: today you're the loser and I'm telling you this unequivocally. You are the loser, you and your government," he said early Monday.

Maduro calls for peace, welcomes recount
Did Maduro win fair and square? "I say that unequivocally and with all commitment and transparency. We will not recognize any results until each vote of the Venezuelan people has been counted."

handpickは単純に「手で摘む」という意味以外に「…を厳選[精選]する」という意味もあります。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)また、ODOを見てみると"[with object] (usually as adjective hand-picked)
select carefully with a particular purpose in mind"とあり、普通は形容詞で使われ、「何か特別な目的によって厳選する(された)」「自ら選ぶ」というニュアンスが含まれるそうです。



Adult, topless pools make splash
LAS VEGAS — Swim with a stripper. Party heartily with an A-list DJ. Crane your neck to see celebrity hijinks in a cabana roped off from crowds, where string bikini-clad servers pour $450 bottles of Grey Goose vodka.

ここで扱うのはhijinksです。これはhigh jinks のことで、「どんちゃん騒ぎ」を意味します。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館書店)どんちゃん騒ぎというと、orgyやblowoutしか知らなかったので、おさえておきたいと思います。(Jakie)



Justin Bieber hopes Anne Frank 'would have been a belieber'

(CNN) -- If Anne Frank had not died a teenager in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945, Justin Bieber hopes she would have been his devoted fan.

That's what Bieber, 19, wrote in the guestbook at the Anne Frank House when he visited there Friday, according to the Amsterdam site.

"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber," Bieber wrote. The tourist site posted the message on its Facebook page.

Adolescent and teen girls obsessed with the Canadian singer are known as "beliebers."
"Here I thought it was nice of him to go and see the history of her until I read what he wrote. Have some respect Mr. Bieber for she will be famous long after your fame fizzles."


fizzleは「<飲み物などが>かすかにシューシューと音を立てる」の他に、「(最初はうまくいくが)失敗に終わる、尻すぼみになる」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館書店)という意味もあります。
LDOCEも見てみるとfizzle outで"to gradually stop happening, especially because people become less interested"と載っていました。特に「人の興味が薄れる」といったニュアンスが強いようです。


hint #3


Soccer: Nagatomo doubtful for Australia game, may have knee surgery

TRIESTE, Italy (Kyodo) -- Yuto Nagatomo is in grave danger of missing the World Cup qualifier against Australia in June after Inter Milan manager Andrea Stramaccioni hinted at knee surgery for the Japan defender on Sunday.


今回取り上げる表現は、hintです。過去にもブログで何度か取り上げられていますが、cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20120809/1344509902 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20121224/1356361177 hintには日本でも名詞としてそのまま使われている「ヒント,ほのめかし,暗示」(『ウィズダム英和辞典 第二版』三省堂)という意味のほかにも、動詞でも用いられる事がわかりました。「《…を》ほのめかす,それとなく言う《at》」(ibid)
私は過去に「暗示する」という意味でimplyを使った事があったので、hintとimplyのニュアンスの違いが気になり、英英でhintとimplyを調べてみると、hintは"to suggest something in an indirect way, but so that someone can guess your meaning"(LDOE)と定義されており、implyは"to suggest that something is true, without saying this diretly"(ibid)と定義されている事から、hintには「真意が読み取れるようにほのめかす」、一方implyは「何かが正しいという事をほのめかす」という様なニュアンスがあるのではないでしょうか。




Explosions kill at least 2 at Boston Marathon; dozens injured

BOSTON — Two explosions disrupted the Boston Marathon on Monday, causing at least two deaths and dozens of injuries and scattering crowds near the finish line, authorities said.

The blasts occurred after the top racers had completed the course, but thousands of others were still running. CNN reported that authorities halted the race.

Video footage showed an explosion off to the side of the street as runners were nearing the finish line, with a couple of runners toppling over from the concussion. Smoke rise from a sidewalk and people ran away. Photos of the scene afterward showed a sidewalk slicked with blood.

Boston police said two people were killed in the blasts. The Boston Globe reported that at least 64 people were injured.




It was Michael Arnstein’s 18th Boston Marathon and Victoria’s first.

“We crossed the finish line and about five minutes later we jumped from this massive explosion,” Michael said. “We felt the shock wave.”

The couple sprinted down a side street and took cover in a doorway.

For Arnstein, a business executive, panic quickly turned into anger.

“I knew right away it was a terrorist attack,” he said. “I wanted to pick up a bat and run back there and find those scumbags who set those bombs.”

注目したいのはscumbagです。意味は「卑劣なやつ」です(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館書店)。このscumには「(集団的に)人間のカス」のほかに「(沸騰した液体物の)あく、浮きかす」という意味もありました。アメリカでは警備のレベルが引き上げられることになりました。一刻も早く犯人が見つかってほしいです。(Sugar)



いや〜忙しいっス!落ち着くまでこちらは当分、学生まかせです。なのに明日は他大学への出講です。同乗させている同僚が予定をたずねてきました。こういうonの用法にも慣れましょうね。Yes, we are ON!(UG)

Are we still on for meeting here at 6:45 am tomorrow?


In 1996, at the age of 17, Scott enrolled at Kooralbyn International School south of Brisbane, a school with a renowned golf program.
His teacher Peter Claughton told Australian media that Scott had been a cut above the other golfing students.
"Adam was switched on and organised. He knew all about golf courses all over the world, the great players, the touring pros and what other amateurs were doing," Claughton said.
"He was single-minded and talked about what he wanted to do. On weekends, he'd plan exactly what he was doing. He wasn't a kid to just hit balls on the practice range. He'd always work on something specific."


今回取り上げる表現はsingle-mindedです。見ての通り「一つの目的を持った」、また「ひたむきな、誠実な、一心な」という意味です。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)何かを極めるには、目標を決めて予定を立てて、それを実行に移すことが大切だということをこの記事から学びました。オーストラリア勢でマスターズを制したのはアダムスコットが初めてなので、現地ではとても盛り上がっているそうです。(Haramii)



 本日は、國弘正雄先生の『Talk Show』(桐原書店)をお貸し頂きありがとうございました。月曜日までに全ページコピーしてお返し致します。國弘先生の英語が文字として私の目の前に現れ、今とても感激しております。さっそく読んでいたら、文中にてparallelという単語に出会い、その日本語と英語における「並行」の捉え方の差異を確認することができました。こういった意味でも、刺激と発見に満ちており、大変勉強になります。



Boston Marathon bombing: The initial theories

Early reports link twin blasts to right-wing extremists or al-Qa'ida

The Telegraph reported Peter Neumann, professor of security studies at King’s College, London, as saying: “Some groups used a particular kind of attack. With the IRA it was car bombs. With al-Qa'ida it has almost become a cliché but multiple explosions in the same place are regarded as hallmarks of Islamist terror.”


clichéが気になりました。早速辞書で調べてみると、「ありきたりの筋{場面、効果}」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)と定義されていました。LDOCEでも調べてみると、 ‘an idea, action, or habit that has become trite from overuse’とありました。


in [into] custody


Boston Marathon explosions: three dead, dozens injured as 'bombs' hit race finish line

At least three people have been killed and another 100 maimed or injured after two "powerful" bombs were detonated at the finish line of the Boston marathon.

There were unconfirmed claims that a wounded man was under guard in hospital as a “possible suspect”, but police later said that no suspect was in custody.


custodyを取り上げます。第一義はもちろん、「((正式))管理、保管」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)という意味ですが、文中では、「監禁;拘留、留置」(ibid)という意味になります。また、主にtakeと共に共起し、take in [into] custodyという形で、「拘留する」(ibid)と表現することができます。

まだ多くが謎に包まれていますが、早急に事実が解明されてほしいです。 (Shou-VR*)