leave big shoes to fill #2
Hara leaves big shoes for next Giants manager to fill
Other than the timing, the news of Tatsunori Hara’s decision to step down as manager of the Yomiuri Giants didn’t exactly come out of left field.
For one, there had been rumblings that this season might be Hara’s last since at least September. So it wasn’t hard to imagine he was doffing his cap toward Giants fans for the last time as manager while making the walk from the dugout to the visitor’s clubhouse at Jingu Stadium on Saturday, following the 3-2 loss to the Tokyo Yakult Swallows that ended Yomiuri’s playoff run.
Even if it wasn’t surprising, Hara stepping down is notable if for no other reason than the giant shoes he leaves the next manager to fill.
今回取り上げるのは、“leave big shoes to fill”という表現です。手持ちの辞書にはこの表現に関する記載がありませんでしたが、これに似た“fill O’s shoes”という表記があり、「〈人〉に代わる、後釜に座る」(ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店)といった意味が載っていました。この表現から、これらの“shoes”は「立場、責任」を表していると連想しました。そのため、“leave big shoes to fill”で「(後任監督に)大きな穴、重責を残す」といった意味を表していると分かります。(ninetails)