rebuke 復習
ANA rebuked after allowing more passengers on than seats
All Nippon Airways Co. (ANA) narrowly averted a dangerous situation of forcing a man to stand on takeoff after mistakenly boarding one too many passengers on a flight late last month.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism severely reprimanded the company on Oct. 11.
“We will work on preparing corrective measures right away,” apologized Koichi Uchizono, senior executive vice president of ANA.
The mishap occurred on a scheduled flight from Fukuoka to Tokyo's Haneda Airport on Sept. 30.
According to ANA and the transport ministry, a teenager who was traveling with his father mistakenly downloaded the bar code of his father's ticket from the ANA reservation and ticketing website.
At the airport, the son passed through the security checkpoint following his father with the smartphone displaying the ticket information. The bar code reader issued the alert “re-entering.”
However, the safety inspector allowed the teenager to proceed based on the judgment that he had passed the ticket above the reader twice, resulting in a false alarm. He also went through the boarding gate in a similar manner.
Still, the computer system did not confirm that the young man had boarded the plane. ANA assigned the “vacant” seat to a passenger on the waiting list. As a result, 406 passengers, one more than capacity, were on board.
When an operational vehicle started to taxi the aircraft to the runway, a cabin attendant found the father still standing.
The engine had not yet started, and ANA disembarked the teenager and his father. The airplane departed 47 minutes late.
今回取り上げる表現は、“rebuke”と“reprimand”です。『ウィズダム英和辞典』(第3版、三省堂)を引いたところ、“rebuke”は「«…のことで/…したと»〈人〉を強く非難[叱責]する、叱る«for / for doing»」とありました。また、“reprimand”は「«…(したこと)を理由に»〈人〉を叱責する、懲戒する«for (doing)»」と載っていました。
LDOCEでは、“rebuke”は“formal to speak to someone severely about something they have done wrong”、“reprimand”は“to tell someone officially that something they have done is very wrong”とそれぞれ定義されていいました。
今回の二つの単語は似た意味を持つ類義語です。他にも“reproach”や“reprove”が類義語として挙げられます。その中でも今回の“rebuke”と“reprimand”は公式の場でよく用いられる単語であるようです。(Blue Sky)