thirst-quenching 復習
インターネットでthirst-quenchingという語を調べていると、Cambridge Dictionaries Onlineには,“A thirst-quenching drink stops you feeling thirsty”という定義がありました。
定義にある通り、drinkなど、食べ物、飲み物に関係する語と共起するようです。英辞郎 on the webは「のどの渇きを癒してくれる」という意味で載せています。
Calpis is a Japanese soft drink that has been around for almost 100 years. Despite how well-loved it is not only in Japan, but all over Southeast Asia, most foreigners are only familiar with its name, which sounds like “cow piss”, rather than its actual taste (which is why it’s renamed “Calpico” in the U.S.).
But as you can probably tell by its popularity, Calpis doesn’t taste anything like what it sounds like, and for summer the brand has introduced a limited line of thirst-quenching flavors to help you beat the heat.
Ajiwai Cola Float, the second flavor of their limited ajiwai” series, will be hitting shelves from the end of this month, and we’ve got the scoop on what the final product will look like once it does.
Cambridge Dictionaries Onlineに対し、Oxford Dictionaried Onlineには“Serving to relieve thirst;