常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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drug paraphernalia

巷では衝撃が走ったようですが、週刊文春の「シャブ & 飛鳥」の記事を読んでいたので心の準備はできていました。

Popular duo's Aska arrested for stimulant possession

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Police arrested on Saturday singer-songwriter Aska, half of the well-known musical duo Chage and Aska, on suspicion of possessing stimulant drugs, they said.

The 56-year-old Aska, whose real name is Shigeaki Miyazaki, hit fame with his partner Chage in Japan and also in other countries such as China with songs including "Banri no Kawa" and "Yah Yah Yah" after debuting in 1979, before continuing as a solo artist.

According to police, Aska and a female acquaintance were arrested in relation to small amounts of stimulants found in the acquaintance's central Tokyo apartment in April.

A subsequent search of Aska's home turned up several different drugs and drug paraphernalia, they said.

Police added they also suspect he used the drugs, after traces of stimulants were found in his urine after testing.

But the two have denied the allegations, with Aska reportedly telling police, "I have never had stimulants."

After suspending their activities in 2009, Chage and Aska reunited in January last year. But they withdrew from the spotlight in October after a weekly magazine reported Aska had allegedly used drugs, which he has denied.


drug paraphernalは、文脈からも推測できるように「麻薬関連品一式」のことです。つまりライターをはじめアルミ箔、吸引機具などの道具を指します。

これは元々は「新婦が持参金、身の周りの品(dowry)」を意味するものでしたが、現在ではbaby paraphernalia (ベビー用品)、golf paraphernalia (ゴルフ道具)などと何かするときの周辺(para)道具という意味で用いられます。昔、「斎藤和英」で「弁慶の七つ道具」が確か、Benkei's paraphernaliaと訳されていたことを覚えています。(UG)