get back on one’s feet
Singer Aska denied drug use allegation online despite reports he tested positive
Singer-songwriter Aska, who was arrested Nov. 28 on suspicion of using a stimulant while on parole for a drug use conviction in 2014, posted a series of entries on his online blog denying the latest allegation on the afternoon of that day after news outlets reported that he had tested positive for illegal drugs.
During his drug use trial in August 2014, Aska told the court that he used stimulants for the first time around the summer of 2010 after sleeping medicine stopped working on him. He reflected on his use of stimulants, saying, "I could not stop even if I wanted to. It was terrifying." After the ruling, he released a comment, stating, "I am determined to recover my health and get back on my feet with help from my family."
今回取り上げるのは、“get back on one’s feet”という表現です。この表現をLDOCEで調べてみると、“to have enough money again, or to be successful again after having problems”と定義されていました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)で“on one’s feet”を確認すると、「〈人が〉健康で、(病気から)回復して、元気になって」などと記載されていました。この表現から「自分自身の足で戻ってくる」というイメージが思い浮かび、ここでは「(覚せい剤依存から)立ち直る」と表されていると考えられます。(ninetails)