常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

victory lap / victory lap#2

1段落目にtake a victory lapとあります。「ゲーターレード」が飲料の小さい成分を変更するという発表に対してvictory lap しているということでしょう。「ウイニングラン」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)を思い浮かべることができるでしょう(英語で*winning runとは言いません)。私は、「勝利の味を噛み締めている」という訳が出来ると思います。

A Mississippi teenager is taking a victory lap after Gatorade announced it will change a minor ingredient in some of its popular sports drinks.

Sarah Kavanagh, a fifteen-year-old volleyball player and Gatorade lover, was drinking an orange Gatorade at home when she read about one of the ingredients in it. She dumped out the rest of the bottle right then and there, and began an online campaign to lobby the company to change formulas. The petition eventually drew over 200,000 signatures.

Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, is used in a number of drinks to prevent the colors and flavors from separating. The article that Kavanagh read in Scientific American said that the ingredient has been banned in Japan and Europe, and that bromine is cited in chemical company patents as a flame retardant.


カナダのオンタリオ州の高校で、卒業したのにまた高校に戻ってくる生徒が多いという記事なのです。ここでもvictory lapが使われています。
記事の内容から類推できますが、この用法は辞書に載っていなかったので、Wikipediaにお世話になりました。Victory lap (academia) - Wikipediaいわゆる「留年期間」を表していて、「5年目またはそれ以上」といったところでしょう。

TORONTO - Ontario's Liberal government is "cheating" when it includes students who take five years to complete the four-year high school curriculum in its graduation rate, the opposition parties charged Thursday.

The province was the last to eliminate Grade 13, after the 2002-03 school year, but the government still incorporates students who take a so-called victory lap in its official grad rate, despite criticism from the auditor general about the practice.

The government announced Thursday that the graduation rate for last year was 82 per cent, but admitted when questioned that only 73 per cent of Ontario students actually completed high school in four years.

