常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

traipse around


Animal spotted prowling inside Fukushima nuclear plant’s reactor building

A fox appears to have been traipsing around a highly radioactive area inside a reactor building at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Dec. 28.

The plant operator said a security camera mounted at a section next to the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor captured footage of the animal around 6 a.m. on Dec. 21. It said the creature appeared intermittently for seven to eight minutes.

Although the animal's den and current whereabouts remain unknown, a TEPCO official said the intrusion is unlikely to adversely affect work being done in preparation for decommissioning the reactor.

According to TEPCO, the security camera showed the 1.3-meter-long animal wandering back and forth near the carry-in entrance to the reactor’s containment vessel.


今回取り上げるのは、“traipse” /tréɪps/という表現です。この単語をLDOCEで調べてみると、“informal  to walk somewhere in a slow or unwilling way because you are tired or bored”という定義が見つかりました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店』で確認してみると、「⦅略式⦆(目的もなく)ぶらつく、だらだらと歩く」といった意味が記載されていました。
