常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


uppity 復習

AIの普及による様々な不安がある中でロボットに対する新たな10の規定が発表されました。The notion of a robotic future is terrifying to many humans. However, the Right Rev Steven Croft has made efforts to fix this by writing a set of new command…

Kuala Lumpur Day 3 & 4

It has been four days since I came here Kuala Lumpur. I’m getting used to the weather, which is humid and hot, like the one in Tokyo. This time I would like to talk about the food In Malaysia.I think street vendor food is really popular. K…

counterfeit 復習

日本のグッズを偽造した品物の押収件数が増加しています。Japanese customs authorities say the number of seizures of counterfeit goods arriving in the country topped 30,000 last year.The figure was up by 17.6 percent from the previous year, an…

space out

若者の間で「睡眠ハイ」と呼ばれる睡眠薬を乱用する行為が起きています。Youngsters getting stoned on hypnotics just want moreThe abuse of sleeping pills is mushrooming, especially among young people eager to get spaced out. Sometimes, they end…

reclusive 復習

金正恩氏は昨日、韓国の大統領特使と面会を果たし、晩餐会にも参加しました。North Korea's reclusive leader, Kim Jong Un, meets for 1st time with South KoreansNorth Korea's reclusive leader, Kim Jong Un, held his first-ever meeting with South K…

live off

日本のシェアハウスとその経営についての記事を読みました。 Many Japanese people are wary of investment as a means of growing their savings. There are a variety of reasons for this caution, so most keep their money in a bank, gaining almost n…

array 復習

ここ数日間、随分と温かく感じることが多くなり、春服をおろす時期に差し掛かったように感じます。大阪府堺市南区の荒山公園では早くも満開の桜が見られ、春の訪れも間も無くといったところです。Signs of springPlum trees are seen in full bloom at Kozen…

flinty 復習

Back for a fourth term, the German chancellor faces tensions at home – but her role as head of the EU’s most successful economy is unchallenged … Yet the greatest challenge to business-as-usual comes from another base: Merkel’s Christian D…

de facto 復習

メルケル首相の第四次政権が始まります。Germany’s social democrats voted in favor of forming another government with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives, ending nearly six months of political limbo and setting Europe’s economic powerhou…

quadruple 復習

ASAHIWEEKLY March 4, 2018 News for Beginners (p.2)からです。 A Romanian university has published the results of a study on how safe it is to eat snow.Istvan Mathe, a professor at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, said Feb…

jowl 復習

第90回アカデミー賞授賞式が開催され、辻一弘さんが日本人初となるメイク・ヘアスタイリング賞を授賞しました。Kazuhiro Tsuji wins makeup Oscar for “Darkest Hour”Japanese makeup artist Kazuhiro Tsuji won the Academy Award for best makeup and hair…

gridlock #4

独・ポルシェは3日, 空飛ぶ電気タクシー (EV) の開発に乗り出したい意向を示しました。Porsche says it could develop flying passenger vehiclesVolkswagen’s sports car maker Porsche could develop a flying passenger vehicle to compete with rivals …