raise one’s game
Theresa May told: raise your game in three months or face revolt
Senior Tories have given Theresa May just three months to improve or face a renewed attempt to oust her, amid concerns she is leading the party towards “utter destruction”.
In a sign of the fragility of the prime minister’s leadership after another week of cabinet infighting, figures inside the party said that a disastrous performance in May’s local elections could trigger a no-confidence vote.
There are concerns they will produce a Tory meltdown in London. “There’s definitely been a further shift against her,” said one ex-minister. “If people could wave a magic wand tomorrow, she would be gone ... if we get wiped out in London, then more will say things cannot get any better under her. The alternatives would be the utter destruction of the Tory party or a chaotic leadership election, which would at least offer some way out.” (Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる表現は、raise one’s game です。
raise one’s game を辞書で確認します。Cambridge Dictionary をみると、”to make an effort to improve the way that you do something” と定義されています。また、『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館)をみると、「腕を上げる」とあります。ここでの “game” は「(競技の)腕前、試合ぶり[運び]」という意味で使われています。“game” については過去のブログで多く取り上げられているので確認してみてください。
I'm game - 田邉裕司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
game 復習 - 田邉裕司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から