quandary 復習
Hunter advises school kids to stick together and scream loudly in case of bears
AKITA -- What should you do if you encounter a bear on the way home from school?
Though this may sound like some fairytale quandary, the head of a hunting club visited a pair of municipal schools here on June 26 to dispense advice on what to do if the students find themselves crossing paths with one of the dangerous animals.
"Get together into a group of five or six and then shout loudly," Keiji Sato, head of the Minato hunting club, told students at both Sotoasahikawa Junior High School and Iijimaminami Elementary School. "If you're alone, then get inside a building nearby."
気になった表現は“fairytale quandary”です。
“quandary” /kwάndəri|kwˈɔn‐/をOxford Living Dictionaryで調べると“A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.”、『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「困惑、当惑;板挟み、窮地」とありました。ラテン語で“when”にあたる“quando”が語源のようです。
「途方にくれるは“be in a quandary”で表せます。
普段生活する中で私は熊に遭遇する場所に行く機会がほとんどありませんが、祖母の家や旅行などで山奥に行く際は気を付けたいです。(flying bird)