常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


沖縄県で20歳の女性が死体を遺棄された事件で, 米国は再発防止の徹底と今後の厳しい取り締まりが求められています。

U.S. forces must take stern steps to prevent criminal acts

A cruel and unpardonable act was committed in Okinawa Prefecture. We urge the U.S. forces in Japan to take effective measures to prevent a recurrence of such a crime.

A 32-year-old civilian employee of the U.S. military has been arrested by the Okinawa prefectural police in connection with the incident in which a 20-year-old woman from the city of Uruma in the prefecture had been listed as missing since late April. He is suspected of abandoning her body in the woods of Onna village.

The man has admitted dumping her body and is said to have made statements to the effect that he had throttled and stabbed her. A former marine, the suspect was involved in Internet-related operations at the U.S. Kadena Air Base.



本日取り上げる表現は “unpardonable” です。

『新英和大辞典』(第五版, 研究社)には, 「<行動が>許し難い, 容赦[勘弁]できない( inexcusable )」とありました。Merriam-Webster.comには “too bad to be excused or justified” と定義されています。

上記の大辞典によると, “unpardonable” は “the unpardonable sin: against the Holy Ghost” とありました。 “Holy Ghost” は, 「[ the- ] 聖霊(三位一体の第三位格: cf. father, son )」を指すそうです。さらに詳しく調べると, この “Father” は「神, 造物主( God the Creator )」, そして “Son” は「イエスキリスト( Jesus Christ )」を意味することがわかりました。

以上より今回は, 「神に逆らうような許されざる行為」を “unpardonable” を用いて表現しています。(Cayu)

airborne #4


Turtle Crashes Through Woman's Windshield on Florida Interstate

One woman got the shock of a lifetime after a turtle crashed through her windshield on a Florida highway.

The turtle was propelled through the air on I-4 in Deltona and crashed into Nicole Bjanes’ windshield as she was driving at about 75 miles an hour on Monday afternoon. Miraculously, the turtle and the driver both walked -- and, in one case, swam -- away mostly unscathed.

Florida Highway Patrol officers responding to the scene explained, “A vehicle in front [of Bjanes’ car] ran over the turtle. The turtle was thrown airborne and struck the windshield ... shattering it.”




例文で”a mosquito [blood]borne disease.”とあったことから、今問題となっているのジカ熱についてもこのように表せられるかと思います。


Oxford dictionaries.com.でも” Transported by air”と定義されております。(flyingbird)


airborne - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

airborne #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

go airborne in the traditional “doage” toss 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

the most talked-about #2


In Japan’s Slow Economy, Rare Price Rise Prompts Surplus of Remorse

TOKYO--One of the most talked-about television commercials in Japan this year advertises an unusual product: contrition.

The ad shows a group of workers and executives from an ice cream company lined up in neat rows in front of their suburban Tokyo factory. As gentle folk music plays, they bow in apology.


今回取り上げるのは、“the most talked-about”という表現です。句動詞の“talk about”は見かけることも多く知っていますが、この記事では“talked-about”とハイフン形容詞で用いられています。句動詞の「〈話題〉について話す」という意味から、形容詞では「話題〔評判、うわさ〕の」を意味すると考えられ、この記事では“the most talked-about”で「最も話題となっている」などと表せます。(ninetails)

the most talked-about - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から



Chocolate chip-cannabis cookies that make it hard to eat just one

Your classic chocolate chip cookie recipe with a little cannabis magic

Gone are the days of chalky edibles that taste like patchouli. Enter the perfect chocolate chip-cannabis cookie recipe.

The key to these bad boys is butter. By using mostly real butter and only 1/4 cup of cannabis butter, the cookies stay fluffy, soft and so chocolaty. One cookie is a nice, light dose, but they are so tasty you'll have to restrain yourself from eating them all.

You will need the following: softened unsalted butter, cannabis butter, light brown sugar, granulated sugar, 2 eggs, vanilla extract, flour, baking soda, sea salt and a bag of chocolate chips.





まさかお菓子に麻薬を入れるはずがないと思い色々と調べていたところ、” cannabutter”という単語に出会いました。
Wiktionaryによると、”A product of cooking cannabis plant with butter used to make edibles.” とのことです。(https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cannabutter)おそらく” cannabutter”は記事内の” cannabis butter”と同じものを指しているのだと思われます。


cannabis - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

in the grip of 復習


India records its highest temperature

India is in the grip of one of the worst heatwaves in its history. A city in the western state of Rajasthan saw the temperature rise to 51 degrees Celsius, higher than the previous record set 60 years ago.

India's meteorological department said the record was set on Thursday in the city of Phalodi in Rajasthan's desert region.

The previous high was 50.6 degrees Celsius, recorded in 1956.

Weather officials expect temperatures of 47 degrees Celsius or higher through Sunday in Rajasthan, the adjacent state of Gujarat, and the central state of Madhya Pradesh.

Local media report the heat has caused many children to develop health problems.

About 300 people have died of heat stroke and dehydration in the country this year.

Authorities are warning people to avoid going out during the daytime, and to stay hydrated.


今回取り上げる表現は、“be in the grip of”です。『ウィズダム英和辞典』(第3版、三省堂)を引いたところ、“be in [get into] the grip of A”で「〈人・場所などが〉A〈困難な状況など〉により深刻な影響を受けている[受ける]」とありました。“grip”を使うことによって、何か困難な状況に支配されている、といったニュアンスが感じ取られます。

Macmillan Dictionary.comでは“to be in a difficult or unpleasant situation”と定義されており、

The country was in the grip of an economic crisis.
The forest is still in the grip of winter.


ここでは、「史上最悪の熱波によって深刻な影響を受けている」と解釈できます。(Blue Sky)


be in the grip of#4 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

high-altitude sickness


Dutch Climber Dies on Way Back From Everest Summit

A 35-year-old Dutch man suffering from high-altitude sickness died on his way back from Mount Everest's summit in the first death reported this year on the world's highest mountain, an expedition organizer said Saturday.

Eric Arnold died near the South Col on Friday night, said Pasang Phurba of the Seven Summit Treks agency in Kathmandu.

Arnold had enough bottled oxygen with him as well as climbing partners, but he complained of getting weak and died before he was able to come down to a lower altitude, Phurba said.

He said that more details were not available because of poor communication with the crew on the mountain, and that it would take days and several people to bring Arnold's body down the slopes.



記事の中で気になった表現は、"high-altitude sickness"です。

実際に、『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で"altitude"を引くと、"altitude sickness"で「高山飛行病、高山病」という意味がありました。
"fly at a low altitude"で、「低空飛行をする」という意味があります。(Akim)


 記事の中で気になった単語は"avionics"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)には「〖空〗 航空電子工学」という意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"Electronics as applied to aviation"と定義されております。墜落原因はいまだに不明ですが,機体がレーダーから消失する前,機内で煙が発生したことは確認されたようです。(Ume)

EgyptAir: Images released of debris found in plane search

A minute later - at 00:27 GMT - there was an avionics alert indicating smoke in the bay below the cockpit that contains aircraft electronics and computers.
The last ACARS message was at 00:29 GMT, the air industry website said, and the contact with the plane was lost four minutes later at 02:33 local time.
ACARS is used to routinely download flight data to the airline operating the aircraft.
Confirming the data, France's Bureau of Investigations and Analysis told AFP it was "far too soon to interpret and understand the cause of the accident as long as we have not found the wreckage or the flight data recorders".


runner-up 復習


Hakuho clinches 37th career title

Hakuho was made to work a lot harder this time for his win over fellow yokozuna Harumafuji. He wasn’t made to wait another day to clinch a record-extending 37th career title.

Hakuho notched a hard-fought win over Harumafuji for his 14th win in 14 days at the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament, then watched as ozeki Kisenosato, who needed a win to keep his title hopes alive, lost to yokozuna Kakuryu in the final bout of the day at Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan.

“I was able to build up wins in tough bouts throughout the tournament and that’s how I achieved this result,” Hakuho said in a post-match interview with NHK.


For Kisenosato, the defeat not only dropped him to 12-2, but dealt a serious blow to his chances of being promoted to yokozuna. Had he finished the tournament as runner-up at 14-1, it would have merited consideration in conjunction with his 13-2 record from the previous tournament.




ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べてみますと、名詞で「(競技、競走、選挙での)2位の人(チーム)、次点者」という意味であることがわかりました。LDOCEでは “the person or team that comes second in a race or competition” という日本語の訳と同じような説明となっておりました。


runner-up - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

all talk, no action


(CNN) — By now, I expect Donald Trump, who wants to be our president, to voice whatever acerbic thought he has.
He has called Mexicans "rapists" and "anchor babies."

A couple of hours later, Trump called Warren "weak and ineffective" and suggested her "Indian name" may be "all talk, no action."


今回気になった表現は,“all talk, no action”です。そのまま直訳すると,「すべて話し,行動しない」となります。ここから,「口先だけ」という意味を推測しました。

そこで確認してみると,Dictionary.comには,“Much discussion but no action or results”とありました。行動だけではなく結果も含まれていることが分かりました。またここには語源も記載されていて,“This idiom may have begun life as all talk and no cider, which Washington Irving cited as an American proverb in Salmagundi (1807).”とありました。

関連して「有言実行」を英語で何というのか調べてみました。様々な表現があり,その一例として“walk and talk”や“carry out one's words”がありました。(Nao)

this scrumptiously sunny Friday

New York Today: Our Cinematic City

Good morning on this scrumptiously sunny Friday. Metro-North lines are operating on a regular weekday schedule.

With the recent surge in television and movie productions, our city seems to be having a Hollywood moment.
It’s fitting: New York, after all, was the birthplace of our nation’s film industry.

The first commercial screening of a motion picture took place in 1894, at 1115 Broadway.

Some of the first films incorporating sound and dialogue were made in New York, said James Sanders, an architect and the author of “Celluloid Skyline: New York and the Movies.”

Funny enough, this innovation helped lead the industry west at the end of the 1920s, he added.
New York was just too noisy.

Today, the city’s film- and television-industry is booming, contributing nearly $9 billion a year to the economy and creating about 104,000 full-time jobs.

This weekend, you can see it in action.


scrumptious /skrʌ́mpʃəs/は,mealのように「ほっぺたが落ちるほどおいしい」という意味で一般的に用いられますが,数十年前くらいから(詳しくはcorpusをチェックしなければなりませんが...),「すてきな,すばらしい」などの強意の形容詞,そして記事にあるように副詞として用いられることがあります。



キリスト教聖地, エルサレム旧市街に位置する「イエスの墓」の修繕工事が始まりました。

Works launched to restore Jesus’ tomb in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (AP) — Christian officials have launched historic restoration work at the Tomb of Jesus inside the Church of Holy Sepulchre, site where tradition holds Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.

The works are the first in almost two centuries that will focus on repairing, reinforcing and conserving the structure.

Pilgrims will be able to continue visiting the site while the work is underway. It’s expected to last up to a year.

Clerics from the three denominations that oversee the church — Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian — shook hands in a show of unity next to scaffolding erected on Friday. Work is set to begin in about a week.


本日気になった表現は “sepulchre” /sép(ə)lkɚ/ です。

『新英和大辞典』(第五版, 研究社)によると, “sepulchre” はイギリス表記で, アメリカ表記は “sepulcher” となります。「1. (文語)墓( tomb, grave ), 埋葬所( burial place )」を指し, “Holy Sepulcher” で「[ the- ](キリストが復活まで葬られていたとされる)聖墓」を表します。

Merriam-Webster.comに “sepulchre” は, “a place of burial” と定義されていました。

“sepulcher” には “to venerate ( the dead )” という意が込められており, 動詞「1. 墓に納める( entomb ), 葬る 2. …の墓になる」としても使われるようです。(Cayu)