draw praise from 復習
Overseas guests now make up more than half of the customers at the Nine Hours Takebashi capsule hotel in central Tokyo after its open ceiling and natural sunlight gained attention around the world.
The hotel, which opened in Chiyoda Ward on March 31, has 129 rooms on its eight above-ground floors.
The hotel drew praise from the building design industry and was featured in a European architectural magazine. Word about the hotel also spread via social networking sites.
According to officials, the hotel is popular among athletes who want to jog around the nearby Imperial Palace as well as women traveling alone on business trips.
本日取り上げる表現は、” draw praise from”です。直訳すると「〜から賞賛を得る」となりますが、実際にはどういう意味なのでしょうか。『ウィズダム英和辞典』には、”draw”の例文内で「賞賛を受ける」と載っていました。
ここで、先日の裏ゼミで読んだ記事の中から、UG先生が訳しておられた”hit the ground”の文を思い出しました。この文を訳す際先生は、「地面に叩きつけ『られる』」と受け身のように訳すと仰っていました。