inert 復習
Museum collections in the UK are at risk of becoming “inert and lifeless” unless more money is invested for them to buy objects, according to a report.
An investigation by the historian Sir David Cannadine, published on Thursday, looks at museum collecting from the 1830s to the present day and paints a “deeply depressing” and “shocking” picture of the current funding landscape.
inert /ɪnˈɚːt/ を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』で調べると「身動きできない、惰性的な、不活性の、不活発な;〈物が〉つまらない、面白くない」とあります。LDOCEでは“technical not producing a chemical reaction when combined with other substances” “literary not moving, or not having the strength or power to move” “not willing to do anything”と定義されています。また語源はラテン語のin「否定」とars(art)「技術」からきています。(Kiwi girl)