ready smile
売春宿(brothel)で意識不明で発見され,病院に搬送された元NBAスター選手のLamar Odom氏。これまでの彼の人生は波乱万象なものでした。記事はCNNからの引用です。
コートでの笑顔が印象的な選手でしたが,それを記事ではready smileと表現しています。readyには「用意[準備]ができて」という意味の他に「巧みな, すばやい」という意味があり(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館),さらに ready smileで「〔人と会った時に〕すぐに浮かべる笑顔」(英辞郎on the WEB)にはとありました。ここでは「笑顔が代名詞」や「笑顔が印象的」と解釈できます。(Koyamamoto)
Tragedy and triumph: The turbulent life of Lamar Odom
(CNN)Basketball may have been easy for Lamar Odom, but life sure hasn't been.
He was 12, growing up in a rough neighborhood in the New York City borough of Queens, when his mother, Cathy, died of colon cancer. His dad wasn't around much, and his grandmother Mildred Mercer, who raised him as a teenager, died in 2003 when he was in his mid-20s.
…"I sometimes have to stop and remind myself how much this guy has been through and how much he's lost," then-teammate Derek Fisher told Sports Illustrated in 2009. "I'm sure there is anger and disappointment inside of him, but to have his spirit, to have his approach to everyday life, I don't know how he does it."
Now, as Odom, 35, lies clinging to life in a Las Vegas hospital after being found unconscious in a brothel in the Nevada desert, the world is taking a closer look at the talented athlete with the ready smile, the humble nature, the reality-show lifestyle and the famous in-laws.