常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


hit where it hurts 復習

一昨日の裏ゼミにて “hit where it hurts” という句動詞について UG先生が仰っていました。『ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』(大修館) を引き改めて調べてみると、 “where it hurts” は「突かれると痛い箇所、急所」を指していることが確認でき、直訳すると「急所…

torpedo 復習

平昌オリンピックの祝賀公演を行う北朝鮮の芸術団を乗せた万景峰92号が韓国に到着しました。N. Korean ferry, carrying 140-strong orchestra, arrives in SouthA North Korean ferry arrived in South Korea on Tuesday carrying a 140-strong orchestra to…

whittle down 復習

I didn't even meet my potential employers. As companies rely more on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to find the right job candidates, is recruitment in danger of losing that personal touch?中略 Jobseeker websites have ce…


長年流行していなかった猫の感染症が再び猛威を振るっているようです。Cat plague is back after nearly 40 years in hiding – here’s what you need to knowTreatment can costs thousands of dollars, and many owners just can’t afford it. But even wit…

ensnare 復習

安倍首相は、森友学園に関する問題について朝日新聞を批判しています。Under fire from opposition parties in the Diet, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has turned his criticism toward The Asahi Shimbun over its coverage of the land scandal involving s…

goldilocks 復習

ニューヨーク市場で株価が急落したことを受け、日経平均株価も大幅に下がりました。Shares tumble as ‘goldilocks’ trade unwinds, Nikkei down 4.6%Asian shares fell sharply on Tuesday after Wall Street suffered its biggest decline since 2011 as in…

bloodbath 復習

Shares in London suffered heavy losses when markets opened on Tuesday after a wave of selling that began on Wall Street spread across Asia and Europe. … “The stock market open in the UK and Europe looks about as bad as it can get,” said Ja…

jaw-dropping 復習

2008年のリーマンショック時を超える過去最大の株価急落を受け, 今後の動向が注目されています。Investors lick their wounds, hunt amid overdue sell-offIt had been a long time coming.The speed of Monday’s jaw-dropping sell-off on Wall Street had …

on the mend

アイオワ州で発生した玉突き事故で、運転手の一人が亡くなりました。 'Dancing with the Stars' tour bus involved in massive pileup that killed 1 driverMembers of the "Dancing with the Stars" tour are on the mend after they were caught up in a m…