drunken stupor
Woman who drove into OSU parade crowd, killing four, faces second-degree murder charges
STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA – A woman faces second-degree murder charges after authorities said she plowed a car into the crowd at the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade, killing four people including a toddler.
Adacia Chambers, 25, was arrested after the crash on a driving while under the influence charge, and authorities said Sunday they added four charges of second-degree murder. Police did not immediately respond to messages seeking a more detailed explanation of the new charges.
But Chambers’ attorney, Tony Coleman, said she did not smell of alcohol when he met her hours after the crash and did not appear to be someone who had been in a “drunken stupor.” Police are awaiting blood tests to determine if she was impaired by drugs or alcohol.
“I absolutely can rule out alcohol,” Coleman told a press conference in Oklahoma City, adding that he had spoken to her aunt, grandmother and boyfriend and all had said she was not drinking.
今回取り上げる表現は “drunken stupor”です。G4(大修館書店)では “be in a drunken stupor”で「〜泥酔している」とありました。一応、それぞれの意味を同じくG4(大修館書店)とLDOCEで確認してみました。 “drunken”はその名の通り「⑴酒に酔った、酔っぱらった ⑵大酒飲みの、飲んだくれの ⑶酒の上での、酔ったあげくの」とお酒づくしの意味合いで、 “drunk or showing that you are drunk ”と書かれていました。 “stupor”は「⑴(飲酒・薬物乱用・ショックによる)意識朦朧、人事不省;麻痺[昏睡]状態 ⑵茫然自失、当惑」という意味があり、“a state in which you cannot think, speak, see, or hear clearly, usually because you have drunk too much alcohol or taken drugs”と定義されています。
“stupor”の語源は「無感覚になっている、ぼうっとしている」という意味を表すラテン語 “stupidous”から来ており、これは “stupid”の語源でもあります。(諸説あるようです)さらに状態を表す “-or”がついています。(『ジーニアス英和大辞典』大修館書店)