常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

fall foul of


When Mark Zuckerberg's sister fell foul of Facebook's privacy settings...

Even a Zuckerberg can’t navigate Facebook’s privacy settings - or so it would seem after Randi, big sister to the social network’s co-founder Mark and the website’s ex-marketing director, shared a family photo with her Facebook friends only to find it floating freely in the open waters of the internet.

Like so many of the network’s billion-plus users, Ms Zuckerberg probably thought nothing of posting the snap on her brother’s website. It showed a assortment of Zuckerbergs in a kitchen with exaggerated expressions on their faces as they toyed with what was reported to be Facebook’s new Poke smartphone app. The billionaire sibling was in the background, looking somewhat embarrassed by his family’s antics.

But much to Ms Zuckerberg’s chagrin, what was meant to be a private post intended for her friends ended up on Twitter when it was posted on the micro-blogging site by one Callie Schweitzer, a New York City based marketing executive at Vox Media, who saw it in her Facebook news feed. Although she is not one of Ms Zuckerberg’s friends, Ms Schweitzer, it turned out, is an online buddy of one of other family members in the photo. When said member was 'tagged' - Facebook parlance for identifying people in an image by linking to their profiles - the picture, though private, popped up in Ms Schweitzer’s feed, making her think it was public.


ヘッドラインから表現を拾います。一番気になったidiomはfall foul ofです。ここでは、「((正式))<人が><人・警察など>とごたごたを起こす」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)という意味で使われています。また、Oxford Online Dictionaryをチェックしてみると、North Americaではfall foul of の形以外に、“fall afoul of”の形で表記することがあるようです。
