常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

decimate #2

 記事の中で気になった単語は"decimate"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)を調べると「<病気・汚染などが> (大量に) <人・動植物> を殺す,<不況などが> <組織・団体> を縮小させる, …を衰退させる」などという意味がありました。(Ume)

Trump Russia claims: Mood in the White House is 'fantastic'

In another interview, with the Christian Broadcasting Network, he also said he gets along "very well" with Russia's President Vladimir Putin.
His comments came days after his much-anticipated meeting with Mr Putin at the G20 summit in Hamburg.
"People said, oh, they shouldn't get along. Well, who are the people saying that? I think we get along very, very well," he said.
Comparing Trump and Putin
Timeline of Trump-Russia scandal
Russian cloud hangs over White House
Mr Trump cited the recent ceasefire in south-western Syria as an example of how co-operation with Mr Putin worked.
He said he was sure the Russians would have preferred to have Democrat Hillary Clinton in the White House.
Why? "If Hillary had won, our military would be decimated," he said.


decimate - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

behemoth 復習


Dentsu ordered to defend itself in formal trial over illegal overtime

Advertising behemoth Dentsu Inc. will be forced to undergo a formal open trial, rather than a summary one, in a court decision regarding its employees working illegal amounts of overtime.

The Tokyo Summary Court decided July 12 that issuing a summary order for the Tokyo-based company through documentary examination would be “inappropriate.”



 “behemoth”/bɪhíːməθ/を取り上げます。『ウィズダム英和辞典』を引いてみまたところ、「巨大で強力なもの」という訳が充てられていました。また、LDOCEでは“formal something that is very large”と定義されています。今回の記事では業界「大手」という訳が上手く当てはまるのではないかと思います。

 ちなみに、『ウィズダム英和辞典』には“behemoth”の語義に「ビヒモス⦅聖書ヨブ記に出てくるカバと思われる巨獣⦆」というものもありました。おそらくこちらが元の意味なのだと思います。「ビヒモス」がどんなものか気になったので調べてみたところ、「『旧約聖書』に登場する陸の怪物(怪獣)。語源は「動物」と言う意味のヘブライ語「behamath」の複数形に由来する。」とウィキペディアでは説明されていました。(Blue Sky)

behemoth - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

behemoth #3 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

shine #2

 フランスの一流ソムリエが約550の日本銘酒を審査する「蔵マイスターコンクール」が行われ, トップ10には佐賀県産4銘柄がランクインしました。

Saga’s sake shines at Paris competition

Four sake brands from Saga Prefecture ranked among the top 10 at a Japanese sake contest in Paris, results of the contest showed Tuesday.



 “shine” / ʃaɪn / を取り上げます。ここでは, 太陽によるものでない輝きを表していたため, 改めて辞書を引いたところ, 特に “in” や “at” を伴うことで「秀でる」の意を示すとありました(『リーダーズ英和中辞典』研究社)。The Free Dictionary.comには “be good at” と定義され, “She shines at math.” という例文が挙げられています。さらに見てみると, 俗語では「避ける, しかとする」, また「あきらめる, 投げ出す」といった意外な意味を併せもつ表現であることがわかりました。(Cayu)

shine - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

lace 復習


Nurse suspected of spiking tea, causing car crash

An assistant nurse at a nursing home here, east of Tokyo, was arrested July 11 on suspicion of serving tea laced with a sleep-inducing drug and causing a potentially fatal car crash.

Chiba prefectural police sent the attempted murder case of Aiko Hatano, 71, to prosecutors on July 13.

According to investigative sources, Hatano denied the intent to kill, although she admitted to slipping the sleep-inducing drug into the tea for a 69-year-old female colleague and her husband, 71, who had come to pick her up in a car.



lace /léɪs/ を取り上げます。レース編みや靴ひもなどの意味があるlaceですが、ここでは動詞として用いられています。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると、「1(…)をひもで縛る(締める)、(靴など)にひもを通す 2(飲み物)に少量のアルコール、薬物などを加える」とありました。この文脈では2の意味があてはまり、2の例として “tea laced with brandy” 「ブランデーを少量入れた紅茶」が取り上げられていました。LDOCEには “to add a small amount of alcohol or a drug to a drink” と定義されています。

 語源をOnline Etymology Dictionaryで調べると、 “c. 1200, "fasten (clothing, etc.) with laces and ties," from Old French lacier” という部分から、最初は締めるという意味でしたが、後に “From 1590s as "to adorn with lace;" the meaning "to intermix (coffee, etc.) with a dash of liquor" (1670s) originally also was used of sugar, and comes via the notion of "to ornament or trim," as with lace.” とあるように、レースで飾るという意味から、液体を足して混ぜるという意味も表すようになったことがわかりました。(aqua)

lace 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
lace - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

Sunshine State

 フロリダ州でワニに襲われる件数が増えている問題について、ニュースサイトのホームページに“FLORIDA GATORS Sunshine State plagued by spike in alligator attacks”と記載されていました。以下がその記事の内容です。

Why alligator attacks are spiking in Florida

There has been a recent spate of alligator attacks in southwest Florida — and the weather is partially to blame.
A number of factors are contributing to the spike in attacks. “Alligators are more active when temperatures rise,” explained a spokeswoman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in an email to Fox News. “That fact, combined with this being a popular time of year for people to recreate near the water, creates the potential for human-alligator interactions.”


 “Sunshine State”をとりあげます。

 記事の内容と暖かい気候のイメージがあることから意味の予想はできますが、一応『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)をみると“Florida, south Dakota, New Mexico”とありました。
 それぞれの州をWikipedia調べると、フロリダは「熱帯気候で夏は平均32度」、サウスダコタ州は「四季があり、毎年夏には37 ℃を超えて非常に暑く乾燥した日が続くことも多い」、ニューメキシコ州は「年間340日も陽光に恵まれる土地」とありました。もちろん季節によって寒暖差や雷雨も起こりますが、夏は比較的太陽が出ていることが多いようです。

 他にもシカゴを“Windy City”、ミズーリ州を“the Show-me state”というように愛称を学ぶことで、その州や土地の特徴が分かり勉強になります。(flying bird)

the Show-me State - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

Windy City - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

Thank you 復習


“Thank you.” (『トランスペアレント シーズン2』第2話 2015年,アメリカ)

 「ありがとう。」という意味で広く知られている “Thank you.”であるが,使い方によっては全く異なる意味を持つ場合がある。 
 長女Sarahは元夫と親権について弁護士と話し合う場面で、元夫は子供がとても傷ついていることを主張した。その際に“Thank you.”とSarahに言ったのである。
(例)“I can thank him for giving me trouble.”
 またOxford IDIOMS Dictionary for learners of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)に, “I’ll thank you (not) to do sth.”や “I’ll thank you for sth/for doing sth.”といった言い方を紹介したうえで, “used when you are angry or annoyed, to ask sb in a formal way (not) to do sth”という説明があった。
(例)“I’ll thank you not to interfere in my personal affairs.”
cf. 『1日3分 脱日本人英語』

dehydrated 復習


Jimmy Carter hospitalized while building homes in Canada

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was treated at a hospital Thursday after becoming dehydrated while helping to build houses in Canada for Habitat for Humanity.

The 92-year-old former president known for his post-presidential humanitarian work was taken to a hospital in Winnipeg as a precaution for rehydration, spokeswoman Deanna Congileo said.

Habitat for Humanity CEO Jonathan Reckford said the former president did not appear to be in serious medical danger.

"President Carter told us he is OK and is being taken offsite for observation," Reckford said. "He encourages everyone to stay hydrated and keep building."



ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、"dehydrate"で「脱水させる、乾燥させる、つまらなくさせる」とありました。LDOCEでは、"to remove the liquid from a substance such as food or a chemical"や"to lose too much water from your body, or to make this happen"と定義されています。


dehydration 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

Shenyang 訂正

今朝の裏ゼミで扱った Liau Xia0bo氏の死去に関する記事の中で出てきたShenyangは「瀋陽」の間違いでした。訂正をしておきます。以下、NYTの記事の一部を貼り付けておきます。(UG)

BEIJING — Liu Xiaobo, the renegade Chinese intellectual who kept vigil at Tiananmen Square in 1989 to protect protesters from encroaching soldiers, promoted a pro-democracy charter that brought him a lengthy prison sentence and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize while locked away, died under guard in a hospital on Thursday. He was 61.

The Bureau of Justice in Shenyang, the city in northeastern China where Mr. Liu was being treated for liver cancer, announced his death on its website.

The Chinese government revealed he had cancer in late June, only after the illness was virtually beyond treatment. Officially, Mr. Liu gained medical parole. But even as he faced death, he was kept silenced in the First Hospital of China Medical University, still a captive of the authoritarian controls that he had fought for decades.

He was the first Nobel Peace Prize laureate to die in state custody since Carl von Ossietzky, the German pacifist and foe of Nazism who won the prize in 1935 and died under guard in 1938 after years of maltreatment.

“After multiple treatments, Liu Xiaobo’s condition continued to deteriorate,” the Shenyang Bureau of Justice said in a statement. “On July 10, he entered a state of rescue and intensive care, and on July 13, he died due to multiple organ failure after attempts to save him failed.”

The police in China have kept Mr. Liu’s wife, Liu Xia, under house arrest and smothering surveillance, preventing her from speaking out about Mr. Liu’s belated treatment for cancer.

“Can’t operate, can’t do radiotherapy, can’t do chemotherapy,” Ms. Liu said in a brief video message to a friend when her husband’s fatal condition was announced. The message quickly spread online.


animus #2

 記事の中で気になった単語は"animus"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)を調べると「目的, 意図, アニムス ⦅女性の無意識内にある男性的部分⦆」などという意味がありました。トランプ大統領の入国制限がどこまで米国の安全にとって効果があるのかは未知数です。(Ume)

Trump travel ban: Judge expands definition of 'close relative'

An initial version of the ban, published in January, sparked mass protests at airports and a series of legal challenges that prevented its implementation.
Mr Trump drafted a new version in March, dropping Iraq from the list of countries, clarifying the position of "green card" holders, removing priority for "religious minorities" in mostly-Muslim countries, and softening a tough stance on Syrian refugees.
But courts struck down the new version within days, with a Virginia court claiming it was "rooted in religious animus" toward Muslims.
That prompted the Trump administration to go to the Supreme Court for a ruling, where conservatives hold a majority of five to four.
The nation's highest court allowed the ban to go ahead temporarily, until it makes a full decision in October.


animus - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から