animus #2
記事の中で気になった単語は"animus"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)を調べると「目的, 意図, アニムス ⦅女性の無意識内にある男性的部分⦆」などという意味がありました。トランプ大統領の入国制限がどこまで米国の安全にとって効果があるのかは未知数です。(Ume)
Trump travel ban: Judge expands definition of 'close relative'
An initial version of the ban, published in January, sparked mass protests at airports and a series of legal challenges that prevented its implementation.
Mr Trump drafted a new version in March, dropping Iraq from the list of countries, clarifying the position of "green card" holders, removing priority for "religious minorities" in mostly-Muslim countries, and softening a tough stance on Syrian refugees.
But courts struck down the new version within days, with a Virginia court claiming it was "rooted in religious animus" toward Muslims.
That prompted the Trump administration to go to the Supreme Court for a ruling, where conservatives hold a majority of five to four.
The nation's highest court allowed the ban to go ahead temporarily, until it makes a full decision in October.