常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

sugar cube

Fox Newsのロジャー・アイレス社長は,セクハラを理由に裁判所に訴えられ,辞職したとのことです。

The fall of Roger Ailes: He made Fox News his ‘locker room’ — and now women are telling their stories
One day in early June, an embattled but determined news anchor, a public relations man and a group of attorneys settled into chairs around the conference table on the 35th floor of a law office on Madison Avenue in Manhattan.

Mary Matalin, who hosted a program when Ailes ran CNBC and has been a friend for years, said she’d never seen or heard of harassment allegations.
“To us, sexism at the work place was not being treated as roughly/honestly as men; politics and TV are not places for sugar cubes,” she wrote in an email.


今回取り上げる表現は,“sugar cube”です。これは,「角砂糖」という意味で知られていますが,ここでは,しっくりきません。ほかには,どのような意味があるのか辞書を調べてみましたが,「角砂糖」しか載っていませんでした。では,どのような意味なのでしょうか。

cubeを調べてみますと,先生が以前おっしゃっていた会社の社員のデスクを囲む壁のような空間(小部屋のような)にいきつきました。ここから類推しますと,sugar cubeは「甘い小部屋」,つまり社会で行為におよぶ場所を比喩的に表しているのではないかと考えるようになりました。

cubicle - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
stuck in a cubicle 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

調べていく過程で同時に別の表現にもたどりつきました。それが“sugar coat”です。意味は,「虚飾」や「体裁よく見せる」,「見ばえをよくする」などの意味があります。(Nao)

face-lift 復習


Lockers of feudal warlords a hit in Sekigahara

Even feudal warlords use lockers to stash their stuff inside when they're moving from battle to siege and so on.
Not far from Sekigahara Station, lockers are lined up with the names and emblems of 30 feudal warlords painted on them.
The doors include Tokugawa Ieyasu, chief commander of the eastern army during the Battle of Sekigahara, and Ishida Mitsunari, a leading commander of the western army. The battle that took place in 1600 is often considered the start of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1867).
Apart from the large family emblems of each warlord, their estimated troop strengths are also indicated: 30,000 men for Ieyasu, 6,000 men for Mitsunari, etc.
Tourists are using them all the time--because the warlords, of course, have long gone, and it's sure they wouldn't mind.
The lockers installed at the town’s tourism and exchange center in front of the station used to look dreary because there were no pictures on their doors.
People related to the local tourism association discussed ways to make use of the lockers and came up with an idea to paint on them emblems of warlords who participated in the Battle of Sekigahara.
The face-lift was completed in March this year before the town hosted the World Battlefields Summit, which was held to promote the charms of historical battlegrounds.


ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では「1.(顔のしわをとる)美容整形手段 2.改装、模様替え;モデルチェンジ」とありました。


LDOCEでは“work or repairs that make a building or place look newer or better”と定義されています。


学会月例会参加弾丸ツアー - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から


KoyamamotoさんとUG先生がすでに取り上げられているように、広島カープの黒田 博樹投手が日米通算200勝という記録を土曜日の試合で達成しました。黒田選手は専修大学の出身ということもあり、誇らしい気持ちになりました。



“Plum trees bloom most beautifully as they stand and overcome the cold severe winter”




プロ野球の後半戦もまだ始まったばかりで、この先も黒田選手の登板はあると思うので、是非とも頑張ってほしいと思います。(Blue Sky)


まもなく, 関東地方も梅雨明けを迎えます。そんな暑さの本番を控え, 「汗」との上手なつきあい方が紹介されています。

Enhance sweat gland function to reduce odors

In summer, sweat odors become more noticeable. What can be done to avoid that unpleasant sour smell?

Prof. Hiroo Yokozeki at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, an expert in dermatology, said, “Sweat itself has almost no odor.”

Although sweat does contain minute amounts of lactic acid and urea, it mostly comprises water. It smells because old sebum and keratin dissolved by sweat on the skin are broken down by bacteria.

Rieko Yamagishi from Lion Comfortable Lifestyle Laboratories in Tokyo said, “Decomposition odors contain such things as lower fatty acids and ammonia.” These are the cause of that sour smell.

Perspiration is a mechanism to prevent the body’s temperature from getting too high. Sweat is excreted from eccrine sweat glands located all over the body. These glands are particularly concentrated in the palms, chest, feet and forehead. Plasma from blood is pumped into eccrine glands via capillaries and creates sweat.

During the process of sweat exuding onto the outer layer of the skin, nutrients such as salt that are needed by the body are reabsorbed through capillaries. According to Yokozeki, these functions are gradually enhanced as temperatures rise in the lead-up to summer.



本日気になった表現は “lactic acid” です。

リーダーズ英和中辞典』(研究社)で調べると, 「[生化]乳酸」とありました。 接頭辞 “lact-” が「乳」や「乳糖」の意を表すと記されています。Merriam-Webster.comに “lactic acid” は “a chemical produced by the body in your muscles during exercise” と定義されていました。

人が乳製品を摂取することで, 腹痛などを引き起こす原因となる “lactose” 「ラクトース」も上記の内容と関連していたことがわかりました。(Cayu)

以前, “lactic” の記事が取り上げられていました。
lactic - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から


Pokemon Goをより快適に楽しめそうです。

DIY Pokémon Go lifehack from Japan: rest tired arms with creative hands-free “Poké-Han” device

Following the recent video message from the creators of Pokémon Go to stay safe and keep our heads up while playing the game, our Pokémon-loving Japanese writing team decided to come up with an ingenious new device to help increase safety and game-playing stamina at the same time. Proving that simple designs are often the most effective, the new invention uses just two everyday items, a clothes hanger and some rubber bands, to improve posture and relieve the annoying effects of painful “gamer’s arm” that results from holding your smartphone out in search of Pokémon all day.





インターネットサイトDictionary.comによると、 “a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing a day-to-day task or activity”と定義されておりました。

また,Collins English Dictionaryには,"by extension from the computing sense of hack, meaning to manipulate a computer program in a skilful and often creative manner"とその語源が解説されていました。



maul #2

 見出しの中で気になった単語は"maul"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)には「<動物が> <人> を切り裂く, <人> に大けがを負わせる」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"(Of an animal) wound (a person or animal) by scratching and tearing"と定義されております。事件が起きたサファリパークは,自家用車で園内を回ることができるようですが,絶対に外に出ないように警告しておりました。(Ume)

Tigers maul two women at Beijing wildlife park

Tigers at a wildlife park in Beijing have killed one woman and injured another after the pair left their vehicle, Chinese media have reported.
CCTV published footage of the incident showing one woman getting out and standing beside the car before quickly being attacked and dragged away.
The second woman was killed when she jumped out to try to help and was herself mauled by another tiger.
Some reports said an argument had led to the first woman leaving the car.
A man, who was in the car with the women and also attempted to help, was unhurt.


maul - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

harbor 復習


Munich Shooter Was Planning Crime for Over a Year

The 18-year-old gunman who officials say fatally shot nine people before killing himself at a busy shopping mall in Munich on Friday had been planning his crime for over a year and suffered from a range of mental health issues, according to officials.

The attacker, whom authorities have yet to identify, suffered from "social phobia," anxiety, was taking medication for these illnesses, and had been treated in a psychiatric clinic for two months in 2015, according to the Munich State Prosecutor's office.

In addition to the nine killed, 35 people were injured in the attack, of whom 10 are in critical condition.

The Bavarian Federal Criminal Office examined potential motives for the attack, but found nothing tangible to link the shooting the to the massacre perpetrated by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik in 2011, who killed eight people with a van bomb and 69 others in a shooting spree in Norway five years ago. Initial speculations about the shooting spree was that it related to the Breivik attack, due to it falling on the fifth anniversary of the murders in Norway.

"We didn't find the Breivik manifesto on his computer," the Bavarian Federal Criminal Office said. "He wrote his own manifesto, describing how he was going to do the crime."

The gunman, who was born in Germany and of Iranian descent, did however harbor an interest in the subject of mass shootings: He kept a book that included case studies of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the high school students who murdered 12 classmates and one teacher at Columbine High School in 1999, and Cho Seung-hui, a student who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007. Today, the Bavarian Federal Criminal Office revealed that the shooter visited Winnenden, a small town where a school shooting took place, resulting in 16 deaths, including the suicide of the perpetrator, and took pictures there.


LDOCEで調べてみると、"to keep bad thoughts, fears, or hopes in your mind for a long time"や"to contain something, especially something hidden and dangerous"や"to protect and hide criminals that the police are searching for"などの意味がありました。

harbor#5 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
harbor - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

a battery of


Hopes riding high that ‘Comic Train’ will help Tohoku region

SENDAI--A three-car train decorated with characters of popular manga is touring the Tohoku region as part of efforts to draw attention to reconstruction activities following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster.

The “Comic Train” departed JR Sendai Station on July 23 while a battery of railway buffs snapped photos.


今回取り上げるのは、“a battery of”という表現です。“battery”と聞くと「電池」や「野球のバッテリー」を連想しますが、ここではどのような意味で用いられているのでしょうか。

そこでMerriam-Websterで調べてみると、“a usually large group of similar people, things, or ideas that work together, are used together, etc.”と定義されていました。また『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)では、「(人・物の)勢ぞろい、多数、大勢」といった意味が記載されていました。したがって、この記事では「鉄道ファンの人だかり」を表しています。(ninetails)

smoking toddler(解答) - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

odors 復習


Stay-cool bento boxes offer sense of food security in summer

With this summer’s school holidays under way, many families have to prepare bento lunches for children more often. As children are not served school meals, parents need to prepare lunches when their children attend after-school programs and school club activities during the summer holidays, or attend lessons at cram schools.

In summer, food tends to spoil easily. In addition to good sanitation during cooking, consideration is also needed to keep the temperature low inside lunch boxes.


Yukako Nogami, a cooking adviser and author of the book “Natsuben,” a collection of summer bento recipes, said, “It’s important not to keep bento in hot and humid conditions.” The book, published by Shufu To Seikatsu Sha Co., is priced at \980 plus tax.

“The lids of lunch boxes should be sealed only after food inside them has cooled, and the lunch boxes should be put in places where the temperature is low. It’s also recommended to use ice packs to keep them cool,” she said.

Nogami said that it is good to choose lunch boxes that cool easily. “Lunch boxes made of metal have high heat conductivity and hold in food odors, so these types are suitable for summer.”



今回取り上げるのはodorsです。odorを『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べてみますと「1(格式)(特にいやな)におい 2(不可算、またはan 〜)(文語)(…の)気配、気味」という意味であることがわかりました。イギリス英語ではodourと表記するようです。においを可算するという概念があることが意外に思いました。LDOCEには “a smell, especially an unpleasant one” とあり、日本語と同じような意味であることがわかりました。


Translate Thisに挑戦―odorとscent― - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

odor - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

bounteous conditions


Travelers’ Treasures / Murakami Katsuyoshi san no Yuki JAS Kanso Gobo (JAS organic dried burdock)

The city of Kikuchi in Kumamoto Prefecture spreads out in the foothills of Mt. Aso, one of the world’s foremost calderas.

Kikuchi Ravine, selected as one of Japan’s 100 exquisite water sources, has a variety of favorable conditions for raising delicious crops, such as its pure water with a high mineral content, and volcanic soil. In particular, its rice has ranked as Special A for seven years in a row according to the Rice Taste Ranking. Greater burdock is a subsidiary crop raised in the rice paddies, and a famous piece of produce made possible by the bounteous conditions of the area.


“bounteous conditions” /báuntiəs/を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』によると「気前のよい, 物惜みしない」とありました。

直訳して「気前のよい状態」とすると意味がうまく通らないので、「栄養分などが豊富な状態」と訳せるかと思いました。またbountyが名詞の形で、「賜物, 政府からの助成金」という意味がありますが、語源をたどってみるとbonusから来ていることがわかり、bon-となる単語はbonanza, boonなどよい意味がある単語が多いことがわかりました。(lua)

pay through the nose 復習


Is the eel industry on the slippery slope to extinction?

As we approach the end of July, supermarkets nationwide are beginning to stock up on one of the nation’s much-loved summer fish: freshwater eel.

In recent years, however, the cost of eel has risen sharply and consumers are now facing the upcoming Doyo no Ushi no Hi (Day of the Ox, a day dedicated to eel consumption) on July 30 in the knowledge that they’ll be expected to pay through the nose for a slab of the freshwater fish.



今回取り上げる表現は"pay through the nose"という熟語です。直訳すると「鼻を通して支払いする」という風になります。しかし、これではよくわかりません。

そこで手持ちの『 ジーニアス英和辞典』(第5版)で調べてみると、「法外な金を払う、ぼられる」という意味が載っていました。うなぎに法外な金を払うではややぎこちない訳になるので「とんでもない金額を支払う」というような訳になると思いました。


pay through the nose - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から



This Pokémon Go Player Just Became The Very First To Catch Them All

It was only a matter of time before a Pokémon Go player completed their Pokédex, and that time seems to be now. SOMEONE HAS CAUGHT THEM ALL.

Well, all the Pokémon available in the US, at least. Of the missing nine, three (Farfetch’d, Kangaskhan, and Mr. Mime) are only available outside the country, and six (Articuno, Ditto, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, and Zapdos) have never been spotted anywhere and are believed to be uncatchable at this time.

Nick Johnson, 28, the Brooklyn­based Pokémaster, told BuzzFeed he walked an average of eight miles a day for two weeks to complete his collection.

And in that time, he got to level 31, caught 4,629 Pokémon (609 of which were Pidgeys, lol), hatched 303 eggs, walked a grand total of 153 kilometers (about 95 miles), and lost a whopping 10 pounds — and yes, he has a job.




インターネットでPokédexを調べたところBulbapediaというサイトに、 “The Pokédex (Japanese: ポケモン図鑑 illustrated Pokémon encyclopedia) is a digital encyclopedia created by Professor Oak as an invaluable tool to Trainers in the Pokémon world.”との記載がありました。(http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9dex

次にPokédexのdexの由来を調べてみましたところ、Wikipediaに “The name Pokédex is a portmanteau of Pokémon and index.“ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gameplay_of_Pok%C3%A9mon#Pok.C3.A9dex)と記載されておりました。


ちなみにportmanteauは名詞で「旅行かばん」、形容詞として「二つ以上の用途を持った」という意味になり、 “portmanteau word”で「混成語」となるそうです。indexには「索引,目録」などの意味があります。(『ジーニアス英和辞典』第五版,大修館)(Gomez)