常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

widowed by the war


Tokyo (AFP) - The Japanese actress who starred in famed director Yasujiro Ozu's "Tokyo Story" and a host of other classic films has died aged 95 -- with the news only emerging nearly three months after her passing.
In that 1953 film, considered a masterpiece of global cinema, she played a woman widowed by the war who treats the ageing parents of her late husband kindly during their visit to Tokyo, in contrast to their own children, who are too busy.

取り上げる表現は、“play a woman widowed by the war”です。ここのポイントはwidowが動詞で使われていることです。“a woman”のあとに、“who was widowed”が省略されています。さらに「先の大戦」を表すthe warとありますので,この表現は、「戦争未亡人となった女性」という意味になります。「東京物語」という映画の中で、原さん演じる紀子さんの夫が太平洋戦争で戦死したことを表しています。



with two left feet


Japanese university students’ synchronized marching routine is positively mesmerizing

Check out this year’s mind-boggling edition of a now legendary synchronized group marching performance by Tokyo university students.

The annual exhibition showcase by students from Tokyo’s Nippon Sport Science University has become an annual event which people across the country look forward to year after year. Now in its 53rd year, the exhibition was recently held on November 11 at Yokohama Arena and featured live performances such as gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline jumping, as well as the perpetual crowd-favorite–synchronized group marching exercises.

The performance features a large number of students marching perfectly in sync to a highly choreographed, fast-paced 10-minute routine. The students line up in perfectly straight lines, make sharp 90-degree turns, turn their bodies at the exact same step, and effortlessly break into smaller groups, all while swinging their arms and legs in completely harmonized movements.

Perhaps the highlight of the routine is when the smaller tightly-knit groups walk towards each other and indeed pass through each other’s groups, only to stay in perfect formation with not a single crash the entire time. To top it off, they perform this feat not just once, but repeatedly, undoubtedly making the rest of us look like nothing more than a bunch of clumsy, bumbling baboons with two left feet.


with two left feetが気になりました。『アンカーコズミカ英和辞典』(学研教育出版)よると、have two left feetで「【2本とも左足である→】とても不器用である、うまく踊れない」(--“informal to be very clumsy” LDOCE5)という意味です。仮にこの表現の意味が読み取れなくても、clumsyとカンマでつながれておりますのでその言い換えと考えても正解に辿りつきます。確かに、1人でもこのような人が居ると、せっかくの集団行動が台無しなのはご覧のとおりです。

類義表現としては、私が挙げたbuttefingers、『アメリカ口語教本』中級用(新訂版)のレッスン1に出てくるbe all thumbsという表現などがあります。

対義表現としては、以前Inahoさんが取り上げたbe all in the wrist、そして、先生がよく辞書の引き方ガイダンスで,私達学生に説明されるdexterがあります。(Kawada)



soft target


How to derail an attack on a soft target: Experts

Soft targets are called soft for a reason — they're easy for a terrorist to strike, and nearly impossible for well meaning businesses and individuals to defend.

But terrorism experts say there are things that companies and people can do to derail a terrorist attack such as the one seen in Paris last week — well before the attackers can even fire a shot.
Part of the solution is aggressive but polite monitoring of the area surrounding a concert hall, stadium or other venue, said William Braniff, the executive director of the National Consortium for the Study of

Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism and a former instructor at West Point's Combating Terrorism Center. He said American companies can look to security experts in Israel for tips on how to handle inbound threats.

"Instead of just having passive security guards who stand still," he said, security teams should "engage in conversation, to move around outside of a sports venue, outside of a shopping mall, and engage with people. And by doing this you're not off-putting, you're not menacing. You're, instead, just probing a little bit."

UG先生から教えて頂いた記事を取り上げます。気になったのは見出しにも出てきている“soft target”です。“soft”には「柔らかい」という意味のイメージがありますが、今回は違うようです。“soft target”には「攻撃しやすい人[物]、えじき≪特にテロリズムの攻撃対象のうち、民間人[設備]など防備が薄いものをいう≫」(『ジーニアス英和辞典第四版』大修館書店)、“a person or thing that is easy to attack or criticize”(LDOCE)という意味があります。反対に“hard target”には「軍事目標のうち、警備や監視が厳重で攻撃が困難な標的。軍人や軍事施設など。」(デジタル大辞泉)という意味があり、真逆の意味があることが分かりました。複数の国でテロが起きており、不安を抱えている人々が沢山いるという状況が変化していけばいいなと思います。(Green)


floral tributes


'Tokyo Story' star Setsuko Hara, muse of Ozu, dies at 95

The Japanese actress who starred in famed director Yasujiro Ozu's "Tokyo Story" and a host of other classic films has died aged 95 -- with the news only emerging nearly three months after her passing.
The death of Setsuko Hara dominated Japanese front pages on Thursday, with headlines lauding her as a "legendary" performer and the "Eternal Madonna".
Hara had been in hospital since mid-August and her death on September 5 from pneumonia was not immediately made public "as she wished no fuss be made", her 75-year-old nephew told Kyodo News agency.

A private funeral service was held, he added.
Film distribution company Shochiku on Thursday set up a stand for floral tributes to Hara at a Tokyo theatre, which was coincidentally showing the Ozu-directed "Late Spring" in which she starred as part of a retrospective of Japanese movies.

今回取り上げるのは“floral tributes”です。「(人に)捧げる花;(葬式の)献花」(『ジーニアス英和辞典第四版』大修館書店)、“flowers sent as a sign of respect after someone has died”(LDOCE)という意味があります。献花台は、原さんの代表作である「晩春」が特別上映されていた東京都中央区にある東劇に設置されています。残念ながら原さんの出演されていた作品を拝見したことはありませんが、たくさんのファンの方からの惜しむ声を聞くと、人気がうかがえます。(Green)




会場:西南学院大学 1号館205教室
発表テーマ:「産出技能の育成に 向けた新しい英語指導の取り組み」

全体の要旨(田地野 彰、高橋 幸)

発表1:「発話学習における 学習者同士の協働ー使用言語に焦点をあててー」
発表者:加藤 由崇(京都大学 大学院人間・環境学研究科)
発表者:坂本 輝世(京都大学 大学院人間・環境学研究科)
発表3:”Team Learning for EAP:A case study”
発表者:ピアース、ダニエル(京都大学 大学院人間・環境学科)、ダルスキー、デビッド(京都大学)、田地野 彰(京都 大学)
発表者:田地野 彰(京都大学)、金丸 敏幸(京都大学)、笹尾 洋介(豊橋技術科学大学
事務局:田久保 千之(久留米大学附設高校)TEL:0942-44-2222

e-mail: takubo_chiyukiアットkurume-u.ac.jp

be mooted #2


Potential future Japan leader Koizumi Jr. needs to sell TPP to fuming farmers

Diet member Shinjiro Koizumi faced a dilemma when a group of farmers angry over the government’s trade policy and aware of his dislike of tomatoes handed him a bag of them to try.

“Actually, I don’t like raw tomatoes but I’m trying to overcome this,” said the son of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at the meeting in the city of Kasai, Hyogo Prefecture. “But I’ll try them later, and let you know what I think.” For the farmers present it was an important moment of honesty.

Getting the agricultural community on board is the first big political test for the 34 year-old who has spent most of his six years as a Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker in low-key roles, focused on recovery work after the 2011 tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan. Now he is being mooted as a potential future leader.


今回取り上げるのは、“be mooted”という表現です。LDOCEで調べてみると、“to be suggested for people to consider”という定義が見つかりました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店』で確認してみると、「⦅正式⦆〜を課題にのせる、討論する〈通例受身で用いる〉」といった意味が載っていました。またこの語は、“meet(会う)”と同じ語源から来ており、「議論のために会う」というところから「未決の、議論の余地のある」といった形容詞の意味になっていったようです。(ninetails)


”extraterrestrial 復習


An anomaly in deep space that has been the focus of speculation and observation for weeks over possible extraterrestrial life may have just been solved.


LDOCEを見てみると、”relating to things that exist outside the Earth”と定義されていました。『ジーニアス英和辞典第4版(大修館書店)』には「《正式》地球(圏)外の;宇宙(から)の」とあります。一語でも名詞になりえますが、記事のように”life”と合わせて「地球外生命体」と訳せると思います。

“extra”は「領域外の」を意味し、”terrestrial”は「地球(上)の」を意味します。”terrestrial”の語源を見ていくと、"earth"を意味する”terra”からラテン語の"earthly, of the earth, on land"を意味する”terrestris”へと発展し、それに”al”がついたものです。"earth, land"を意味する”terra”は”terrain”の語源でもあります(『Online Etymology Dictionary』)。(bookmark)

intermittently 復習

Beachgoers will be protected from sharks by drones and "smart" drum lines, according to the New South Wales (NSW) government.
A trial will begin on the NSW north coast where there have been several attacks in the past 12 months. The drones will feed images back to operators looking for sharks using GPS co-ordinates. The measures are part of a shark management strategy which also includes barriers and helicopter surveillance."There is no easy way to reduce risks for swimmers and surfers," NSW minister for primary industries Niall Blair, said in a statement.(中略)
Field test
A field test of the drones will begin at Coffs Harbour and a "smart" drum line will be trialled at Ballina, near where a surfer was mauled to death in February. These lines alert officials immediately when a shark has been snagged on a baited hook, unlike traditional lines that are checked intermittently.
『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』によりますと、「副 途切れ途切れに、断続的に」とあります。ODには "adverb At irregular intervals; not continuously or steadily"とあります。
例: he has worked intermittently in a variety of jobs
形容詞は"intermittent"となり、「時々中断する、断続的な、散髪的な」です。"an intermittent spring"となると 「間欠泉」を表します。『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』

play up 復習

クリスマスという文化は日本でも恒例行事になってきました。The Japan Timesから取り上げます。

There’s no time like the Christmas present
It may not be a traditional custom in Japan, but Christmas gift-giving is always played up by shopping malls here. If you’re finding it all a bit overwhelming but still looking for something special, our writers are here to help with a few ideas that they think will make perfect gifts for your friends, relatives or even yourself.

今回取り上げる表現は “play up”です。G4(大修館書店)で確認してみますと「…を重視する、強調する、宣伝する」とありました。LDOCEでも “to emphasize something , sometimes making it seem more important than it really is”と定義されています。ここでは宣伝されていると捉えられます。(Inaho)





わたし自身,あまり表に出るのは好きではないし,60歳近い顔も体(!)もお見せできるようなものではないので,「晒すのは止めて!」というのが本音で,話があったときにはものすごく抵抗したのですが(flat no, no!),大学のため,ゼミ生のためと思い直し,人肌脱いだものです。(もう,ライザップに頼るしかないか...)。



have (or keep) one's finger on the pulse


"Finger on the pulse"

One of the most compelling reasons to try these new ways of working is to find an efficient alternative to the deluge of corporate emails, which, let's face it, can sometimes be overwhelming.
Accounting software firm Sage implemented online communications portal Chatter into its business in April 2015. Sandra Campopiano, the firm's chief people officer, says 9,000 topics have already been moved off email into "direct, snappy messages, or open, engaging groups and forums."

本日は記事より"Finger on the pulse"を取り上げます。ODにより調べてみますと "have (or keep) one's finger on the pulse"の形を取り、"be aware of all the latest news or developments" とあります。また、「実状に通じている、現況を把握している」と『研究社 新英和中辞典』には定義されていました。記事中の小見出し"Finger on the pulse"はその後に企業によるSNS使用の実例を挙げているところから「現状」や「実態」といった意味になるのかと思います。

He keeps his finger on a pulse of world music. (OD)
The situation changes daily, so you need to keep your finger on the pulse.
(Cambridge Dictionaries)

腕に手を置いて脈拍の様子を把握する という意味から「現状を把握する」 という意味になるのでイメージしやすいフレーズだと思いました。今後の機会に実際に使ってみたいと思います。(Dew)


doom-and-gloom 復習


On the eve of yet another Thanksgiving weekend, retail experts and economists are asking the question: Is Black Friday over?

“It definitely matters so much less than it’s mattered in the past,” said John J. Canally, chief economic strategist at LPL Research. “The last couple of years, ‘Black Friday disappoints’ has been the usual story.”

But contrary to doom-and-gloom predictions this holiday season, dwindling sales for the long Thanksgiving weekend (which now begins Thursday afternoon) do not necessarily signal a cautious consumer. Americans are generally spending just as much of their hard-earned dollars as in the past.







(CNN)Pope Francis waded into the heart of a Kenyan shantytown, spreading a message of love and lashing out at the elite in a neighborhood that feels largely disenfranchised.

また、「スラム」を表す表現といえば“slum”があります。これとどう異なるのか。Merriam-Websterを用いて、ふたつの定義を見ていきます。まず、“slum”は、“an area of a city where poor people live and the buildings are in bad condition”とあります。そして、“shantytown”は、“a town or a part of a town where the people are poor and live in shanties”と記載されています。違いは、“shanty”「小屋、掘っ建て小屋」に住んでいるかどうかということ発見でしました。(Nao)


accredited 復習

 イスラエルは,UAEアラブ首長国連邦)の使節団を受け入れました。UAEは,他のアラブ諸国と同様にイスラエルを正式な国とは認めておりません。記事の中で気になった単語は"accredited"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「認可された<学校・教育課程など>; 公認の<職業・資格など>,(正式に国を)代表する」などという意味がありました。ODには"Give official authorization for (someone, typically a diplomat or journalist) to be in a particular place or to hold a particular post"と定義されております。(Ume)

Israel 'to open UAE diplomatic mission'

Israel's foreign ministry says its office will be part of an international energy organisation based in Abu Dhabi.
Israel has opened trade and other offices in some Gulf states before, but there are no official ties.
The UAE, like most other Arab states, has not recognised Israel since the Arab-Israeli conflict began in 1948.
Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon confirmed a report in Haaretz newspaper and said the mission will be accredited to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA).
According to Haaretz, the foreign ministry's director general Dore Gold visited Abu Dhabi on Tuesday to finalise the plans.


accreditaion - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から