常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

steals sb's thunder #2


‘Handsome’ Japanese reporter steals thunder from Thailand’s election, anti-government rallies

A Japanese reporter from Fuji Television Network has taken the limelight away from Thailand’s anti-government rallies and the February 2 election because of his good looks. 28-year old Daijiro Enami was in Bangkok over the weekend to cover the national elections, but ended up on social media himself, as numbers of locals shared his photo on networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Enami went to Thailand to interview anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban. He also reported on the state of elections in the Bung Kum district, where Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra cast her vote. While on the field, some Thai citizens noticed the handsome reporter and requested to take photos with him. Others contented themselves with taking photos of Enami in action, reporting on the state of things.

Thai netizens, who saw the reporter, quickly took to social media networks to swoon over him. A Facebook user named Tang Thaneesa described how she blushed while looking at his photos, which led her to ask her boyfriend who he is. Users on Pantip.com, a Thai message board, on the other hand, gushed over Enami, who they say is “supremely gorgeous” and wished he’d be their husband or bodyguard. A certain Noo Khon Dee even wrote, “Take off your bullet proof vest, I’ll use my body to protect you!”



しかし雷とは日本語ではイメージできない比喩ですね。ちなみにお株を奪うというニュアンスはありませんが、類似表現としてsteal the showがあります。(Shou-VR*)




今回は”riptide”が分からなかったのでWisdom英和辞典(第三版)』(三省堂)で調べました。それによると「潮衝」という意味がありました。SPACE ALCによると”tide”の語源は「timeと同語源である」書かれていました。ちなみに”time”は「一時的」というものが語源です。また,”rip”には「切り裂く」などの意味以外にも「激流」というものがありました。潮の流れがぶつかり合うという意味で”riptide”という単語になります。(Ume)

What Jews and the Chinese have in common

Like most people on their first trip to China, I felt like an ocean swimmer trying to get back to shore pulling against a particularly vicious riptide, overwhelmed and slightly panicked.

It was not just the gigantism - the number of people, the epic infrastructure projects, the impenetrable air pollution.

It was that the place in many ways looks familiar - but just off-kilter, as in a dream - all those Western brand names on advertising hoardings, but you cannot read the ads because they are all in Chinese.

I had this strange feeling of knowing but not having a clue most intensely when I visited Shandong University in Jinan recently.

Shandong reminded me very much of the University of California at Berkeley in the US, only with 57,000 students - instead of 35,000 - buzzing and biking purposefully around from class to class, and they were much, much more earnest.


bum #2

朝、玄関から郵便受けに新聞を取りに行こうとして、階段のステップですべってしまい。そのままお尻から着地。強烈に臀部(右側)を打ってしまいました。分かっちゃいるのに寝ぼけていたのでしょうか、スリッパで出たのが失敗の元。お尻、いや正確には臀部はお上品にいうとbuttocksですが、その瞬間、なぜかbum(「ケツ」に相当!)という俗語が浮かんでしまいました。強いていうのなら、I slipped on the first step and landed on my right bum!でしょうか。





DPJ exec’s denial of Nanjing stands
Matsubara refuses to retract contentious remark made in 2007

Jin Matsubara, the Democratic Party of Japan’s Diet affairs chief, declined Friday to retract his remarks almost seven years ago insisting that there was no Nanjing Massacre, a move likely to stir the controversy already brewing over an NHK governor’s similar denial of one of the most notorious wartime atrocities committed by Japanese troops in China.

“You can understand my remarks if you read minutes (of the Diet sessions). (My opinion) is just like the remarks in the minutes,” Matsubara told a regularly scheduled press briefing at the Diet.


tape delay


Festivities Formally Open 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi

The New York Times is covering every moment of the Winter Olympics opening ceremony from inside of Fisht Olympic Stadium in Sochi — live as it happens, not on tape delay.

The parade of nations, the athletes’ oath, some less-than-electrifying speeches by dignitaries, we have it all.

And we’ll let you know who lights the Olympic caldron. (Just a wild guess, but what about the popular figure skater Ekaterina Gordeeva?)


tape delay 「テープディレー、録音時差」と訳されますが、要するにナマ放送の放送事故をさけるためにわざと遅れて放送する技術のことだそうです。わたしもこの表現をとある放送局で教わりました。以下はアルクの『英辞郎』からです。(UG)



フィギュアスケート団体は女子SPで浅田真央選手が登場。トリプルアクセルに挑み転倒してしましましたが,その後はなんとか持ちこたえ64.07点で3位となりました。日本は4種目の順位の合計点が24点で4位となり,上位5チームによるフリー進出を決めた一方,メダルの可能性は低くなりました。記事はThe Japan Timesからの引用です。
spillは「こぼす」という意味で知られる単語ですが,その他に名詞で「(馬車自転車などから)落ちること, 転落」という意味があります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。言うまでもなく,ここではトリプルアクセルでの「転倒」を意味しています。(Koyamamoto)

Mao’s mishap hurts Japan’s medal hopes
SOCHI, RUSSIA – Another disappointing performance by Mao Asada on Saturday night has reduced Japan’s chances at a medal in the inaugural Olympic team event.
Mao skated in the short program to “Nocturne” and fell on her opening triple axel. She recovered to land a triple flip and a triple loop/double loop combination jump, but appeared lackluster after the spill and totaled only 64.07 points, which puts her in third place.

dog #4


dogは以前ブログでも取り上げられておりますので復習となります。(cf. dog♯3 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から)確認程度の表現で恐縮ですが文中では第二語義の「<不幸・けがなどが><人>につきまとう」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)となります。念のため英英辞典も参照してみますと‘to bother or pester persistently’Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 11th Editionと掲載されていました。(Shou-VR*)

Records fall on golden day in Sochi
A glittering opening ceremony on Friday took the focus off the litany of concerns that have dogged the run-up to the Olympics—a project championed by President Vladimir Putin—including Russia’s gay rights record and security.


ご指名質問回答: stand

UG先生よりご指名質問Nanjing standsを賜りましたのでお答え致します。

まずNanjingは言わずもがなですが長江に臨む中国江蘇省省都「ナンキン(南京)」『Wisdom英和辞典(第三版)』(三省堂)です。次にstandですが,ここはそのまま動詞の「立つ」から「かつての見解のままである」,すなわち「撤回をしない」という意味で用いられています。パラフレーズをしますと,Matsubara's denial will not be retracted.となりますでしょうか。

DPJ exec’s denial of Nanjing stands

Matsubara refuses to retract contentious remark made in 2007

Jin Matsubara, the Democratic Party of Japan’s Diet affairs chief, declined Friday to retract his remarks almost seven years ago insisting that there was no Nanjing Massacre, a move likely to stir the controversy already brewing over an NHK governor’s similar denial of one of the most notorious wartime atrocities committed by Japanese troops in China.

“You can understand my remarks if you read minutes (of the Diet sessions). (My opinion) is just like the remarks in the minutes,” Matsubara told a regularly scheduled press briefing at the Diet.
