常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


今回は”riptide”が分からなかったのでWisdom英和辞典(第三版)』(三省堂)で調べました。それによると「潮衝」という意味がありました。SPACE ALCによると”tide”の語源は「timeと同語源である」書かれていました。ちなみに”time”は「一時的」というものが語源です。また,”rip”には「切り裂く」などの意味以外にも「激流」というものがありました。潮の流れがぶつかり合うという意味で”riptide”という単語になります。(Ume)

What Jews and the Chinese have in common

Like most people on their first trip to China, I felt like an ocean swimmer trying to get back to shore pulling against a particularly vicious riptide, overwhelmed and slightly panicked.

It was not just the gigantism - the number of people, the epic infrastructure projects, the impenetrable air pollution.

It was that the place in many ways looks familiar - but just off-kilter, as in a dream - all those Western brand names on advertising hoardings, but you cannot read the ads because they are all in Chinese.

I had this strange feeling of knowing but not having a clue most intensely when I visited Shandong University in Jinan recently.

Shandong reminded me very much of the University of California at Berkeley in the US, only with 57,000 students - instead of 35,000 - buzzing and biking purposefully around from class to class, and they were much, much more earnest.
