常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


major stumbling block 復習

三菱自動車がこれまで難しいと思われた雪道に対応できる自動運転技術を開発したそうです。Engineers at Mitsubishi Electric say they're making gains with a technology that many say is a major stumbling block for self-driving cars. The firm is tes…

appall 復習

北陸では約1400台の車が大雪のため立ち往生しました。Hundreds of motorists spent the night of Feb. 6 stranded in their vehicles after heavy snow made routes impassable in Fukui and Ishikawa prefectures.Appalling weather conditions continued t…

step on one’s toes

韓国人スケーターの使用曲に反日的な表現が含まれているため、曲だけへの変更の可能性があるようです。 Figure Skating: Korean skaters skip a line to avoid stepping on Japanese toesA South Korean figure skating pair competing in the Winter Olympi…

progeny 復習

The only surprising feature of Donald Trump’s first year in office is that it has been entirely predictable. So when I mention to colleagues that I have been researching Trump’s religious faith, reactions vary from mild scoffing (“I though…

nuptial 復習

婚約が内定している秋篠宮家の眞子さまと小室さんの結婚が2020年まで延期されると宮内庁が発表しました。Princess Mako, Komuro say wedding delayed until 2020Princess Mako and Kei Komuro have postponed their wedding for two years, saying they need…

dilapidate 復習

廃業した産婦人科医院からホルマリンに漬けられた胎児の遺体が見つかりました。15 bottled fetuses found at site of closed clinic in KagoshimaFifteen fetuses in bottles of formaldehyde were discovered in a dilapidated maternity clinic here that …

chlorine gas #2

シリア北部でアサド政権の軍が有毒な化学兵器を使用し, 一部の住民らが被害を受けました。U.S. says Russia protecting Assad in chemical gas attacksU.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley accused Russia on Monday of protecting Syrian President Bashar Assad f…

ram raid 復習

Thousands of dollars of clothing has been stolen in a ram raid of a Raglan clothing store overnight. Thieves used a white Honda or Nissan model vehicle to smash their way into the store on Bow St, on the main road of Raglan at 3.45am on Tu…

whimsical 復習

アメリカの起業家イーロン・マスク氏が開発した新型ロケット「ファルコン・ヘビー」の打ち上げが成功しました。US entrepreneur Elon Musk has launched his new rocket, the Falcon Heavy, from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.The mammoth vehicle -…