make a beeline for 復習
Tourism backlash has been in full effect over the last 12 months, with several destinations announcing they'd had enough of foreign visitors flooding their streets or disrupting their fragile ecosystems.
Unsurprisingly, this has posed a a dilemma for mindful travelers planning their next vacation.
In 2017, the infrastructure of Scotland's largest island creaked under the pressure as thousands of tourists in coaches and cars plied its narrow lanes, making a beeline for the remote fairy pools at Glenbrittle, the iconic sunset spot at Elgol and the rocky Old Man of Storr, with traffic snarl ups an inevitable result.
make a beeline forを取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』を引くとbeeline で「一直線、最短距離」「直行する、最短距離を行く」とありました。通例上記のようにmake a beeline forで「〈場所など〉へ直行する」の意味で用いられます。蜂はぐるぐると回りながら飛んでいるイメージがありましたが、語源はミツバチが巣へ戻るとき一直線に飛ぶ様子からきています。Cambridge Dictionaryによると“to move quickly and directly toward something”と定義されていました。(Kiwi girl)