2016 looks like a China shop after a visit from a very clumsy bull
Viewing 2016 in retrospect — doing so is unpleasant, but less so than was living through it — the year resembles a china shop after a visit from an especially maladroit bull. Because a law says “ t he state of California may not sell or display the Battle Flag of the Confederacy . . . or any similar image ,” a painting of the 1864 Siege of Atlanta was banned from display at the Fresno County fair. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services churned out a 25-page policy statement about “the systematic inclusion of families in activities and programs that promote children’s development, learning, and wellness. ” That is, government should provide, as an act of grace — systematic grace — a role for parents in raising their children.
さらに,Cambridge Dictionaryを引いてみると,“awkward in movement or unskilled in behaviour or action”と定義されていました。またLongman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishには,“not clever or sensitive in the way you deal with people”とあります。人との関わりといったニュアンスが含まれているようです。なお,見出しはおなじみのイディオムですね。 (Nao)