常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。





ヨーロッパにおいては、ELPやEPOSTLの導入・実施以来、教員や実習生のする仕事は大分増えてきているようです。到達規準やポートフォリオの日本での導入を考える時、ヨーロッパの現場でどのようなことが行われ、どのような課題があるのかを知ることは意味のあることと考えます。そこで、このたびドイツDortmund市の地域英語教員の指導員Wendelgard Sasnick-Lotschさんの来日に合わせ、お招きすることにしました。プレゼンテーションとワークショップ(WS)形式で、ドイツの教員養成のシステムの概観と、CEFR、ELP導入後に教員研修がどのように変わったかをお話しくださる予定です。言語教師養成・教育・研修に関わる方々、興味・関心のある多くの方々のご参加を期待します。

場所:早稲田大学11号館4階 第4会議室
講演とWS: Latest Developments in Language Teacher Education in Germany
講師:Ms. Wendelgard Sasnick-Lotsch、ドイツDortmund市英語教員実習生指導員
Wendelgard Sassnick-Lotsch is a teacher trainer and works for the Centre for Practical Teacher Education Arnsberg in Germany. After graduating from Teacher Training College in Braunschweig as a teacher for English and German in primary and secondary education she gained experience in different schools working with heterogeneous groups. She has been working as an in service teacher trainer since 1993. In cooperation with others she developed teacher training material which was published by the School Ministry of Northrhine-Westfalia.

Globalization affects all societies in many different ways. All over Europe mobility and migration have led to societies which are highly diverse. Research studies carried out by OECD and as well as national studies have shown that German students do not perform as successfully as necessary. This has led to different consequences in educational policy. One of these effects is that changes in teacher education have been initiated, due to the fact that teachers are the main factor when it comes to students’ progress.

“What teachers do matters.” (Hattie) Current teacher education models are aiming at establishing a clear link between theory and practice. In modern concepts of teacher education the starting point is the student’s own practical experience as a teacher in school which shall lead to further systematic reflection. Learning is considered as a social, interactive process. In realistic teacher education trainee teachers are seen as individuals with their own identity. The teacher training is intended to enhance their ability to take responsibility for their own professional development. In my presentation I shall give examples of latest developments in language teacher education in Germany. In the workshop following the presentation participants will be given an example of how trainee teachers work and learn in our teacher training workshops and thus may gain practical experience in cooperative learning.