立教大学英語教育研究所では、Dr. Gabriele Kasper(University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa)をお招きし、以下の日程で講演会を開催いたします。多数のご参加をお待ちしております。
会場:立教大学池袋キャンパス(豊島区西池袋3-34-1) マキムホール(15号館)3階M302教室
講師:Dr. Gabriele Kasper (ハワイ大学教授)
演題:EAP in Action: Teaching and Learning Physics in a Content and Language Integrated Learning Classroom
内容:One of the persisting problems in foreign language education is to create environments in which the foreign language is used purposefully and consequentially. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programs offer such an environment. In CLIL classrooms activities designed for teaching and learning academic subject matter are conducted through the discourse of the particular discipline. This talk examines the interaction between teacher and students in an English-medium physics class at a junior high school. As the teacher explains a physics law, one goal on his agenda is to help students understand the discourse of physics and differentiate it from everyday talk.
問い合せ先:高橋里美(立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部)E-mail: satomit@rikkyo.ac.jp