常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



Typhoon No. 18 brings balmy weather to large parts of Japan

After lashing Okinawa Prefecture, Typhoon No. 18 was moving north on Oct. 4, bringing about warnings of flooding and landslides in Kyushu--and summer-like weather to other parts of Japan.

A number of cities in eastern Japan reported temperatures over 30 degrees in the morning. Kumagaya, a city north of Tokyo in Saitama Prefecture that is known for its summer heat, recorded a temperature of 30.9 degrees by around 10 a.m.

Nerima Ward in Tokyo also reported a temperature of 30.3 degrees. The last time the mercury in central Tokyo rose past 30 degrees in October was when it reached 31.3 degrees in 2013.

The warmer-than-usual air caused by the typhoon was also expected to bring temperatures above 30 degrees in Osaka and Nagoya.

The typhoon was traveling northward in waters north of Okinawa Prefecture on the morning of Oct. 4, and it was expected to reach waters west of Kyushu in the evening.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued warnings about possible flooding and landslides on Japan’s southernmost main island.

The agency at 7 p.m. on Oct. 3 issued a special warning for the main Okinawa island about heavy rain, strong winds, high waves and high tide. But the warning was lifted by the morning of Oct. 4.

Although strong winds and rain were recorded, there were no early reports of injuries. Some structural damage was reported in the areas most heavily affected by the typhoon.

The typhoon was expected to veer in an eastward direction over the Sea of Japan on Oct. 5, making its closest approach to the main Honshu island.



LDOCEでは、“balmy air, weather etc is warm and pleasant”と定義されていました。

ちなみに、“balmy”の名詞形である“balm”には「香油、香膏;鎮痛剤」などの意味があり、コスメ業界ではよく使用される言葉であるようです。“balmy”の第2義には「芳しい:痛みを和らげる」という意味もあります。(Blue Sky)

lucky loser


Nishikori beats lucky loser Donald Young in 3 sets in Japan Open

TOKYO — Top-seeded Kei Nishikori came from a set down to beat American lucky loser Donald Young 4-6, 6-2, 6-2 on Monday in the first round of the Japan Open.

Nishikori had been drawn to face Nicolas Almagro, but the Spanish player withdrew because of illness. Young, who had lost in qualifying to Ryan Harrison, was given Almagro’s spot in the draw just a few hours before walking on court at Ariake Colosseum.


今回取り上げるのは、“lucky loser”という表現です。そのまま直訳すると「幸運な敗者」などと表せますが、これは一体何を指しているのでしょうか。

手持ちの『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』(大修館書店)には、それに関する記載がなかったため、インターネットで調べるとテニスやビーチバレーなどの競技用語の1つであると分かりました。「コトバンク」には、“lucky loser”とは「スポーツの競技会で、予選で敗れて本来なら本選に進めないところを、出場をとりやめる選手が出たため運よく本選に出場することができる選手のこと」を意味するとありました。

今回の錦織選手の試合でいうと、発熱で欠場したニコラス・アルアグロ選手に代わり出場したドナルド・ヤング選手が“lucky loser”です。(ninetails)

fiduciary duty


The biggest threat to Trump’s business? Trump.

Is the notoriously litigious Donald Trump afraid of getting sued by . . . Donald Trump?
If so, the plaintiff could have a pretty strong case.

Why, it must’ve been Trump himself, the only entity whom Trump has ever felt any “fiduciary duty” to enrich.
Maybe it seems ridiculous to suggest that Donald Trump might sue Donald Trump. How could he play both plaintiff and defendant? But recall that his confidants, and at times even the candidate himself, have argued that there are at least two of him to go around.


今回取り上げる表現は,“fiduciary duty”です。“fiduciary”の発音記号は,/fidjúːʃièri /です。“duty”があることで,何かの「義務」であると推測できます。では,“fiduciary”とはどのような意味でしょうか。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)を引いてみると,「信用上の」や「信託の」などの意味が記載されています。

さらに同上の辞書に,“fiduciary duty”で「信託[忠実]義務」とありました。ここでは,「忠実義務」として用いられています。忠実義務とは,取締役が株式会社のために,職務を忠実に行う義務のことを指します(コトバンク)。(Nao)

condiment 復習


Osaka sushi chain sorry for spiking foreigners’ orders with excess wasabi, denies ill intent

A sushi chain in Osaka Prefecture has apologized for serving fish with excessive wasabi to foreign customers but denied that any ill intent or discrimination was behind the stunt.

“We apologize for causing trouble on the internet about our services for customers,” Fujii Shokuhin Co. said in a statement on its website.

The company, based in Ibaraki, Osaka Prefecture, runs the Ichibazushi chain of sushi shops, which has been accused of spicing up its food with excessive amounts of the green, nose-searing, eye-watering condiment over the past year or two at its Nanba outlet in central Osaka.

The company claims the extra wasabi — often twice the normal amount — was added in response to foreign customers who were seeking more excitement in their raw fish.

But the gesture backfired for customers, apparently from South Korea, who weren’t fans of the seasoning, it said.

“There was no discriminatory intent involved here,” Fujii Shokuhin claimed in its website apology.

It also said that chefs added the condiment individually, based on their own judgment, denying that company policy was behind the behavior.

Fujii Shokuhin decided to take action after the wasabi-boosting antic went viral on Twitter and other social media recently.

” ‘Wasabi terror’: Apparently some sushi restaurants in Osaka have been trolling Korean tourists by adding extra wasabi to their orders,” one tweet said.

Another reads: “Racial harassment? Osaka sushi restaurant serves Korean tourists with inedible amount of #wasabi between fish and rice.”






condiment - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

bode well for #2

中国はさらなる都市部で, 住宅購入に新たな制限を導入すると報じました。

More Chinese cities restrict property purchases

Four Chinese cities have announced new restrictions on property purchases as the government tries to cool soaring home prices stoked by property speculators in second- and third-tier cities across the country.

The measures in Chengdu, Jinan, Wuhan and Zhengzhou were the latest in a string of steps to tighten credit flowing into the property sector as the government tries to balance the need to prevent bubbles while stimulating economic growth.


“The shift of policy tone also shows that China is unlikely to stimulate the economy further aggressively. This may not bode well for market sentiment in the longer run,” it said.



今回取り上げる表現は “bode well for” です。

リーダーズ英和中辞典』(研究社)で調べると, 「~ ill [well] 凶兆[吉兆]だ」 とありました。通例, “bode” は悪い前兆に用いるそうです。

The Freedictionary.com には “to be an omen; portend” と定義され, “The peace accord bodes well for the city under siege.” という例が挙げられています。

今回は, 政策によって中国経済の停滞が懸念されていることを, “not bode well for~” と表現しているのではないかと思います。(Cayu)

“bode well for” と関連記事が過去に取り上げられていました。
bode ill for - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
bodes well for - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から



Forbidden Ink: Japan’s Contentious Tattoo Heritage

From starkly rendered waves crashing over a shoulder to a stern samurai warrior wielding a sword on one’s back, the striking designs expressed in Japanese tattoos are among the most iconic in the world of ink.

The fact that Japanese tattoos have received “recognition in such major Western art museums as the musée du quai Branly in France and general popularity among tattoo enthusiasts abroad are surely a testament to their enduring appeal,” John Skutlin, a PhD candidate in the Department of Japanese Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, told The Diplomat.

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Beyond the popular motifs of colorful koi and cherry blossoms mingling with tigers and dragons, tattoos also have deep roots among Japan’s indigenous Ainu people, as well as natives of Okinawa, The Japan Times points out. Ainu women, living mostly on the northern island of Hokkaido, have long etched designs onto their faces and arms using soot from the fireside, to keep evil spirits at bay and ensure a safe transition to the afterlife. And in Okinawa, it was also the women who traditionally marked their hands with a mix of ink and a strong local brew called awamori. Their tattoos served as talismans and had strongly shamanic undertones.
Yet despite Japan’s rich history of tattooing, the painstaking art form has never achieved mainstream acceptance on the islands. There are complex historical reasons for this. Further, there are fundamental differences between Japanese tattoos (irezumi — literally, “insert ink”) and their Western counterparts.

If one was to commit to a proper ink job in Japan, it could mean going as far as getting a full-body suit, extending from the back to the legs, arms, and chest. This would usually end at the neck, wrists and ankles so that “the ink could be shown when occasion permitted it,” Skutlin said. “It’s quite similar to Tanizaki Jun’ichirō’s Japanese aesthetic as described in In Praise of Shadows, where he describes traditional Japanese gold-leaf images, lacquerware, and folding screens that, if shown in bright light, are gaudy and even blinding, but when seen in the murky candle-lit dimness of a temple with its eaves keeping the sunlight at bay, a mysterious, mystical kind of beauty is revealed.”



Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press) によると、 “gold that has been beaten into a very thin sheet, used in gilding”とのことでした。



condiment 復習


Osaka sushi chain sorry for spiking foreigners’ orders with excess wasabi, denies ill intent

A sushi chain in Osaka Prefecture has apologized for serving fish with excessive wasabi to foreign customers but denied that any ill intent or discrimination was behind the stunt.

“We apologize for causing trouble on the internet about our services for customers,” Fujii Shokuhin Co. said in a statement on its website.

The company, based in Ibaraki, Osaka Prefecture, runs the Ichibazushi chain of sushi shops, which has been accused of spicing up its food with excessive amounts of the green, nose-searing, eye-watering condiment over the past year or two at its Nanba outlet in central Osaka.

The company claims the extra wasabi — often twice the normal amount — was added in response to foreign customers who were seeking more excitement in their raw fish.

But the gesture backfired for customers, apparently from South Korea, who weren’t fans of the seasoning, it said.

“There was no discriminatory intent involved here,” Fujii Shokuhin claimed in its website apology.

It also said that chefs added the condiment individually, based on their own judgment, denying that company policy was behind the behavior.

Fujii Shokuhin decided to take action after the wasabi-boosting antic went viral on Twitter and other social media recently.

” ‘Wasabi terror’: Apparently some sushi restaurants in Osaka have been trolling Korean tourists by adding extra wasabi to their orders,” one tweet said.

Another reads: “Racial harassment? Osaka sushi restaurant serves Korean tourists with inedible amount of #wasabi between fish and rice.”






condiment - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から


2016年度 第二回JACET談話行動研究会

日時:2016年12月18日(日) 13:30−15:00

講師: Prof Tom Morton (Birkbeck, University of London)

題目:Multimodal and multilingual approaches to analysing classroom interaction in CLIL classrooms

場所:立教大学(池袋キャンパス) 太刀川記念館 3階 多目的ホール



問い合わせ先:東海大学 土屋慶子

Successful communication in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classrooms goes beyond the use of one 'code' ('the language of instruction') or one or other of the linguistic modes (speaking or writing). In order to make meaning during content-related classroom activities, teachers and students draw on the range of linguistic resources at their disposal in translingual practices (Canagarajah 2013) or 'translanguaging' (Garcia & Kleyn, 2016) and also use embodied practices such as gaze and gesture, and physical objects in the immediate setting (Morton 2015; Sert 2015). In this talk, I will advocate and illustrate the use of some of the tools and analytic procedures of conversation analysis (CA) to uncover and describe multimodal and multilingual practices in CLIL classrooms. There will be a specific focus on how partcipants handle aspects of knowing or 'epistemics' in interaction in relation to who knows what, how they come to know, and what responsibilties this ensues (Jakonen & Morton 2015; Morton and Jakonen 2016). I will argue that the integration of 'content' and 'language' in CLIL or English-medium instruction (EMI) can be seen not just as a matter of curricular design, but also as a participants' matter in the ways that content and language issues are handled through jointly-constructed, moment-by-moment multilingual and multimodal practices.

Tom Morton is Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Applied Linguistics and Communication at Birkbeck, University of London. He is also a visiting lecturer at the Universities of Newcastle, Pablo de Olavide (Seville) and Vienna. His main research interest is in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), especially in classroom discourse and teacher education. He has participated in several international research projects on CLIL, and is a member of the UAM-CLIL research group at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He is author (with Ana Llinares and Rachel Whittaker) of The Roles of Language in CLIL (Cambridge University Press) and (with Ana Llinares) Applied Linguistics Perspectives on CLIL (John Benjamins) and has written many research articles and book chapters on CLIL topics.

trauma unit #4


A child's scraped knee a life or death matter in Venezuela

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- It was just a scraped knee. So 3-year-old Ashley Pacheco's parents did what parents do: They gave her a hug, cleaned the wound twice with rubbing alcohol and thought no more of it.
Two weeks later, the little girl writhed screaming in a hospital bed. Her breathing came in ragged gasps as she begged passing patients for a sip of water.
Her mother stayed day and night in the trauma unit. She kept Ashley on an empty stomach in case she might cut in front of hundreds of other patients for emergency surgery in one of the hospital's few functioning operating rooms.
Her father scoured Caracas for scarce antibiotics to fight the infection spreading through his daughter's body.
They had no idea how much worse it was going to get.


今回取り上げるのはtrauma unitです。

「トラウマ」と聞くと、精神的ショックなど心に関するイメージが強いですが、LDOCEには“an injury”とシンプルな定義が載っていました。


また、ここでのunitは病院の「科」を表しており、“trauma unit”で「外科」となるかと思います。(flyingbird)

trauma - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

trauma - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

blunt-force trauma 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から



Godzilla gets an artisan makeover in traditional Kutani-yaki style

NOMI, Ishikawa Prefecture--Godzilla figurines may have been around almost as long as the movie series that inspired them, but a group of traditional Kutani-yaki artisans here have presented the mini-giant monsters in a new light.

The Kutaniyaki Saishokai group of local artisans decided to decorate 20 figurines of the big screen beast for a special exhibition and sale at Tokyo's Isetan department store's Shinjuku branch to celebrate the latest movie in the blockbuster series, “Shin Godzilla,” aka “Godzilla Resurgence.”

Kutaniyaki Saishokai is a professional society comprising 11 local pottery companies, and it previously won admirers with its “Ultraman” superhero pottery series. Its head, Katsuhisa Iwata, 51, has high hopes for the project.

“We hope we can promote Kutani-yaki by taking advantage of the popularity of Godzilla,” he said.



今回取り上げるのはfigurine /ˌfɪɡ.jəˈriːn/ です。figurが含まれているので、置物という意味を想像しました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べますと、「小立像、人形」という意味であることがわかりました。Cambridge Free English Dictionaryには “a small model of a human, usually made of clay or porcelain” と定義されておりました。さらにMerriam-Websterでも調べると “a small figure or model of a person made of wood, plastic, etc.” という説明が載っておりました。これらの意味から、粘土や磁器を材料としたやきものだけではなく、木やプラスチックでできているものもさすようです。最初はやきもののような質のものだけを表すのかと思われたので、木やプラスチックが材料のものも含まれることが意外に思いました。(aqua)

in capativity


SHIRAHAMA, Wakayama Prefecture--A female panda cub born in captivity last month made her first public appearance on Oct. 1 in the loving arms of her mother. Now, all the baby needs is a name.

The cub, the 15th panda delivered at the Adventure World zoo and theme park, weighed 197 grams at birth on Sept. 18.

After being breast-fed from her mother, 16-year-old Rauhin, the cub now weighs 515 grams and is starting to show the distinct black and white panda pattern on her pink skin.

The mother giant panda has been clutching her cub and breast-feeding around the clock.


“in capativity”を取り上げます。




10月13日(木)5時限 於10215教室
「テロと文学――9・11後のアメリカと世界」 学習院大学教授 上岡 伸雄先生

9・11、アフガン・イラク戦争を経てアメリカ社会はどう変わったか? アメリカは本当に自由の国なのか?
今現在のアメリカ社会の状況は? アップ・トゥ・デイトな問題を、アメリカの最新の文学作品(スパイ小説やミステリーを含む)を通して読み解く。

今年の学術講演会は、現代アメリカを代表する作家の翻訳で有名な上岡伸雄先生をお招きします。演題と同じタイトルの近著『テロと文学―― 9・11後のアメリカと世界』(集英社新書)は新聞や雑誌で取り上げられた話題の本。















 記事の中で気になった単語は"feckless"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)で調べると「<人が> (意志が弱く) 無能な, 甲斐性(かいしょう)のない; 役立たずの」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible"と定義されております。"feck"という方言に由来する用語のようです(Oxford Dictionaries.com)。(Ume)

US election: Trump 'fool' and Clinton 'weak', say VPs

Donald Trump was likened to a "fool or maniac" while Hillary Clinton was dismissed as "weak and feckless" in a punchy vice-presidential debate.
Democratic Virginia Senator Tim Kaine and Republican Indiana Governor Mike Pence clashed on a series of topics ranging from abortion to Russia.
But they focused their sharpest exchanges on Mrs Clinton and Mr Trump.
The running mates tangled at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia, 34 days before Americans go to the polls.
