常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

relentlessly 復習


France has held a national memorial service for the 130 people who died in the Paris attacks two weeks ago.

Some 2,600 people attended the service in central Paris, including President Francois Hollande, survivors of the attacks and victims' families.
A minute's silence was held and the names of all the victims read out.
Attackers with assault rifles and suicide belts targeted a number of sites in the capital. Islamic State later said it was behind the assault.


In his speech, President Hollande said France would "do all it can to destroy this army of fanatics"."It will operate relentlessly to protect its children." he said. "The outpouring of love from around the world has been a great comfort to us and makes us even more proud to have had Nick as our son," they added.

さっそく手持ちの辞書(『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』)で調べてみると、副詞 容赦なく<攻撃する・求めるなど>; 絶え間なく <働くなど> とあります。ODには "adverb: In an unceasingly intense way" とありました。形容詞の形 "relentless" では 1. <人などが> ≪...において≫情け容赦のない、厳しい ≪in≫; 苛酷な となります。『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』。以下、例文です。

She has campaigned relentlessly for her husband's release from prison.
(Cambridge Dictionaries)

The song is relentlessly upbeat

Tom was relentless in his pursue of evidence.
『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』

The relentless heat of the desert

関連して、"relent"となると動詞になり、1.<人が>態度を和らげる 2.<荒天などが>静まるとなります。『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』
例文: the fury of the storm relented, and the next day the sun finally broke through the clouds





Japanese making living mainly as farmers fall below 2 million mark

The number of people in the country who make their living mainly in agriculture has slipped below 2 million for the first time ever, a government survey showed Friday.
The total as of Feb. 1 this year came to 1,768,000, down 13.8 percent from the previous survey, conducted in 2010, according to the survey by the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry.
The average age of such farmers stood at 67.1, up 1.0 and topping 67 for the first time ever.
Of such farmers, those aged 65 and over accounted for 64.7 percent, up from 61.1 percent in the previous survey.


According to the quinquennial survey, farmland in the nation that has been abandoned for at least one year and has no prospect of being used for crops totaled 424,090 hectares, up about 30,000 hectares from the previous survey.


今回取り上げるのは、“quinquennial”という表現です。Merriam Websterで調べてみると、“occurring or being done every five years”という定義が見つかりました。そのため、日本語では「5年に1度、5年ごとの」を意味すると分かりました。また語源としても、“quin”が“quintet”「5人組」など単語から分かる通り「5重の、5倍の」を表しており、それに“-ennial”という接尾辞が付くことで「5年に1度」を意味するようになります。(ninetails)

cap off


MONACO (Kyodo) -- Sixteen-year-old Hakim Sani Brown became the first Japanese to capture the IAAF Rising Star Award on Thursday, capping off a breakthrough year that saw him set two meet records at the world youth championships in July.

Sani Brown, born to a Ghanaian father and a Japanese mother, posted 10.28 seconds to win the men's 100 meters and 20.34 to take out the 200 in Santiago de Cali, Colombia, breaking the 200 record held by Usain Bolt since 2003.

"I'm really happy. It's a prize so many stars have won and it hasn't really sunk in to be honest," said Sani Brown on Friday via the JAAF on the award won by Bolt in 2002 and 2003.

The teenager also reached the semifinal of the 200 at the world championships in August in Beijing as the youngest-ever Japanese competitor at the event.


とりあげる表現は“cap off”です。

この表現は何度も取り上げられてきたものになります。『ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』(大修館書店)では、「cap off : …を仕上げる、…の最後を締めくくる」とありました。主にジャーナリズムの分野で用いられるようです。LDOCEでは、“to have something very good or very bad at the end of an event”と定義されていました。よって、その部分は「大躍進の1年で締めくくる」と解釈できます。別の意味で「〈選手を〉代表に選ぶ」がありますが、これは「(選手に)帽子をかぶせる」ことから来た表現です。同様に今回の「締めくくる」は、過去の記事で「ふたをかぶせる、おおう」から来たことが紹介されていました。(Chris)


hype up#3

 記事の中で気になった句動詞は"hype up"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によるとhype (up)で「…を誇大広告する; …をだますを(麻薬の注射などによって)興奮させる」などという意味がありました。ブラックフライデーでは,商品の供給を抑えることで,顧客に対して商品の欠乏感を促し,購買を促進する店もでるようです。したがって,過年度に品不足で商品が買えなかった客が,「今年こそは」,と意気込むため,ショッピングに熱が入ってしまうと分析されておりました。(Ume)

Why do people act the way they do on Black Friday?

Key to this atmosphere is building up a sense of anticipation. Retailers have to ensure that people have heard of the offers that will be available. Black Friday needs to be turned into an event like Valentine's Day or Halloween. Retailers will use emails, adverts, social media updates, and glaring website messages in the weeks leading up to Black Friday. "It hypes people up into a kind of frenzy," says Boardman. "Their expectations are very high and they have been promised a great deal."



hype up - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
get hyped up - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

play with fire 復習


Turkey's Erdogan warns Russia not to 'play with fire'

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan warned Russia on Friday not to "play with fire", citing reports Turkish businessmen had been detained in Russia, while Moscow said it would suspend visa-free travel with Turkey.

Relations between the former Cold War antagonists are at their lowest in recent memory after Turkey shot down a Russian jet near the Syrian border on Tuesday. Russia has threatened economic retaliation, a response Erdogan has dismissed as emotional and indecorous.


「火遊する」は英語ではplay with fireですが,大統領は無論,比喩表現として用いたわけで,"to act in a way that is very dangerous and to take risks" (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus)という意味を表します。おそらくはトルコ語にも似たような表現があるのでしょう。(bookmark II)

PS Koyamamotoさんこと静岡市の市立高校の英語教師になられた先輩がお元気なときに記事を書かれていました。

Planned Parenthood center


3 Are Dead in Colorado Springs Shootout at Planned Parenthood Center

COLORADO SPRINGS — A gun battle erupted inside a Planned Parenthood center here on Friday when a man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire and began shooting at officers as they rushed to the scene. The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians, and nine were wounded before the suspect finally surrendered more than five hours after the first shots were fired.
A police official in Colorado Springs, who was not authorized to speak, identified the man in custody as Robert Lewis Dear, 59. No other information about him was available.

The police did not describe the gunman’s motives. For hours on Friday, officers traded gunfire with him inside the clinic before they were able to shout to the man and persuade him to give up, according to Lt. Catherine Buckley, a police spokeswoman.

“The perpetrator is in custody,” Mayor John Suthers said at an evening news conference. “There is a huge crime scene that has to be processed,” he said, “and we have to determine how many victims there are.”


Planned Parenthood centerは辞書にはなく,ネットで検索しました。「全米家族計画連盟」と訳されていました。これは全米で700ほどの医療センターを運営している団体で,妊娠中絶や避妊に関係する処置も行っているそうです。今回,事件が起きたコロラドスプリングフィールド医療施設もそのひとつだったとのことです。(Star-right)

pain in the a..

1984年公開の映画「恋に落ちて(Falling in Love)」から表現拾います。

Victor: Frank…Frank!
Frank: Yeah?
Victor: We are talking about Houston.
Frank Texas.
Victor: Right. Where the hell are you?
Frank: I was thinking about something.
Victor: Think about Houston. Six months, seven at the outside.
Frank: A year at least.

Victor: No way, it’s the same building.
Frank: I can’t Vic, I have family. You can find somebody there.
Victor: There’s nobody. There’s money, work.
Frank: I’m not finished here.
Victor: I need you there.
Frank: Let me think about it.
Victor: Say yes. Think about it later
Frank: That’s a commitment.
Victor: You’re pain in the ass.
Frank: But I’m worth it.

“pain in the a..”を取り上げます。G4(大修館書店)で確認してみますと「《俗》目の上のたんこぶ、頭痛の種」と書かれていました。LDOCEでは “to very annoying”と定義されていました。また、 “a..”の代わりに “neck”, “ar..”, “backside”, “butt”等の言い方もできるようです。(Inaho)


PS 妙齢の女性の希望で載せましたが,わたしは関知しません!(UG)