常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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claim a spot 復習

違法カジノ店での賭博が発覚し, 桃田賢斗選手のリオ五輪出場は見送られる見通しです。

Japanese badminton stars linked to yakuza-backed casino

The Olympic future of a Japanese badminton star is in serious jeopardy following revelations that he and another player visited an illegal casino supported by organized crime, reports NHK (April 7).

Team Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East said on Thursday that members Kento Momota, 21, and Kenichi Tago, 26, have admitted to patronizing a casino in Tokyo's Sumida Ward that provided baccarat wagering in violation of the law.

Momota, who is ranked fourth in the world, had already claimed a spot on Japan's team for this summer's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Tago was eliminated in the first round of the Olympics in London four years ago.

The illegal casino in question was busted by Tokyo Metropolitan Police in April of last year. The following month, police took Mitsuo Seki, a 60-year-old boss in the Sumiyoshi-kai organized crime group, into custody for allegedly recommending customers to the facility.


今回の表現は “claimed a spot” です。

“claim” や“spot”は馴染みのある単語ですが, うまく訳出することができなかったので, 取り上げたいと思います。

LDOCEには,"to officially demand or receive money from an organization because you have a right to it"とお金を主体とした語義がありましたが,ここは「オリンピックの枠」,いわゆる切符という意味でのspotを目的語にとっています。したがってここは「(リオ)オリンピックのバドミントン日本代表入りが確実視されていた」あたりの意味だととりました。

五輪開幕まで4か月をきった矢先の出来事で, 非常に残念です。(Cayu)

Lakers claim 16th NBA title - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から