常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。






写真はPenns Creek pottery を訪れた時のものです。作業場の隣には様々な種類の陶芸が飾ってありました。緑色、青色、茶色、オレンジ色と、色の種類も豊富でした。これらの色は、焼き入れを行う際に付ける物質が溶けて出来るものだそうです。実際に作品を作っているところを見学させていただきました。海外で日本の文化を感じる機会となりました。(Kyoka)

whitewash defeat


AI computer wins series against world Go champion

SEOUL (AFP-Jiji) — A Google-developed computer program took an unassailable 3-0 lead in its match-up with a South Korean Go grand master on Saturday — marking a major breakthrough for a new style of “intuitive” artificial intelligence (AI).

The program, AlphaGo, secured victory in the five-match series with its third consecutive win over Lee Se Dol — one of the ancient game’s greatest modern players with 18 international titles to his name.

Lee, who has topped the world ranking for much of the past decade and confidently predicted an easy victory when accepting the AlphaGo challenge, now finds himself fighting to avoid a whitewash defeat in the two remaining games on Sunday and Tuesday.


今回取り上げるのは、“whitewash defeat”という表現です。“whitewash”という単語をLDOCEで調べてみると、“an occasion in sport when one player or team defeats an opponent easily, without the opponent getting any points, goals etc”と定義されていました。また、『ジーニアス英和辞典G4』(大修館書店)でも確認してみると、「⦅略式⦆(競技などでの)零封、完封」といった意味が記載されていました。したがって、“whitewash defeat”で「完封負け」などと表せます。ちなみに、昨日第4局が行われ、プロ棋士がAlphaGoを下し、完封負けは避けられたようです。(ninetails)





National Front hopes Brexit vote will inspire Frexit campaign

There is at least one group of continental Europeans rubbing their hands with glee as they observe the drama surrounding the UK referendum on EU membership: the leadership of France’s far-right National Front.



‘Fixit’ petition pushes euro exit debate in Finland

The parliament in Finland will debate in the coming weeks whether the country should withdraw from the European single currency, according to an official cited by Reuters.




The Roots of Trumpismo: Populism and Pushback

A reality-TV-star billionaire businessman tears up the rules and vaults to the brink of the Republican nomination for president, begging the political question of the year:

What is support for Donald Trump all about?



a clean sweep for 復習


SEOUL (Reuters) -- South Korean Lee Sedol won his first match against a computer program developed by a Google subsidiary on Sunday in the ancient board game Go, denying a clean sweep for the artificial intelligence in a five-match series.

Lee, one of the world's top players and a holder of 18 international titles, recovered from three consecutive losses against the AlphaGo program developed by DeepMind.


"a clean sweep for"を取り上げます。"make a clean sweep for"で『ジーニアス英和辞典』によると「完勝する」また別の意味で「(古いものや余分なものを)一掃する」という意味がありました。LDOCEでは"a very impressive victory in a competition, election etc"と定義されています。ここでは"denying a clean sweep for"で「人工知能の完全勝利を留めた」という表現がなされていることがわかりました。


sweep#4 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
sweep to power - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
avoid sweep - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

be ahead of the curve


U.K. teen Luke Bannister leads team to win inaugural World Drone Prix in Dubai

A team led by a 15-year-old pilot from England took first place Saturday in the World Drone Prix, a new contest hoping to take flight both in this west Asian country fascinated by the technology and with sports fans worldwide.

Luke Bannister of Somerset led Tornado X-Blades Banni UK to win a $250,000 US purse, part of $1 million in prizes handed out in the inaugural edition of this race as a Cabinet-level minister announced the start of the World Future Sports Games in December 2017.

Those contests next year will include robotic swimming, running, wrestling and car racing, as well as drone flying, as this city of futuristic skylines yearns to be ahead of the curve.


“ahead of the curve”を拾い上げます。手元の英和辞典では確認できなかったこの表現ですが、Merriam-Webster Onlineでは“faster about doing something than other people, companies, etc. ”と定義されています。









biodegradable 復習


Bacteria can break down PET bottles, Japanese researchers find

Japanese scientists have discovered a bacterium that feeds on plastic bottles, overturning the long-held belief that the containers and other sources of plastic pollution are not biodegradable.

Published in the U.S. academic journal Science on March 11, the feat was achieved by researchers at the Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), Keio University and other institutions.

The prevailing theory had been that polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a synthetic resin widely used in various plastic products, is not a biodegradable material. Despite this, the scientists went on a quest to find microorganisms that decompose the material and collected soil samples from sites that contain PET particles, such as at plastic bottle recycling plants.


“biodegradable”を取り上げます。LDOCEでは“materials, chemicals etc that are biodegradable are changed naturally by bacteria into substances that do not harm the environment”と、『ジーニアス英和辞典第三版』で索引すると「《正式》〈物が〉生(物)分解性の《最近作用で無害な物質に分解できる》」と確認できます。持続可能な開発”sustainable development”が叫ばれている昨今、「生分解性」” biodegradability”がキーワードになっていくのかもしれません。(あいづ)



Quake victims remembered

Wataru Kanno offers flowers at a jetty on the Sugoroku coast in Rikuzen-Takata, Iwate Prefecture, on Friday morning for his father Tomio, who remains missing since the March 11, 2011, disaster.



今回取り上げる単語は"jetty"というものです。初めこの単語は場所を表すものではないかと文脈から推測しました。そこで『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第5版)によると、「木や石の突起、防波堤、波止場」と記されていました。また、Oxford Dictionary には"a stone wall or wooden platform built out into the sea or a river where boats are tied"と定義されていました。ここでは「海岸上の防波堤に花を手向ける」という訳が適切だと考えられます。さらにイギリス英語では、"dock"で表現されるということも合わせて押さえたいと思います。(Mt.Fuji)

bring someone to one's knees

 見出しの中で気になった表現は"bring terror to its knees"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)で調べると「<物・組織など>をだめにする, 壊滅させる」などという意味がありました。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"Reduce someone or something to a state of weakness or submission"と定義されております。"knee"が複数形になっているため,両膝をつかせ,屈服させているニュアンスが伝わります。(Ume)

Ankara bombing: President Erdogan vows to bring terror 'to its knees'

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to bring terrorism "to its knees" after an attack in the capital Ankara that killed at least 34 people.
Mr Erdogan said the suicide car bomb would serve only to strengthen the resolve of Turkey's security forces.
The explosion, in Guven Park in the Kizilay district, a key transport hub, wounded at least 125 people.
Interior Minister Efkan Ala said an investigation would conclude on Monday and those responsible would be named.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but government sources are casting suspicion on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
The Kurdish rebels have carried out a series of attacks on Turkish soil in recent months. The so-called Islamic State group has also targeted Ankara recently.
