in a technical state of war
北朝鮮は脅迫外交をさらにステップアップし、30日に韓国と「戦争状態」に突入するとの特別声明を発表しました。と言っても、両国は厳密に言うと、事実上の戦争状態が続いています。technicalは先般もその名詞形についてふれましたが、「法律[規則]上成立する、 厳密な法解釈による」という意味を表します。(UG)
NKorea Says It Is in 'A State of War' With SKorea
North Korea warned Seoul on Saturday that the Korean Peninsula was entering "a state of war" and threatened to shut down a factory complex that's the last major symbol of inter-Korean cooperation.
Analysts say a full-scale conflict is extremely unlikely, noting that the Korean Peninsula has remained in a technical state of war for 60 years. But the North's continued threats toward Seoul and Washington, including a vow to launch a nuclear strike, have raised worries that a misjudgment in how to address the warnings could lead to a clash.
The Kaesong industrial park, which is run with North Korean labor and South Korean know-how, has been operating normally, despite Pyongyang shutting down a communications channel typically used to coordinate travel by South Korean workers to and from the park just across the border in North Korea. The rivals are now coordinating the travel indirectly, through an office at Kaesong that has outside lines to South Korea.
But an identified spokesman for the North's office controlling Kaesong said Saturday that it would close the factory park if South Korea continued to undermine its dignity. Pyongyang expressed anger over media reports that suggested the factory remained open because it was a source of hard currency for the impoverished North.