常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

tepid#2 / tepid applause


Boos for director Malick's 'To the Wonder' in Venice


U.S. director Terrence Malick’s latest work “To the Wonder” failed to impress many of its first viewers at the Venice film festival on Sunday, with more than a few boos amid tepid applause.

The eagerly awaited flick with Ben Affleck, Javier Bardem, Olga Kurylenko and Rachel McAdams is ambitious in scope, exploring many forms of love through beautifully shot imagery and poetic voiceovers by its protagonists.

It starts with a love story between Affleck and Kurylenko that finds its perfect expression in the picturesque cloister garden of Mont Saint Michel in France—the “Wonder” in the film and an idyll that quickly turns sour.

The couple move to Oklahoma in the United States where they meet a priest played by Bardem, who is himself falling out of love with God as he is confronted with the poverty and misery in the underbelly of middle America.



tepidはLDOCEで”a feeling, reaction etc that is tepid shows a lack of excitement or interest ”と定義されており、「興奮や興味が欠けている」ことがわかるでしょう。そのような拍手ですからここの部分は「おざなりの拍手」と解釈できます。(Minnesota)

cold case

本日のMainichiから。以前にも取り上げましたが(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20100927/1285597231)、cold caseは「未解決事件」「迷宮(入り)事件」のこと。米国の一部の州では「時効」の意味でも用いられます。Cold caseは同時にアメリCBSで放映されていた刑事ドラマのタイトルでもあります。(UG)

Murder victim's mom joins campaign to push for information on cold cases

TOYOAKE, Aichi -- The mother of the victim in a highly-publicized kidnap-murder case is taking part in an annual campaign calling for information on the 2004 killing of a woman and her three children at their home here, it has been learned.

Fumiko Isogai, 61, the mother of Rie Isogai, who was killed in Nagoya in August 2007 at age 31 after being kidnapped, robbed and beaten by three men who met each other via a crime-soliciting site, is set to participate in a campaign this weekend calling for information on the 2004 family murder case, whose perpetrator is still unknown.




Astronauts ready for second spacewalk

The US space agency NASA says 2 astronauts will head outside of the International Space Station a second time to complete a maintenance task.

NASA said Monday that Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide and his US colleague Sunita Williams will begin their second spacewalk at around 11:00 UTC Wednesday.

The 2 astronauts will try to finish replacing a power-relay unit to secure the station's power supply. NASA said the defective unit is affecting the station's power supply.

Last week, Hoshide was unable to unbolt the faulty unit from the space station's frame within the scheduled time.

It is rare for an
astronaut to make more than one spacewalk during a stint at the station.



What if you blew it off?

今日は昼食をとりながらsit comを見ていました。What i like about you(『恋するマンハッタン』)の第1シーズンからです。1時間目が代数の授業で、朝食を取らずに妹が外へ出て行こうとするシーンで姉が言ったセリフです。
“What if you blew it off ?”
blow offはblow off dustのようにホコリなどを「吹き払う」(英辞郎on the web)イメージがつくと思います。今回のこのitは代数の授業(Algebra)をさしているため、「サボる」というニュアンスです。
LDOCEにも、blow something / someone offの形で” to treat someone or something as unimportant, for example by not meeting someone or not going to an event”とありました。

その前のシーンにもI ditched school and I drove … というセリフがありました。
ditchはinformalな語で様々な意味がありますが、その中の1つで、”American English spoken informal to not go to school, a class etc when you should” (LDOCE)とあり、これも「サボる」という意味ですね。イギリス英語のskipと同じ表現ですね。(Minnesota)

This guy's got a shot at a no-hitter today.


Yu tops Royals after showing perfect form early
Right-hander loses perfecto, no-no in sixth; Rangers hit five HRs
By T.R. Sullivan / MLB.com | 9/3/2012 7:03 PM ET

KANSAS CITY -- Royals manager Ned Yost, sitting next to bench coach Chino Cadahia, knew as early as the third inning that his team might be in trouble against Rangers starter Yu Darvish.

"In the third inning, I turned to Chino and said, 'Boy, this guy's got a shot at a no-hitter today,'" Yost said.

Rangers manager Ron Washington didn't offer any such prophecies, but certainly knew Darvish was at his best on a Labor Day afternoon at Kauffman Stadium.

"It was as good as I've seen his stuff," Washington said. "They couldn't do anything with his curveball, and his [fastball] was real crisp. He was doing everything we wanted him to do."

He just didn't get the no-hitter. Darvish did take a perfect game into the sixth before it started getting away from him, but the Rangers were able to hold on for an 8-4 victory. The Rangers hit five home runs and have now won 12 of their last 16 games.

Darvish is 3-1 with a 2.93 ERA in his last four starts after holding the Royals to three runs in seven innings. He allowed three hits and one walk -- all in the sixth inning -- while striking out six.

"I think it's coming together, or going in that direction," Darvish said. "Today I really felt my command was good. Everything is going in a good direction."




同映画祭の各賞には独特のネーミングがあります。「世界に開かれた視点」賞はthe special Openness to the World Awardの訳です。わかるような、わからないような感じです。「エキュメニカル賞特別賞」はthe Special mention of the Ecumenical juryの訳でしょうか。Ecumenicalは最初が大文字なので「全キリスト教の」という意味の専門用語ですが、キリスト教の関係のjury(ここでは審査員?)からの賞なのでしょうか。(EnDough)

Japan-Canada Movie Wins Special Award at Montreal Fest

Tokyo, Sept. 4 (Jiji Press)--The Japan-Canada joint movie "Karakara" was given the special Openness to the World Award at the 2012 Montreal World Film Festival on Monday.

The movie has been filmed by Canadian director Claude Gagnon in the southernmost Japan prefecture of Okinawa. It was sponsored by the prefectural government and local firms in Okinawa. It will be released next January.

The movie has "presented a situation where the protagonists reach a better level of understanding, not only at the personal level, the cultural level," a press release at the film festival said.

Through a vote by the public, the movie also won the Cinematheque quebecoise Public Award for the most popular Canadian Feature Film.

The Japanese movie "Dearest (Anatae)" directed by Yasuo Furuhata and starring Ken Takakura, 81, was awarded the Special mention of the Ecumenical jury for giving a vivid picture of humanity.



パシフィックリーグ西武ライオンズが息を吹き返し、お盆明けには首位をつかみました。JTの記事ではそれをpounceという動詞をつかって表現してありました。pounceは、動物や猛禽類が「急に飛びかかる」("to make a sudden assault or approach"--Webster)という意味で、まさにライオンが獲物めがけて跳躍した様を彷彿させます(ちょっと親父ギャグ的ではありますが)。なお、この動詞が人に向けられたときには「(人の欠点・誤りなどを)責めたてる 」という意味にもなります。(Koyamamoto)

Lions pounce at right time to take control of Pacific League

All season the Seibu Lions have put the 'cats have nine lives' theory to the test, and so far the Pacific League's resident felines are still kicking.

On June 4, the Lions were 19-27-1 and in last place, 11 games behind the first place Chiba Lotte Marines, with an awful offense and a pitching staff that was somehow even worse.

Today, those same Lions are atop the standings with a shot at completing a run from basement to penthouse in the PL. The Lions have already pulled off one unlikely feat, becoming the fifth team to reach first place after being nine games below .500 at one point during a season, according to Nikkan Sports.




ちなみにwatermarksは「すかしの紙、すかし模様」のことです。この単語なんか英語で言い換えろと言われると大変ですね。Websterには”a marking in paper resulting from differences in thickness usually produced by pressure of a projecting design in the mold or on a processing roll and visible when the paper is held up to the light"という定義がありました。(EnDough)

City makes 'Doraemon' an official resident 100 years before supposed birth

KAWASAKI -- One hundred years before the comic character "Doraemon" is supposed to be born, this city made him an official resident, awarding a residential record in his honor on Sept. 3.

The event was planned in conjunction with the one year anniversary of the opening of the Fujiko F. Fujio Museum here, located in the same area where Doraemon author Fujiko F. Fujio lived for many years.

In the comic, Doraemon is said to have been born on Sept. 3, 2112. In the residential record created for him, his address is listed as that of the museum, and his family members are listed as characters from the comic such as Nobi Nobita and Dorami, along with his background information and favorite food of dorayaki.

Based on Doraemon's height of 129.3 cm and weight of 129.3 kilograms, the city will distribute 129,300 copies of Doraemon's residential record to locations like governmental offices, and it can be downloaded from the city's homepage until the end of this month. Furthermore, for the next year, official forms like copies of residents' records will be given with watermarks of Doraemon or another character called Perman.

Around 1,000 people gathered at the ceremony at the museum to give Doraemon his residential record. Mayor Takao Abe handed the record to Zensho Ito, museum curator, and said, "Doraemon is the most internationally known Kawasaki resident. I would like for him to give courage and hope as a sightseeing and cultural ambassador."



私にとってのアイルランド出身のロックスターは元Thin Lizzyの故フィル・ライノット以外考えられません。そこまでロックを聴かなくなった今でもThin Lizzyやフィルの曲は未だに聴きたくなります。彼は、アイルランドのロック史上で、最高のシンガーであり、ベーシストであり、作詞・作曲家でした。とくにアイルランド民謡とNWOBHMを合わせた音楽は斬新で、解散以降にファンになった私の心を掴んで話しません。

そんなフィルがロムニー氏の選挙活動にて応援歌として使われています。そういえば、彼はアメリカのRage Against the Machineというバンドが好きなんて言っていましたが、Rageが主張するのは、ロムニー氏の主張とは正反対のことです。楽曲にある言説をよく理解しないで人気取りの発言は自分の首を締めます。

さて、記事にあるpro-richですが、これはpro「賛成」とrichを合わせた造語で、ロムニー氏の目指す税政についてよく形容されます(記事では、強調箇所)。わたしの持っている辞書にはありませんでした。なお、記事にあるフィルのお母様による説明に加え、The Weekの記事(こちら)を参照するとわかりやすいでしょう。(Othello)

Phil Lynott's mother objects to Mitt Romney using Thin Lizzy's music

Philomena Lynott says her son would not have approved of the Republican campaign's anti-gay and pro-rich policies

The mother of Irish rock legend Phil Lynott has objected to the Mitt Romney campaign using Thin Lizzy's music at last week's Republican National Convention.

Philomena Lynott said her son would not have approved of the US Republicans playing the Thin Lizzy anthem "The Boys Are Back In Town" at Romney's nomination as presidential candidate.

She said that the late Thin Lizzy front man would have rejected any association with the Republicans particularly the Christian right wing of the party.

The Dublin woman told the Irish music magazine "Hot Press" that she was upset that one of her son's most famous rock songs was used by the Republicans to endorse Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan.

The Thin Lizzy singer would have opposed the Republican anti-gay and pro-rich policies, she said. Instead she believed her son would have backed Barack Obama.

She told the magazine: "As far as I am concerned, Mitt Romney's opposition to gay marriage and to civil unions for gays makes him anti-gay – which is not something that Philip would have supported. He had some wonderful gay friends, as indeed I do, and they deserve equal treatment in every respect, whether in Ireland or the United States.

"Neither would Philip have supported his policy of taxing the poor and offering tax cuts to the rich, which Paul Ryan is advocating. There is certainly no way that I would want the Lynott name to be associated with any of those ideas.

"There is nothing I can do about it except express my views," Philomena Lynott added, "but I do want to be clear that I would not want Philip's music to be used in any way that could hurt a single person, and this is the effect of what happened with Paul Ryan using and abusing my son's music in that way. A lot of fans and musicians are very angry about it and I can fully understand why.

"There is a black president of America, which to me – as it would have been to Philip, as a proud, black Irishman – is wonderfully symbolic.

I have a lot of time for Barack Obama, so to hear 'The Boys Are Back in Town' being appropriated by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in their campaign against him is deeply upsetting."

The now 81-year-old Philomena Lynott wrote a best-selling autobiography My Boy about the extraordinarily difficult times she and Philip endured in the UK and Ireland at the beginning of the '50s, following Philip's birth in 1949.


meet record

ロンドン・パラリンピックが開幕して5日目,競泳女子100メートル背泳ぎ(視覚障害S11)で,秋山里奈選手が金メダルを獲得しました。The Daily Yomiuri Onlineにあった記事の見出しから英語表現を拾います。

Akiyama gets gold in meet record
LONDON--Rina Akiyama won the gold medal in the women's 100-meter backstroke for the visually impaired class 1 in a meet record of 1 minute 19.50 seconds at the London Paralympics on Sunday night.

meetには名詞で「運動競技会」という意味があり,a track meet(陸上競技会)やa baseball meet(野球大会)のように用いられます(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。よって今回のmeet recordは「大会(新)記録」のことを指しています。(Koyamamoto)


The Japan Times onlineから英語表現を拾います。最近になって脂肪燃焼に効果があると言われているトマトですが、メタボを気にする中高年だけでなく若い女性にも人気があるようです。

Tomato boom goes beyond tastes as consumers look to trim waists

Tomatoes and tomato juice are selling well on hopes such foods can help combat metabolic syndrome.

The boom looks to last, given the growing popularity of tomatoes not only among middle-aged and senior citizens worried about body fat, but also younger women, analysts said.

The Omori store of Ito-Yokado Co. says it always stocks 20 different tomato varieties.

"We purchase and retail tomatoes both for raw consumption and cooking," said a salesclerk at the store.

More customers are buying yellow and orange varieties to add color to dishes, the clerk said.

The craze was heightened after a Kyoto University team in a joint research project announced in February that tomatoes contain substances capable of ameliorating abnormalities of lipid metabolism, such as fatty liver and high-level neutral fat.


今回取り上げる表現はameliorateです。ameliorateは「(ひどい状態から)〜を改良する、改善する」という意味(『ジーニアス英和辞典』、第4版、大修館書店)でimproveと同じ意味があります。この単語は反対語のdeteriorateと共にジャーナリズムで好まれて使われます。LDOCEで語義を確認すると、フォーマルな表現で"to make a bad situation better or less harmful"とありました。