常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

mea culpa 復習


Tricked into porn: Japanese actresses step out of the shadows

“I couldn’t take off my clothes. All I could do was cry,” she told AFP, adding that she saw no way out of her dire situation.

“There were about 20 people around me, waiting. No woman could say ‘no’ when they’re surrounded like that,” she said.

Kozai, now 30, is among a growing number women who are stepping out of the shadows to say they were forced to work in Japan’s multi-billion-dollar porn industry.

Adult films are widely available in Japan, which has a relatively liberal attitude toward pornography.

But the industry’s dark side is rarely discussed, nor are the rights of those who work in it.

Accusations that women were made to perform in sometimes brutal sex scenes, on film against their will, prompted the industry to issue an unprecedented apology and promise change.

The surprise mea culpa followed the June arrest of three Tokyo talent agents accused of forcing a woman to appear in more than 100 pornographic videos.



今回取り上げる表現は、 “mea culpa”です。英語以外の言語が元になっているのではないかと考えました。

Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press) によると、 “used as an acknowledgement of one’s fault or error”とのことでした。語源はラテン語で、 “by my fault”という意味にあたるそうです。



False mea culpa - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

mea culpa #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

bird's-eye view 復習


200,000 flowers create giant image of Obama in Hiroshima

SERA, Hiroshima Prefecture--Two hundred thousand red, white and blue salvia flowers have been used here to create a giant picture depicting U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Hiroshima.

“We want this picture to convey the desire for peace from Hiroshima where Obama made the historic visit,” said Tatsuya Ohata, 32, senior managing director of the Sera Yurien lily park.

The Atomic Bomb Dome, an origami crane and kanji characters for the word “peace” are also included in the image, measuring about 100 meters by 50 meters.

Obama left behind four paper cranes, a symbol of peace, he had made when he visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in May.

Visitors can enjoy a bird's-eye view of the large-scale artwork from a hill in the park throughout October.


今回取り上げる表現は “bird's-eye view” です。直訳すると鳥の目の景色となりますが、なんとなく高いところから見ているイメージがわきます。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「1(普通は単数形で)鳥瞰図(鳥の目で上から見下ろしたときのような全体の概観図)(of, over) 2(単数形で)概観、大要(of)」という意味が載っておりました。Merriam-Websterには “a view from a high angle as if seen by a bird in flight” という意味と “an overall or cursory look at something” という意味の両方が定義されていました。鳥のように上空から全体を見るイメージから、ものごとの細かい部分ではなく、大まかに見た全体の有様を表すときにも使われるようです。

bird's eye view - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

There was no rhyme or reason to

Air Milesという会社のポイント交換の製品に会員のランクによって違いがあったため,利用者から批判を受けたようです。

Air Miles backs down, alters rewards program under pressure from collectors

After hearing complaints from customers this summer, Air Miles tells CBC News it has changed the rules of its loyalty program.
The company explains that it previously gave members access to different rewards based on their individual personal preferences.

The loyalty program tells CBC News that "from time to time," up until the new change, it based what rewards people could access according to their personal preferences and shopping habits "to give collectors a tailored experience."
That explanation doesn't make sense to Wells. "There was no rhyme or reason to what I was seeing in my husband's account and my father's account. They were just random things. Like, neither of them have babies, but there was baby stuff."


今回取り上げる表現は,“there is no rhyme or reason to”です。“rhyme”には,「韻」や「押韻」などの意味がありますが,上記の表現になると,どのような意味になるのでしょうか。

ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)を確認してみると,“there’s no rhyme or reason to[for]”で「に対してまったく意味を成さない」,「筋道が立っていない」と定義されていました。さらにCollins Dictionaryを調べてみたところ,“rhyme or reason”で“sense, logic, or meaning”とあります。ここでは,過去を表しており,「口座を確認した意味がなかった」などとなるのではないでしょうか。

またこれに関連して,“without rhyme or reason”という表現もあり,意味は,「わけもなく」,「なんの道理も説明なく」です。(Nao)

laureate 復習


Nobel laureate Ohsumi spreads good luck with four-leaf clovers

YOKOHAMA--Nobel Prize laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi has sharp eyes even without his beloved microscope--he has an amazing knack at spotting four-leaf clovers.

“I like to walk looking down in search of something rather than just walking straight,” said Ohsumi, who was awarded this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for finding the mechanism of a process called autophagy.

The 71-year-old claims he can spot in 10 minutes' time about five stalks of the clover, which is said to bring good luck.

He then gives the clover stalks to students and staff members at Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he is an honorary professor of cell biology.

He finds them during strolls around the Suzukakedai Campus in Yokohama.

Mari Honda, a university employee, has kept some stalks Ohsumi gave her in June this year.

“I think he gave me these as he was so happy to find so many and wanted to surprise someone,” Honda recalls. “He is just like a little boy.”


今回取り上げる表現は、“laureate”です。『ウィズダム英和辞典』(第3版、三省堂)を引いたところ、「栄誉を与えられた人、(大きな賞の)受賞者」とありました。例として表題にもなっている“a Nobel laureate”「ノーベル賞受賞者」が示されていました。

LDOCEでは、“someone who has been given an important prize or honour, especially the Nobel prize”と定義されていました。

“laureate”の語源はラテン語の“laure tus”にあり、「月桂冠をいただいた」という意味です。“laureate”にも「月桂冠を与えられた」という意味があります。「月桂冠」はよくギリシャの彫像やギリシャ神話の絵画などで目にしますが、古代ギリシャでは競技の優勝者などに被らせて賞賛の意を表するために用いられていました。転じて、最も名誉ある地位を指す言葉として「月桂冠」は用いられます。「月桂樹、月桂冠」を表す“laurel”にも同様に「名誉、栄光」という意味があり、それらから“laureate”の意味は成り立っています。(Blue Sky)

laureate - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

laureate #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

pungent #2


Osaka sushi chain apologizes for using too much wasabi in foreign customers' orders

TOKYO — A Japanese sushi chain has apologized after it admitted to heaping excess dollops of the pungent root into foreign customers’ food.

Osaka-based Ichibazushi issued the apology on its website Sunday, but denied discrimination was at play.

It insisted that the wasabi-laced sushi was a response to many foreign-born patrons ordering extra portions of the fiery green paste used a condiment for the raw fish dish.


今回取り上げるのは、“pungent”という表現です。この単語をCambridge Dictionary Onlineで調べてみると、“A pungent smell or taste is very strong, sometimes unpleasantly strong”と定義されていました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)でも確認すると、「(味覚・嗅覚を)強く刺激する、ひりっと〔つんと〕する」と記載されており、まさに「わさび」を連想させる単語だと感じました。記事では“the pungent root”で「わさび」を表しています。


pungent stench - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から


2016年 明治学院大学英文学科卒業生英語教員の会
(英語教育ワークショップ:MGU ELT Workshop)

日時 : 2016年12月3日(土) 14:30〜
会場 : 明治学院大学白金校舎 2号館2302教室

受付 14:30〜15:00 (2302教室前)

1. 英文学科主任挨拶 (15:00〜15:10)
明治学院大学英文学科主任 笹田 直人

2. 英語教育ワークショップ (15:10〜17:00)
テーマ 「こんな英語教師に習いたい」
講師 田口 徹(千代田区立九段中等教育学校主任教諭)

3. 閉会行事 (17:00〜17:10)
感想発表 (代表学生2名)

up to one’s eyes in

ノーベル生理学・医学賞に選ばれた大隅良典教授の人生をかけた研究と, その人柄が語られています。

Beard symbolizes Ohsumi’s life in research

Yoshinori Ohsumi’s beard is one of the signature features of the 2016 Nobel Prize laureate for Physiology or Medicine, and reflects the length of his life as a researcher.

Ohsumi began growing his beard in his late 20s. “It’s gradually become totally white,” he said at a Monday press conference after the announcement of the award.

The scientist said his wife, Mariko, advised him to tidy up the beard Monday morning. “So I shortened it just a bit,” Ohsumi said.


“I understand he was up to his eyes in work. Nevertheless, he really didn’t get involved in raising the kids,” she recalled.

“My husband is a sloppy and mysterious person,” Mariko said. “I always wondered how a lazy, careless person like him could be successful in his experiments. I’m so much more organized,” she said jokingly.



今回取り上げる表現は “up to his eyes in” です。

リーダーズ英和中辞典』(研究社)で調べると, “up to the [one’s] eyes” = “<口> up to the ears” と記されていたため, 後者の表現を引いたところ, 「<口><仕事に>没頭して, 忙殺されて」とありました。 “~ears” の後に “in” が続くと, 「…が山ほどあって, …に埋もれて」という表現になるそうです。

Cambridge Dictionary. には “be up to your ears in something” で, “to be very busy, or to have more of something than you can manage” と定義され, “I’m up to my ears in work.” と例が挙げられていました。

大隅教授は長年にわたり, 妻・万里子さんに支えられながら, 自身の研究に向かって一心不乱に取り組み, 今回のような大輪を咲かせたことがわかります。(Cayu)



Nishikori forced to default at Japan Open

In what evolved into a battle between Kei Nishikori and his body, the latter won.

Top-seeded Nishikori was forced to retire from his second-round match against Portugal’s Joao Sousa while leading 4-3 in the first set due to a lower back injury on Wednesday at the Rakuten Japan Open in Tokyo.

Nishikori, the world No. 5 who won the tournament in 2012 and 2014, had swept the first three games, breaking the 34th-ranked Sousa twice, but then took a medical timeout to receive courtside massage treatment on his lower back.

In the first career meeting between the two, Nishikori managed to hold serve to go ahead 4-0, but it was obvious his movement was being limited, and Sousa took the next three games. With the score 15-30 on his serve in the eighth game, Nishikori called it a day, much to the disappointment of the crowd at Ariake Colosseum.


偶然にもついこの間の裏ゼミで、英検の問題を解いている際に「臀部」という語彙が出てきました。“rump”という単語でしたが、記事のなかでは“lower back”と記されており、別の記事でもrumpとは記載されておらず、少し残念でした。(lua)

opioid #2

 記事の中で気になった単語は"opioid"です。Oxford Dictionaries.comには"A compound resembling opium in addictive properties or physiological effects"と定義されております。"opioid"は「麻薬性鎮痛薬やその関連合成鎮痛薬などのアルカロイドおよびモルヒネ様活性を有する内因性または合成ペプチド類の総称である。」というもののようです(ガイドライン|日本緩和医療学会 - Japanese Society for Palliative Medicine)。(Ume)

Girl alerts bus driver to parents' death from apparent overdose

Authorities told WPXI they had responded to a suspected heroin overdose on the same street hours earlier, underscoring the epidemic of drug overdoses in both Allegheny County and nationwide.
Last year, there were 422 opioid-overdose deaths in Allegheny County, which includes McKeesport and Pittsburgh, a recent county health department report. found.
Across the country, more than 28,000 people died from overdoses of opioids such as heroin and prescription pain relievers in 2014, which was more than any year on record, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention
The national problem with drug overdose made headlines last month when Ohio police released a graphic photo of a couple overdosing on heroin while the woman's four-year-old son sat in the backseat.


opioid - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から