常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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holster 復習


Police officer loses gun during Abe visit

A young male police officer of the Wakayama prefectural police temporarily lost his pistol on Friday after dropping it onto the road while he was leaning out of one of the vehicles in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s motorcade, it was announced Saturday.

The prefectural police did not immediately make the incident public to local residents.

The pistol was discovered by a male resident living nearby, who passed the item on to the police 80 minutes after it had been lost, according to the prefectural police, which added that the incident did not affect security for Abe, who was campaigning in Wakayama for the upcoming Liberal Democratic Party presidential election.

The incident took place at around 7:50 p.m. on Friday when the police officer, who is in his 20s and belongs to the prefectural police’s riot squad, was getting into the front passenger seat of the last vehicle in the motorcade. Wearing regular clothing, the officer was carrying his pistol in a holster under his left armpit. When he leaned out of the window to signal to traffic to hold back, the buckle of the holster got caught on the frame of the window and the pistol dropped onto the road, according to the prefectural police.



holster /hóʊlstɚ/ を取り上げます。the officer was carrying his pistol in a holsterとあることから、銃をしまっておく入れ物であることがわかります。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「ホルスター(腰、肩などに下げるピストルの革ケース)」とありました。

 LDOCEには “a leather object for carrying a small gun, that is worn on a belt” と定義されています。小型の銃を入れ、ベルトにつけて身に付けるようです。
